I went to the batting cages last night and my back is killing me today. It's pretty sad when you do minimal activity and it makes you sore! Wow, I must be in pretty good shape. My softball team made the playoff's, which is completely comical to me because, well, we suck. But we decided it might be a good idea to do a little practicing. It's always funny when we end up in the playoff's seeing as our main objective is getting together, eating pizza and wings and drinking beer. Oh well, I guess this is just a bonus.
So, there seems to be a problem with my neighborhood being targeted by door-to-door solicitors in the summer time. It is seriously out of control. In the last two weeks there have been at least 6 people that have come to our door and who knows how many come by during the day when we're not home. Isn't door to door anything kind of odd in this day and age? I mean, seriously, it's not only dangerous for the home owner but also the solicitor. And it's so fucking annoying. The Hubby is so funny, he literally looks at them out the window and doesn't get up to open the door. My dumb ass tends to always leave the screen door open but locked so the pooch can look out so they use that as an invitation to come up to the door. My tactic is to have the dog next to me barking her face off to perhaps scare them, deter them, make them leave. Oddly, NO ONE GETS THE HINT! One woman yesterday, who by the way had multiple missing teeth, told me, "oh, I'm used to talking over dogs and kids". I was like, well, I'm not and I need to take this dog out before she pees on the floor or attacks you...She kind of got the hint then. Apparently someone called the cops on the people yesterday. I saw a police car go down our street but then when I was leaving the neighborhood I saw the crazy bitches as someone else's door so it doesn't look like that even does any good. A few days ago when I "worked from home" I saw a guy walking back and forth in front of my house contemplating coming up to the door of a house with a large, barking dog. He chose correctly but that's just plain scary to me. Get away from my house and my neighborhood you creep. The one's that kill me are the one's that get aggressive or pissed when you tell them that you won't be giving them any money. It's really kind of frightening. Is there anything you can do about this kind of problem? Every time summer comes around it's like they swarm!
Anyway, things are blah. Who fucking cares. I may skip out on Thursday and make it a pool day since I seem to have no boss right now nor does anyone seem to care what I do, where I am, if I'm coming or going...la la la! I guess I should enjoy it huh?
It's a beautiful, Sunny, Summer day out! HAPPY TUESDAY EVERYONE!
So, there seems to be a problem with my neighborhood being targeted by door-to-door solicitors in the summer time. It is seriously out of control. In the last two weeks there have been at least 6 people that have come to our door and who knows how many come by during the day when we're not home. Isn't door to door anything kind of odd in this day and age? I mean, seriously, it's not only dangerous for the home owner but also the solicitor. And it's so fucking annoying. The Hubby is so funny, he literally looks at them out the window and doesn't get up to open the door. My dumb ass tends to always leave the screen door open but locked so the pooch can look out so they use that as an invitation to come up to the door. My tactic is to have the dog next to me barking her face off to perhaps scare them, deter them, make them leave. Oddly, NO ONE GETS THE HINT! One woman yesterday, who by the way had multiple missing teeth, told me, "oh, I'm used to talking over dogs and kids". I was like, well, I'm not and I need to take this dog out before she pees on the floor or attacks you...She kind of got the hint then. Apparently someone called the cops on the people yesterday. I saw a police car go down our street but then when I was leaving the neighborhood I saw the crazy bitches as someone else's door so it doesn't look like that even does any good. A few days ago when I "worked from home" I saw a guy walking back and forth in front of my house contemplating coming up to the door of a house with a large, barking dog. He chose correctly but that's just plain scary to me. Get away from my house and my neighborhood you creep. The one's that kill me are the one's that get aggressive or pissed when you tell them that you won't be giving them any money. It's really kind of frightening. Is there anything you can do about this kind of problem? Every time summer comes around it's like they swarm!
Anyway, things are blah. Who fucking cares. I may skip out on Thursday and make it a pool day since I seem to have no boss right now nor does anyone seem to care what I do, where I am, if I'm coming or going...la la la! I guess I should enjoy it huh?
It's a beautiful, Sunny, Summer day out! HAPPY TUESDAY EVERYONE!
At 1:32 PM, July 31, 2007,
Oh great One said…
I've seen people put up "No Solicitors" signs on their door. I have no idea if it really works or not.
I would keep the screen door locked. If you do get some creepy person you know they won't try to get thier foot in the door cuz it's locked!
At 2:27 PM, July 31, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
it just baffles me OGO - I mean, would you even come any closer if a big black dog was barking non stop? I love animals and I would STILL take that as a hint to walk away! These people are NUTS
At 9:10 PM, July 31, 2007,
Sassy said…
Argh! We've had so many people to the door too! Last night in fact someone came trying to get us to get a free estimate on new windows. I had to call him out on his stupidity for coming around this neighbourhood. They are all brand new houses. Most of the time I just leave the door even if they can see me.
At 10:24 AM, August 01, 2007,
Andi said…
Wow, I don't think I've ever had a solicitor problem (one of the ups of living in the sticks). Just the occasional Jehovah's Witness to whom I say, "I'm living in sin with my boyfriend," and then I hiss. They go away.
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