I hope everyone had a groovy weekend. The Hubby and I went to the beach for the first part of the weekend to hang with my parents and some friends. Going to the beach in the "winter" is always great for shopping! All of the surf shops were having great sales and we all walked away with things that we don't need, can't afford but were 50% off so why not, right? I did get a lovely new coat for only $45!! Here is a picture of it. Not the best pic because it's so much more attractive in person but you get the picture.
When we went into another one of the surf shops we walked around the store, tried things on and were pretty much alone until we realized that the store clerk was asleep, or should I say, passed out behind the counter. He slept through almost our whole visit. We could have backed the car up to the doors and unloaded the whole store and this dude would have never known. When we were ready to pay he jolted up some how and asked in his best stoner voice, "Dude...how long was I out man?" I bet his boss would have been really happy to see how his store was being managed, whatevs. I did manage to snap a few shots of the stoner.
Yesterday TSO and I hit the malls, Target, etc to do some returns and the other hellacious things you have to do after the holidays. I've discovered something that I was hoping to never know...My husband is not fun to shop with. He gets all aggravated and impatient (as do I) but he makes me feel uneasy and in a rush. But, I've always been a shop alone kind of girl anyway. I don't like shopping with anyone. I do enjoy grocery shopping with my hubby tho, that's the only type.
Last night I went to my friend Sarah's house. She had a "Golden Globes Party". It was really a bunch of girls eating junk food, drinking wine and talking about how all of the celebrities looked. We've come to the conclusion that divorce in Hollywood does a body good. All of the divorced peeps looked the best; Reese Witherspoon, Alec Baldwin, Brad Pitt, etc... The "fug's" of the evening in my opinion were Cameron Diaz - Barf-o-rama! She looked hideous. Pale skin, black hair, a pale colored dress and bright red lipstick - ewww what a nightmare! Sienna Miller - YUCK, and Brittney Spears...Oh wait, she wasn't there she's just a train wreck all the time!
Anyway, enough of my commentary. Hope you all have a nice weekend!
When we went into another one of the surf shops we walked around the store, tried things on and were pretty much alone until we realized that the store clerk was asleep, or should I say, passed out behind the counter. He slept through almost our whole visit. We could have backed the car up to the doors and unloaded the whole store and this dude would have never known. When we were ready to pay he jolted up some how and asked in his best stoner voice, "Dude...how long was I out man?" I bet his boss would have been really happy to see how his store was being managed, whatevs. I did manage to snap a few shots of the stoner.
Last night I went to my friend Sarah's house. She had a "Golden Globes Party". It was really a bunch of girls eating junk food, drinking wine and talking about how all of the celebrities looked. We've come to the conclusion that divorce in Hollywood does a body good. All of the divorced peeps looked the best; Reese Witherspoon, Alec Baldwin, Brad Pitt, etc... The "fug's" of the evening in my opinion were Cameron Diaz - Barf-o-rama! She looked hideous. Pale skin, black hair, a pale colored dress and bright red lipstick - ewww what a nightmare! Sienna Miller - YUCK, and Brittney Spears...Oh wait, she wasn't there she's just a train wreck all the time!
Anyway, enough of my commentary. Hope you all have a nice weekend!
At 3:22 PM, January 16, 2007,
Oh great One said…
I love your coat!
I ENJOY grocery shopping with my hubby but it isn't good for the wallet. We end up buying way more than is on my list!
At 4:59 PM, January 17, 2007,
Sassy said…
Great coat.
Even better shot of the stoner. Well done!
At 10:57 PM, January 17, 2007,
Chick said…
Great coat...I wish I could do double breasted styles like that...they tend to make me look even shorter.
Can you believe those fugly actresses pay thousands of bucks to stylists that leave them looking like that? I think Drew Barrymore looked stunning...except for that hideous fake tan...eeek.
At 7:13 PM, January 18, 2007,
peachy said…
Reese Witherspoon is always a class act, whether she's married or not. She's so pretty too.
I saw some pictures in the paper, and didn't watch any of the awards stuff. Cameron Diaz looked a mess.
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