The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hmmmm, let's see...what's been going on?

Well, my hubby went to Vegas last weekend and I truly realized how hard it is to have an infant on my own, as if I didn't know already, but that was a real eye opener. It was nice to get him back.

I'm on my way to getting my butt back in shape. I'm drinking my shakes and trying to exercise any time I can, which is not often, but I am none the less. I think things are starting to shape up. I can fit into things that I couldn't about two weeks ago so that's a good sign!

So, before I got pregnant we had been exploring renovating our house. Well, it was at the height of the economy problems and we were unable to get a loan. Actually, we were unable to get loan/bank rep's to even call us back for a time there so that was a little discouraging. Well, now that the boy is here and our family is expanding, we are revisiting the idea. BUT, now we're trying to scale back our original big plans. We're talking to the bank and the builders now to see what we can do so please wish me luck that this will actually happen. This process is so frustrating and discouraging, sometimes I think we'll never get this done. How do other people make this stuff look so simple. I see people doing renovations to their homes every day. Why does my situation seem so unattainable?

Anyway, it's been about a gazillion degrease out the last few days. The dog doesn't even want to go out...The a.c. bill is gonna be through the roof!

Hope you're all staying cool and enjoying the summer!!


  • At 4:22 PM, August 12, 2009, Blogger Cold Hands said…

    Dude, out electric bill was the highest ever last month, it sucked bad! I feel your pain.

    Renovations are tough, what are you looking to have done?

    I am glad your man is back from Vegas, no more trips for him ;)

  • At 6:41 PM, August 12, 2009, Blogger Andi said…

    Good luck on the renovations! I'll keep all my fingers crossed for you.

  • At 12:45 AM, August 13, 2009, Blogger Chick said…

    I'm glad you got your diaper helper back in town.

    Good luck with the will all be worth it in the end.

  • At 1:04 PM, August 13, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This might sound pitiful in comparison, but I just had a $100 electric bill ... and all I have to cool a two-bedroom duplex is one tiny little a/c wall unit that only cools one room.

  • At 10:13 PM, August 14, 2009, Blogger Loveable Freak said…

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  • At 10:14 PM, August 14, 2009, Blogger Oh great One said…

    Did you ever get that exercise machine thingy? I'm really interested in whether it works or not!


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