Still tired...
So, I don't know what my problem is but I am freakin exhausted. I went out this weekend, in fairly normal fashion. I mean, it hasn't been years since I stayed up until 4am partying or anything like that so why? Why can I not wake up in the morning (I had to MAKE myself get up at 8:30 this morning!) ? Why am I feeling like I've been run over by a truck? And why do I feel as though my brain won't function?
I won't go into details about the weekend because really, it's not that interesting. A couple of night's out with friends. The three day hangover really seems almost unnecessary. But, if anyone has any good advice as to how to get my mojo back I would appreciate it. I can't even fathom going to the gym. Just putting my shorts over my ass is seeming a little too high energy right now.
Now, to the wedding part of the post...
The Sweet One and I have figured out how to get more money for our wedding. Here's how it works and it's actually quite simple...involve your parents. Involve them in every minute, boring, pathetic detail and they will throw money at you. That's all they want people. They want to feel like they are being consulted and involved in every step. It makes them feel good, it makes them feel important and all gooshy inside and it makes them want to open up their wallets.
On another note, I found the dress I want my bridesmaids to wear. If you don't like it shut your mouths and keep it to your self. If you do like it then I like you! Here it is:
No my bridesmaids won't be wearing the bucket hat, Yes I will require them to stand with one leg kicked behind them during the entire ceremony!
I won't go into details about the weekend because really, it's not that interesting. A couple of night's out with friends. The three day hangover really seems almost unnecessary. But, if anyone has any good advice as to how to get my mojo back I would appreciate it. I can't even fathom going to the gym. Just putting my shorts over my ass is seeming a little too high energy right now.
Now, to the wedding part of the post...
The Sweet One and I have figured out how to get more money for our wedding. Here's how it works and it's actually quite simple...involve your parents. Involve them in every minute, boring, pathetic detail and they will throw money at you. That's all they want people. They want to feel like they are being consulted and involved in every step. It makes them feel good, it makes them feel important and all gooshy inside and it makes them want to open up their wallets.
On another note, I found the dress I want my bridesmaids to wear. If you don't like it shut your mouths and keep it to your self. If you do like it then I like you! Here it is:
No my bridesmaids won't be wearing the bucket hat, Yes I will require them to stand with one leg kicked behind them during the entire ceremony!
At 1:54 PM, February 07, 2006,
peachy said…
Yeah, is it going to be pink?
I like it either way.
You're not prego, are you? I've heard pregnant ladies are always tired.
At 2:59 PM, February 07, 2006,
Oh great One said…
I like the pose you are putting your brides maids in. I wish I would have thought of that!
Peachy and I are on the same wavelength here. The first thing that popped into my head was pregnancy too.
At 5:03 PM, February 07, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
Ladies - I think I'm going with pink but just not sure what shade. I am having my maids carry gerbera daisies so I think the bright color may be appropriate.
If I'm pregnant I will kill myself so please go wash your mouths out with soap. RIGHT THIS INSTANT!
Oh my god. Now, I really am getting nervous. How dare you?
At 8:13 AM, February 08, 2006,
peachy said…
I don't know when the tired part starts, so maybe you're in the clear. It's just something I hear. I'm sure your not. It's just the superbowl party catching up with you.
At 10:59 AM, February 08, 2006,
wopanese said…
sorry you're so tired. You're still sexy and he's so lucky. Like the dress. Ditch the garden basket hat. Is that the color you are going to use? Just curious - forming a picture... it DOES match your blogsite...
Hope you feel better. I will make my comeback soon... maybe.
Also, recorded 1 song. FYI.
At 11:43 AM, February 08, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
Wop = YAYYY! Recording a song! So great. I want to hear it when it's done. Glad to hear from you. I think everyone has been super busy or maybe just lazy these days. It's all good.
At 6:00 PM, February 08, 2006,
ago-go said…
purdy....i like the pink. but how are they gonna get down without the strapless falling down?
and what colour gerbera daisies are they going to carry? orange would look hot with the pink!
At 1:30 PM, February 09, 2006,
HS said…
Thats a lovely dress! Pink is going to be your wedding color? that makes it even more pretty!
I'm excited for you :)
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