Okay, so it seems more and more these days that posts made on blogs need to be very generic as to not offend anyone and it's pissing me off. I mean, why have your own personal blog if you're not allowed to post whatever you feel without the threat of possibly getting yourself or others in "trouble"? Twice last week I was either involved in or heard of blog posts causing huge problems for people, but what I am referring to here are my posts from last week. You know, the one's that just happened to dissapear...
It seems that someone at some company didn't particularly appreciate my comments about some comedian. The odd thing is I had nothing but good things to say about the comedian and his performance. My only regret is that my "comments" could have potentially gotten an employee in unnecessary "trouble" which to be honest I still don't quite understand. The whole situation was definitely blown way out of proportion and is totally lame, as are the people with the complaints, but hey, thanks for searching the net and giving my piddly little blog some hits and some hype. I appreciate it. I debated about even posting anything about this and decided that I would. Still not sure if it's the right thing to do but I guess I'll find out and so will you if I have to pull this off my blog at some point too. I would rather keep my self respect knowing that I didn't harm anyone with my cheesy little blog post, that I'm still shocked anyone is even reading, than succumb to "the man", and yes, "someone" you are now in the category of "the man" and not in a good way. So, note to self - filter things you say on your own personal blog...hmmmm sounds silly huh?
It seems that someone at some company didn't particularly appreciate my comments about some comedian. The odd thing is I had nothing but good things to say about the comedian and his performance. My only regret is that my "comments" could have potentially gotten an employee in unnecessary "trouble" which to be honest I still don't quite understand. The whole situation was definitely blown way out of proportion and is totally lame, as are the people with the complaints, but hey, thanks for searching the net and giving my piddly little blog some hits and some hype. I appreciate it. I debated about even posting anything about this and decided that I would. Still not sure if it's the right thing to do but I guess I'll find out and so will you if I have to pull this off my blog at some point too. I would rather keep my self respect knowing that I didn't harm anyone with my cheesy little blog post, that I'm still shocked anyone is even reading, than succumb to "the man", and yes, "someone" you are now in the category of "the man" and not in a good way. So, note to self - filter things you say on your own personal blog...hmmmm sounds silly huh?
At 5:06 PM, January 29, 2007,
Cold Hands said…
holy crap girl! WTF?
They need to get lives!
How was your weekend?
At 5:11 PM, January 29, 2007,
peachy said…
I didn't realize your posts were gone. You're not in trouble though, right?
It's not your fault Jim Gaffigan left the show early. You were upset about it. I'm sure others were too.
At 5:49 PM, January 29, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
Right on Sista's! I mean seriously, I debated about bringing this up again b/c I didn't want anyone to get in any "trouble" but for fuck's sake this is MY BLOG! I am some lame chick who writes lame blog posts about my lame life and I really, after feeling bad about it for a minute, just became angry and pissed off. Get off my blog if you don't like what I have to say. OY! So dumb. Anyway...back to my very interesting and juicy blogging! I'm KING OF THE WORLD BITCHES!
At 5:51 PM, January 29, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
Oh and no, I'm not in trouble that I know of unless the blogger fed's are waiting for me at home. Dun Dun Dunnnn! If I don't come back tomorrow I've been incarserated (sp?) in bloggie jail...
At 8:41 PM, January 29, 2007,
Sassy said…
It's silly.
You can't please 100% of people 100% of the time. If they don't like what they are reading they can move on.
I too didn't realize your posts had gone missing. What is this blog world coming too?
At 9:18 PM, January 29, 2007,
Andi said…
Blogger ate my post! The condense version: damn the man! The man is a pain in the ass!
At 8:23 PM, January 30, 2007,
Calvin said…
you're right.. i think it's happening way too often now.. either people writing 'soft' posts where they are being very ambivalent about their opinions, or else people leaving 'safe' comments, so as to not raise any sort of debate..
let's make a blogger pact, we won't play politically correct.. what say?!
At 1:19 PM, January 31, 2007,
Oh great One said…
I was oblivious to any issues going on! I'm sorry if I'd have known I'd have come to your defense! I don't remember anything you said being ugly or hurtful to anyone. Some people just like to use the anonymity of the internet to stir up trouble. Don't let them get to you. It's your points of view that attracted me to your site in the first place! If you censor yourself then, you aren't being you. YOU are what we come here for.
*freakin idiots trying to screw things up for the rest of us!. Why I oughta.....*
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