The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Friday, March 20, 2009

more progress...

So, we had a sonogram yesterday and our little man is growing like a weed. Here is picture of our little alien:

baby face

We are also making great strides in the baby's room. Lucy and I have been doing lots of painting and I think we could have it all done by next week. Yayyy!

hi Lucy

room progress

Lucy painting

Today is officially the first day of spring. Although it doesn't feel like it outside, the flowers in our yard sure have taken the hint. They must be tired of the winter too! Here is a shot of some of the pretty flowers that we get to see everyday, until they all die in about a week. There are SO many of them, I don't know how they survive the night time frost, but they do!


Anyway, I feel like in the last two days someone has literally stretched my stomach over one of those huge, rubber, bouncy balls. I had to have the hubby PULL me off the couch last night. It was not one of my finest moments and I am starting to really feel off balance! Anyway, hope everyone has a lovely weekend. I plan to paint, paint, paint, and hopefully get some rest in there too...


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