Last night the hubby had to work late so I had some time on my hands. I decided to make something fun....behold, CHOCOLATE COVERED BACON!



I'll have to admit, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. I mean, I LOVE bacon and I like chocolate. What could be so wrong with combining the two? Well, not too much. And the theory that bacon makes everything better is true! Next time I want to make some changes. I felt like there was too much chocolate, it was kind of sweet, but was cut nicely by the saltiness of the bacon. Think chocolate covered pretzels. Good balance of savory and sweet. Next time I think I'll crumble some bacon while the chocolate is still warm and sprinkle it over the covered bacon to add that little extra bacony saltiness!
And if you were thinking that I'm nuts, you are correct. Good day!
And if you were thinking that I'm nuts, you are correct. Good day!
At 2:58 PM, July 24, 2008,
Osbasso said…
I'm not sure which was louder--hearing my arteries hardening, or my stomach rumbling. Right off the bat, I know that this just ain't right. I also know I'm going to go home and try this...
At 4:14 PM, July 24, 2008,
The Funky Bee said…
Thanks Os! sometimes these things are just crazy enough to work. My next delicous and artery hardening masterpiece is going to be...Fried Green Tomato BLT's!!! Doesn't that sound awesome? I can't wait to make them.
At 5:05 PM, July 24, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I was watching a video over at where he microwaved frozen burritos and covered them with chocolate. All I can do is shake my head and mutter something about "bloody weird Americans..."
At 9:59 PM, July 24, 2008,
LarryLilly said…
I was cooking chicken diane the other night. Working fast, since I know it old, I grabbed the can of chicken broth from the cabinet, opened it with a church key style opener, poured out 3/4 cup, tossed it into the sauce. A I added the chicken back to the sauce pan to finish it up, I was cleaning the counter, picked up what should have been a half can of chicken broth, instead i se its bartlett pears sweetened with splenda!
Chit I say as the wife was setting the table, and i tell her the mistake i made. We NEVER have canned fruit an it was stacked where we keep the chicken broth.
Tasted the sauce in the pan, well, it was a bit sweeter, but the dijon made it less sweet, gave it some bite.
We at it, but half way through the dinner, the wife says, "I prefer the original better"
I discovered "Larry's Chicken Bartlett", and the rest will be history on the Food Network LOL
At 11:38 AM, July 25, 2008,
Cold Hands said…
No! You! Didn't!
Crazy woman! Did you share your choco bacon with others? What were their thoguhts?
Have you thought of a name to market it by?
At 11:42 AM, July 25, 2008,
The Funky Bee said…
DK - now, chocolate covered burrito's? That I don't think I could stomach.
Larry - that doesn't sound half bad. I bet you could tweak that to make it super yummy!! Just make sure the next time you reach in and grab the wrong can it's not dog food or something. Yeck!
At 11:51 AM, July 25, 2008,
The Funky Bee said…
Cold Hands - the people that tried it liked it. There were some that wouldn't even try it which I think makes them big LOSERS. If we market it we'll have to call it something like chocolate pig or Squeal or something goofy like that ;O)
At 2:22 PM, July 25, 2008,
Sassy said…
Seriously?!?! Now I've seen everything....
Maybe I'll give this a go them....
At 2:23 PM, July 25, 2008,
Sassy said…
Either that or just save myself the trouble and just go right ahead and smear it on my ass.
At 6:45 PM, July 25, 2008,
Andi said…
OH MY GOD!!! This makes you, officially, the coolest bitch I know. I'm gonna go cover my fried chicken in chocolate RIGHT NOW.
At 12:04 PM, July 26, 2008,
Andi said…
Nominated you for some blog awards! Love you long time!
At 12:34 PM, July 26, 2008,
Chick said…
Holy crappy! I think I love you.
At 4:32 PM, July 26, 2008,
julochka said…
have you tried nigella's deep-fried bounty bars? i think you'd love them...
At 1:28 PM, July 28, 2008,
Oh great One said…
Bacon is natures candy and Dark chocolate is heaven sent. I imagine it would be tasty though I don't know if I'd EVER have thought to put them together!
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