The Crimesolvers Edition...
So, last night/this morning at 4:30am, The Boy decides that he's hungry. So, I get up to make him a bottle. For some odd reason, mostly what I like to call delirium, I grabbed my cell phone, went to the kitchen, made a bottle and then began to head back to his room.
Usually on my way back I always look out the front window to do my neighborly duties. I check to make sure our cars are still out front, I check to see if the weird dude next door is home or not since he tends to keep really weird hours, and I look to see if any lights are on in any other neighbors houses, you get the picture. Just a quick sweep of the street.
Well, last night/this morning, as I am doing my normal sweep, I see what appears to be two men walking really fast in front of my house. Double take, huh? The next thing I see, as if in a dream, is two men that are now INSIDE my new car!!!! INSIDE! In a panic I flip on the front porch light which makes them not even flinch, and simultaneously I dial 911 on the cell phone that is miraculously in my hand, hey, where'd that come from?
As I'm speaking to the 911 operator I decide to flick the lights on and off as to hopefully deter these idiots from stealing my new car! This time, it works! The guys in my car take off running up the street. The 911 Operator lets me know that two cars are on their way, one being a K-9 unit so please contain your pet for everyone's safety. A short 5 minutes or so later the cops arrive. One unit continues down the street, one stops in front of my neighbors house and I walk out to meet him. As I'm walking out I notice that my neighbor's car's interior lights are on too and it hits me. These little ass holes are breaking into cars to steal things, not the actual car...
Aaaaannd, that's when it hits me. I am an idiot and I left my iPod in the car AND I'm an idiot because I don't remember if we locked the car last night when we were trying to get a dog, a baby, bags and packages in the house from the car and neither does the hubby so we're thinking no, we did not lock the car. Which, in hindsight is probably better because they couldn't cause more damage by actually breaking into the car.
So, the cop tells me not to touch anything but is it possible that anything was taken out of the car. And that's when I realize and tell him that yes, my iPod is likely gone. I can also see inside the car and notice that the middle console and the glove compartment are both open. Boooo!
So, as I'm conversing with the officer he gets a call that two suspects were apprehended a few blocks away. I was shocked! WOW! There is NO WAY they caught these guys. Then the officer asks me if I'd be willing to identify them. I was really nervous that they'd see me and come after us or something but the officer assured me they wouldn't see us with the spot light on them. And so, I positively identified what turned out to be two 16 year old little shits AND got my iPod back!! The thieves also had lots of other stolen goods in their possession; a blackberry, another iPod, pockets full of change, etc...
They were arrested and their parents, who probably care a whole lot seeing at these youths were running around town stealing out of cars at 4:30 in the morning, were going to be called. The officer said at most they would probably end up doing some community service but as far as we're concerned, justice was served because we got our property back in one piece AND those little thugs get to be super uncomfortable spending a night in the clink!
And so ends another exciting night in the life of the mom of a two month old...
Usually on my way back I always look out the front window to do my neighborly duties. I check to make sure our cars are still out front, I check to see if the weird dude next door is home or not since he tends to keep really weird hours, and I look to see if any lights are on in any other neighbors houses, you get the picture. Just a quick sweep of the street.
Well, last night/this morning, as I am doing my normal sweep, I see what appears to be two men walking really fast in front of my house. Double take, huh? The next thing I see, as if in a dream, is two men that are now INSIDE my new car!!!! INSIDE! In a panic I flip on the front porch light which makes them not even flinch, and simultaneously I dial 911 on the cell phone that is miraculously in my hand, hey, where'd that come from?
As I'm speaking to the 911 operator I decide to flick the lights on and off as to hopefully deter these idiots from stealing my new car! This time, it works! The guys in my car take off running up the street. The 911 Operator lets me know that two cars are on their way, one being a K-9 unit so please contain your pet for everyone's safety. A short 5 minutes or so later the cops arrive. One unit continues down the street, one stops in front of my neighbors house and I walk out to meet him. As I'm walking out I notice that my neighbor's car's interior lights are on too and it hits me. These little ass holes are breaking into cars to steal things, not the actual car...
Aaaaannd, that's when it hits me. I am an idiot and I left my iPod in the car AND I'm an idiot because I don't remember if we locked the car last night when we were trying to get a dog, a baby, bags and packages in the house from the car and neither does the hubby so we're thinking no, we did not lock the car. Which, in hindsight is probably better because they couldn't cause more damage by actually breaking into the car.
So, the cop tells me not to touch anything but is it possible that anything was taken out of the car. And that's when I realize and tell him that yes, my iPod is likely gone. I can also see inside the car and notice that the middle console and the glove compartment are both open. Boooo!
So, as I'm conversing with the officer he gets a call that two suspects were apprehended a few blocks away. I was shocked! WOW! There is NO WAY they caught these guys. Then the officer asks me if I'd be willing to identify them. I was really nervous that they'd see me and come after us or something but the officer assured me they wouldn't see us with the spot light on them. And so, I positively identified what turned out to be two 16 year old little shits AND got my iPod back!! The thieves also had lots of other stolen goods in their possession; a blackberry, another iPod, pockets full of change, etc...
They were arrested and their parents, who probably care a whole lot seeing at these youths were running around town stealing out of cars at 4:30 in the morning, were going to be called. The officer said at most they would probably end up doing some community service but as far as we're concerned, justice was served because we got our property back in one piece AND those little thugs get to be super uncomfortable spending a night in the clink!
And so ends another exciting night in the life of the mom of a two month old...
At 10:37 PM, August 17, 2009,
Oh great One said…
WOW! Your story gave me goosebumps! I think Baby Funky Bee is gonna be a crime fighter when he grows up. He couldn't physically stop them this time but he still go the job done!
I'm glad you got your stuff back AND foiled the crooks.
At 12:31 PM, August 18, 2009,
Anonymous said…
I think justice might have been better served if you got to kick the little bastards in the nuts. At least this gave me an extremely rare moment of relief that I'm currently living in Boise and can sleep with all my windows wide open.
At 1:24 PM, August 18, 2009,
The Funky Bee said…
DK - One neighbor said that I should have opened the door and let my dog out after them, which probably would have been quite humorous knowing now that they were children with no weapons on them. However, I actually like my dog and would prefer she isn't killed or injured by some losers and although she has a very big bark and looks very scary she would probably chase these idiots until she caught them and then would want to play with them. And on top of that, I would have to chase her down to get her to come home. Probably not the safest idea...and about the windows, I have come to the sad conclusion that I will probably never be able to sleep with my windows open unless I am on a second story somewhere and even then, not sure...sad but true! Enjoy the freedoms of Boise!!
At 5:47 PM, August 19, 2009,
Anonymous said…
That and you wouldn't want Lucy to get hurt OR get sued if she bit the jerks. Trying to enjoy Boise for whatever time I am here, but seriously, Boise is for married-with-kids, not singles! There you go, you should move here. Much closer to Vegas too ... but don't expect me to stick around for long. :)
At 5:29 PM, August 20, 2009,
Cold Hands said…
Holy shit that is crazy! I cannot believe they caught them! You are a super crime fighter.
So glad you got your stuff back, and hopefully those little bastards will learn a lesson.
At 2:13 PM, August 23, 2009,
Sassy said…
Holy crap! I can't believe they got busted and you got your stuff back too! Look out neighbourhood Mama Bee is on the prowl!
We have this thing that the cops in our neighbourhood will walk up on your driveway and check doors and such to make sure they are locked. If they are not, they leave you a note and lock up for you. Some people think it's an invasion of privacy, but I don't mind, because sometimes you forget, especially when you are busy with baby and puppy, and bags!
At 11:29 PM, August 25, 2009,
Chick said…
Great story! Very brave of you too...glad you got your stuff back.
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