This weekend was pretty good. I got to spend some quality time with my best friends. We went to look at my dress and had a nice lunch out on the patio of an Annapolis restaurant/bar. I can't believe that on January 28th it was 65 degrees and sunny and nice enough to eat outside in the Washington, D.C. area. It was great.
Saturday night I went to an all girls flip cup tournament that was loads of fun and was constantly hit on by the most annoying, drunk, lesbian. She was in love with my friend and I and she almost succeeded in getting herself invited to where we were going. Thankfully she was very drunk and it was easy to get rid of her...We ended up going to a place called the K Street Lounge. It sucked! It was one of those wait in line, women get in for $10, men get in for $20 spots. We were conned into coming in with our friend Carrie who bribed us by agreeing to buy us drinks when we got in. The music was all thumpy and techno-like, everyone was all Euro trashy and the men I encountered were skinnier than me! I even saw a guy wearing a pink sweater (and by pink I don't mean salmon or any other manly name for pink, it was baby pink!) he had on plaid pants that I probably couldn't fit an ankle in, and brown pointy boots. What a tool! Out of all the single girls we were with (about 5), my friend O and I were the only one's to get hit on and she's married and I'm engaged. Murphy's Law I guess. I don't know why anyone would go to a place like that to try to meet anyone anyway, but to each his own. Needless to say O and I didn't last very long. We needed some relief so we left - on the red carpet...I was kind of surprised we didn't get attacked by the paparazzi on our way out...Anglina must have been in town or something...? We ended up at some dive bar in Adams Morgan that was too smokey for words, the drinks were cold and cheap and the people watching was wonderful! My kind of spot.
Last night the Sweet One and I had a good ole pig out! We rented The Wedding Crashers and 40 Year Old Virgin. We got ice cream, potato chips, candy and beef jerky - can you get any grosser? I have to say, my stomach was a wreck after all of the crap we consumed. Anyway, we watched Wedding Crashers and were about half way through 40 yr old when we hear POP. POP. POP....POP-POP-POP...POP POP!'s what you think...GUN SHOTS! We both just layed there for a minute or two trying to decide what to do, think, how to react...I peeked my head out the window but didn't see anyone fleeing the scene (probably because they were dead) or any cars leaving the area. We decided to go to the back of the house and look out the upstairs windows to see if we could see anything in the alley or community center behind the house but nothing...Back at the front of the house I saw a car creeping down the street across from ours (a school yard separates us). The car pulled into the lot, turned around and then headed back up the street at the same speed. The Sweet One called the police and as he was on the phone a cop car and the patty wagon came down the two streets with the spot lights on. Still no movement from any suspects, or anyone for that matter. Then we see a cab pull down our street and it turns into the alley way and kills it's lights. It backed up and just waited in the spot that it was in. Called the police again. This time when the cops, who were patrolling the area for quite some time, passed the alley, the sketchy cab pulled down the alley, still with no lights on....
It was very hard to get to sleep last night. As much as I love the Sweet One's beautiful house and D.C. in general, there is just something about that type of atmosphere I will never get used to. The Sweet One lives in a neighborhood that is in 'transition'. It's very nice but if you go about 3 blocks up you are in the hood! I won't even drive down that way unless I absolutely have to! We were planning to move into my house once we're married. Yes, I live in the burbs but guess what? I feel safer there and I like it. I have great neighbors and it's still very diverse, I just don't have to worry about getting jacked when I leave my front door and try to make it to my car...We were hoping to renovate my house and while doing that planned to live in the Sweet One's casa but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to commit to that. And don't get me wrong. This is not the only incident and I am being a complete wuss...this is just one of many. Maybe one day I'll expand...I hope everyone had a lovely, gun shot free weekend!!
Saturday night I went to an all girls flip cup tournament that was loads of fun and was constantly hit on by the most annoying, drunk, lesbian. She was in love with my friend and I and she almost succeeded in getting herself invited to where we were going. Thankfully she was very drunk and it was easy to get rid of her...We ended up going to a place called the K Street Lounge. It sucked! It was one of those wait in line, women get in for $10, men get in for $20 spots. We were conned into coming in with our friend Carrie who bribed us by agreeing to buy us drinks when we got in. The music was all thumpy and techno-like, everyone was all Euro trashy and the men I encountered were skinnier than me! I even saw a guy wearing a pink sweater (and by pink I don't mean salmon or any other manly name for pink, it was baby pink!) he had on plaid pants that I probably couldn't fit an ankle in, and brown pointy boots. What a tool! Out of all the single girls we were with (about 5), my friend O and I were the only one's to get hit on and she's married and I'm engaged. Murphy's Law I guess. I don't know why anyone would go to a place like that to try to meet anyone anyway, but to each his own. Needless to say O and I didn't last very long. We needed some relief so we left - on the red carpet...I was kind of surprised we didn't get attacked by the paparazzi on our way out...Anglina must have been in town or something...? We ended up at some dive bar in Adams Morgan that was too smokey for words, the drinks were cold and cheap and the people watching was wonderful! My kind of spot.
Last night the Sweet One and I had a good ole pig out! We rented The Wedding Crashers and 40 Year Old Virgin. We got ice cream, potato chips, candy and beef jerky - can you get any grosser? I have to say, my stomach was a wreck after all of the crap we consumed. Anyway, we watched Wedding Crashers and were about half way through 40 yr old when we hear POP. POP. POP....POP-POP-POP...POP POP!'s what you think...GUN SHOTS! We both just layed there for a minute or two trying to decide what to do, think, how to react...I peeked my head out the window but didn't see anyone fleeing the scene (probably because they were dead) or any cars leaving the area. We decided to go to the back of the house and look out the upstairs windows to see if we could see anything in the alley or community center behind the house but nothing...Back at the front of the house I saw a car creeping down the street across from ours (a school yard separates us). The car pulled into the lot, turned around and then headed back up the street at the same speed. The Sweet One called the police and as he was on the phone a cop car and the patty wagon came down the two streets with the spot lights on. Still no movement from any suspects, or anyone for that matter. Then we see a cab pull down our street and it turns into the alley way and kills it's lights. It backed up and just waited in the spot that it was in. Called the police again. This time when the cops, who were patrolling the area for quite some time, passed the alley, the sketchy cab pulled down the alley, still with no lights on....
It was very hard to get to sleep last night. As much as I love the Sweet One's beautiful house and D.C. in general, there is just something about that type of atmosphere I will never get used to. The Sweet One lives in a neighborhood that is in 'transition'. It's very nice but if you go about 3 blocks up you are in the hood! I won't even drive down that way unless I absolutely have to! We were planning to move into my house once we're married. Yes, I live in the burbs but guess what? I feel safer there and I like it. I have great neighbors and it's still very diverse, I just don't have to worry about getting jacked when I leave my front door and try to make it to my car...We were hoping to renovate my house and while doing that planned to live in the Sweet One's casa but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to commit to that. And don't get me wrong. This is not the only incident and I am being a complete wuss...this is just one of many. Maybe one day I'll expand...I hope everyone had a lovely, gun shot free weekend!!
At 12:57 PM, January 30, 2006,
Tony Grant said…
Gun shots in Washington??? the nation's capital? Anyway great post though, hey come by and visit let me know what's up
At 3:44 PM, January 30, 2006,
Oh great One said…
That is creepy! I don't blame you for being spooked. I hope the police figured out what was going on!
BTW thanks for the flip cup explanation!*wink*
At 6:25 PM, January 30, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
Tony - I know, seems too crazy to be true huh? Yeah, I know I live in what once was considered the murder capitol of the nation but it's not as bad now and I never grew up around anything that scary or in my face so...?
OGO - Any time! I'm glad you realized it was for you. Still haven't heard anything about last night's incident. Probably just kids playing around but sheesh, I am over their "playing"
At 7:47 PM, January 30, 2006,
ago-go said…
poor dear! can't say i have ever heard gunshots.
my cousin lives in DC on Newcomb street (i think that's the name). it used to be a lovely neighbourhood when my aunt lived there too but the last time i was there once you stepped off their street you had guys hollering at you and people lying on the street with their 40s in paper bags. and you can't imagine how shocked this prairie girl was to find the cashier at the drugstore behind a cage.
i haven't visited in a while so hopefully it's improved.
At 10:14 PM, January 30, 2006,
Calvin said…
saturday was great weather up here too.. we went out clubbing and didn't have to wear the eskimo gear either!
i loved some of the places in Adams Morgan.. more my kind of place than the other upscale joints.
whew, you wouldn't wanna bring up kids in the hood now wouldya?! a move to the 'burbs sounds like its on the cards, all the best!
At 8:07 AM, January 31, 2006,
peachy said…
I've never heard gunshots. I would be freaking out if they were right outside the door. I can't believe you looked out of the window. I always think someone is going to see me peeking.
Definitely live in the Burbs after your big day. It's too scary down there at night.
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