Okay, you know what really burns my ass these days (no smart comments please)...
the fact that NO ONE does their fucking job with a smile on their faces anymore. I mean, seriously. Why is it that no matter where I go or who I deal with at these places, they all act like they are doing you a favor by coming to work and getting a pay check every week. You know what? I don't like getting up early and getting ready and leaving my cozy home and my awesome pooch to come sit in a fucking cubicle every day, but guess what? I do like getting a pay check and buying clothes and shoes and going out to dinner and going on vacation and umm, yeah. So I continue to keep a smile on my face and do my job to the fullest and make sure that all is taken care of so that everyone is happy.
When did it become the norm for the person across the counter to always have a rotten attitude and to do the absolute minimum to get the job done?
I want so bad to give examples of what I'm talking about, as if you all don't know or have your own experiences to share, but I really could write a book on it there are so many. I mean, anywhere from the Post Office to the fucking dumb ass bartenders on Friday night. I just want to know what is so bad about their jobs that they have to take it out on me. Do they even know how many people don't have jobs and would rather enjoy getting their pay check? Oh and let's not even get into the immigration thing. People complain about illegal immigrants "taking over" our country and taking over all of the jobs but guess what, I don't see little white suburban kids or even African American kids for that matter, doing the jobs that they do, with a smile on their faces for that matter! I'm going to stop now because I will go on forever. Grrrrr...it just makes me mad!
the fact that NO ONE does their fucking job with a smile on their faces anymore. I mean, seriously. Why is it that no matter where I go or who I deal with at these places, they all act like they are doing you a favor by coming to work and getting a pay check every week. You know what? I don't like getting up early and getting ready and leaving my cozy home and my awesome pooch to come sit in a fucking cubicle every day, but guess what? I do like getting a pay check and buying clothes and shoes and going out to dinner and going on vacation and umm, yeah. So I continue to keep a smile on my face and do my job to the fullest and make sure that all is taken care of so that everyone is happy.
When did it become the norm for the person across the counter to always have a rotten attitude and to do the absolute minimum to get the job done?
I want so bad to give examples of what I'm talking about, as if you all don't know or have your own experiences to share, but I really could write a book on it there are so many. I mean, anywhere from the Post Office to the fucking dumb ass bartenders on Friday night. I just want to know what is so bad about their jobs that they have to take it out on me. Do they even know how many people don't have jobs and would rather enjoy getting their pay check? Oh and let's not even get into the immigration thing. People complain about illegal immigrants "taking over" our country and taking over all of the jobs but guess what, I don't see little white suburban kids or even African American kids for that matter, doing the jobs that they do, with a smile on their faces for that matter! I'm going to stop now because I will go on forever. Grrrrr...it just makes me mad!
At 2:59 PM, August 04, 2008,
Andi said…
I hear ya, sister. On those days when I'm really tempted to be a bitch at work I remind myself how much I like getting paid (and really enjoy what I do), so as not to come off like some of the snotty assholes I deal with every day in multiple capacities.
I say we start a sunshiney workplace movement.
At 3:17 PM, August 04, 2008,
Oh great One said…
Preach it! CCB and I were talking about that just the other day. Whenever I deal with one of his employees (usually on the phone and they don't know who I am.) I tell him who has the crappy tude and who is pleasant. I enjoy being greeted by a nice voice not some one with a bad attitude.
At 4:47 PM, August 04, 2008,
The Funky Bee said…
And another thing...Okay, not really BUT kind of, I am also really freakin tired of kissing these ass hole's asses. I mean, they are being mean to me so I am super pleasant to them in order for them to possibly lose some of their attitude, but not anymore! I am just going to give them their lousy attitude right back because lord knows I know how and that's GOT to make the situation better, don't you think? HA HA
At 8:34 AM, August 05, 2008,
Chick said…
I think we should legally be allowed to smack 'em into shape.
At 1:09 PM, August 05, 2008,
Sassy said…
Argh. This pisses me off to no end too. I just hate that people are so rude and angry all the time. I'm almost always in a great mood and these pricks can really ruin it for me. I do dish back quite nicely though, but the sad thing is that usually they don't get why I'm giving them attitude back.
At 6:45 PM, August 05, 2008,
Anonymous said…
/start upload
/send Xanax
/end upload
At 12:09 PM, August 06, 2008,
Cold Hands said…
You tell it sister!! I am getting more and more bold about saying something when somebody is rude to me. I am nice, overly nice according to The Boy, and I get attitude all the time!!!!
It is time to rise up!!!
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