The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Monday, January 08, 2007

Birth Day

Well, it seems there are quite a few very important birthdays today. The first being a True American Original. That's right, the one, the only...thank you...thank you very much...Elvis Presley!

Another American Original that was also born on this very day was...some love him, some hate him, we all agree that he was very influencing and that today is his birthday, that's right, President Richard Nixon.

(love this picture! it's a classic)

And last, but by no mean least, my husband, another true American Original. Yesterday we had a handful, or maybe a few more, family and friends over to celebrate a day that brought us all one of our most favoritest people in the whole world. I'm so happy to be a part of his life and I'm going to use this day (although I pretty much spoiled him yesterday...and the day before) to let him know how much he's appreciated. I love you baby. Happy Birthday Mr. Funky!!!

P.S. to all the ladies, apparently leaving the boots on is very sexy...rraaarrrr!


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