Got home from work today. Turned the fire on. Took these lovely shoes off and drank a whole bottle of my favorite champagne All. By. Myself! And I loved every bubbly moment of it...
Well, I guess we have to call it "Sparking Wine" because it's made in napa valley. It's not expensive or all fancy pants but I love it. Party because I've had it numerous times on a warm, grassy hill at the vineyard where it's made, which brings back a flood of wonderful memories, and partly because, well...I just love it. That's it.
Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!
At 12:57 AM, February 09, 2006,
Margaret said…
just perfect...
At 12:58 AM, February 09, 2006,
Leesa said…
Nice legs and shoes :) HHNT!
At 1:25 AM, February 09, 2006,
Lee Ann said…
Very sexy! Happy HNT!
At 1:34 AM, February 09, 2006,
lecram sinun said…
LOL... that was me last week... but not sexy as yours! Cheers and happy HNT!
At 3:11 AM, February 09, 2006,
S said…
Yum champagne, a fire and hot shoes! Lovely legs!
(BTW, your cubicle is totally far out!)
Happy HNT
At 4:02 AM, February 09, 2006,
Wenchy said…
Absolutely love this.
At 6:34 AM, February 09, 2006,
lime said…
works for me! happy HNT!
At 8:43 AM, February 09, 2006,
Oh great One said…
At 9:10 AM, February 09, 2006,
Chick said…
Lovely legs & the shoes...Woo hoo...gorgeous!
I love Napa too...I'm hoping to go back soooon.
Happy HNT.
At 9:35 AM, February 09, 2006,
Tammy said…
Such beautiful legs. Oh, and I love the shoes!
Happy HNT!
At 9:43 AM, February 09, 2006,
aughra said…
look at you, you sexy girl.
Happy HNT.
At 10:22 AM, February 09, 2006,
Arbusto said…
Very very nice. Sexy. Happy HNT!
At 10:53 AM, February 09, 2006,
truckdriver_sefl said…
Mmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!! Beautiful!! Happy HNT!!
At 11:45 AM, February 09, 2006,
~art said…
Great legs!!!
At 12:34 PM, February 09, 2006,
The Middle Child said…
That is the picture of the beginning of a very long night!!!
Happy HNT!
At 12:36 PM, February 09, 2006,
Hope said…
That look so cozy. Great photo!
Happy HNT!
At 12:51 PM, February 09, 2006,
AndyT13 said…
Now that's great! I love it R! HHNT!
At 1:29 PM, February 09, 2006,
HS said…
that pic is soooo lovely! Great legs and I love the shoes!
I had pretty much a bottle of champagne last weekend, but I ended up passed out with marker on my face as a result...
At 1:53 PM, February 09, 2006,
Moosekahl said…
That is a wonderful picture and the description of a perfect evening. I'm headed to Napa in late May, maybe I can find me a fireplace to enjoy some quiet time for me. Happy HNT!
At 1:58 PM, February 09, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Sparkling wine, yes the french can be exclusive, but they have nothing on those legs.
At 4:48 PM, February 09, 2006,
Jericho said…
i have another bottle! i'm thinking of the fire, the legs, and the fire those spark... HHNT :)
At 8:51 PM, February 09, 2006,
Calvin said…
oooohhh.. the legs are superhot! and the shoes just make them even hotter! wooha!
great pic, hope you had a great day!!
At 10:46 AM, February 10, 2006,
wopanese said…
Okay, I guess it's a day of the week that ends in "Y" so I can once again say, that Sweet One has GOT IT MADE. Damn. Fine. F.I.N.E. Fine.
Oh, I posted part 7 just for you... finally.
Have a great weekend!
At 5:21 PM, February 10, 2006,
decker said…
Fine, very fine! HHNT!
At 5:33 PM, February 10, 2006,
Jody said…
nice legs and shoes
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