So, I mentioned before that my office moved locations. And, I think all of the women I know would agree with the whole bathroom etiquette thing - you know, if you walk into a multiple stall bathroom and there is one person in a stall, you generally don't go into the very next unoccupied stall, you skip one or two...
Well, the bathrooms in this place were obviously A.) designed by men, and B.) they appear to have been mentally challenged men. Our bathroom floors are black marble. SHINY BLACK MARBLE! There might as well be a mirror on the floor!!! It is so unbelievably stupid I can not even explain.
So, this brings a new aspect into the whole bathroom etiquette thing. If I walk in, or any other logical human being for that matter, and see that someone is in a stall, the LAST thing I would do is go into the very next stall, as to not make them or myself uncomfortable while watching each other do our business. As a matter of fact, I've been faced with this predicament quite a few times since moving here a week ago and have managed to work it out.
Well today, and you know where I'm going with this, I am happily urinating in my very own personal stall, I am also the only person in the bathroom, and in walks another future defecator. I'm peeing, she's clickety clacking on the tiles and BOOM! She walks right into the stall next to me! I threw my hands up and it took everything I could not to literally ask her WHY she would pick that stall. I'm certain she saw my reaction. I finished my business while diligently looking to the sky so I wouldn't have to see her nasty bits and left the stall, head shaking...
I literally wanted to send out an office-wide email but thought better of it. I mean, I have been known to overreact to certain things, yes, I know, surprising, but this one just boggles my mind. Who in the universe is that clueless. God, I hate people...GGGrrrrr!!
Well, the bathrooms in this place were obviously A.) designed by men, and B.) they appear to have been mentally challenged men. Our bathroom floors are black marble. SHINY BLACK MARBLE! There might as well be a mirror on the floor!!! It is so unbelievably stupid I can not even explain.
So, this brings a new aspect into the whole bathroom etiquette thing. If I walk in, or any other logical human being for that matter, and see that someone is in a stall, the LAST thing I would do is go into the very next stall, as to not make them or myself uncomfortable while watching each other do our business. As a matter of fact, I've been faced with this predicament quite a few times since moving here a week ago and have managed to work it out.
Well today, and you know where I'm going with this, I am happily urinating in my very own personal stall, I am also the only person in the bathroom, and in walks another future defecator. I'm peeing, she's clickety clacking on the tiles and BOOM! She walks right into the stall next to me! I threw my hands up and it took everything I could not to literally ask her WHY she would pick that stall. I'm certain she saw my reaction. I finished my business while diligently looking to the sky so I wouldn't have to see her nasty bits and left the stall, head shaking...
I literally wanted to send out an office-wide email but thought better of it. I mean, I have been known to overreact to certain things, yes, I know, surprising, but this one just boggles my mind. Who in the universe is that clueless. God, I hate people...GGGrrrrr!!
At 2:35 PM, May 07, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I just hate American bathrooms for their utter lack of privacy. Those flimsy little walls that neither reach the floor nor the ceiling? Likewise the doors with their useless latches and the side gaps. D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G! And why are they called "bathrooms" or "restrooms" here? Do you bathe or sleep in them? If you've never used a TOILET outside of America then you need to know that it's like having your own private tiny room. Not that this is a huge peeve for me or anything.
At 2:54 PM, May 07, 2008,
Sassy said…
She did it on purpose. She watched you go the bathroom, waited a moment and went in, just so she could see your girly bits.
Cuz why else would someone be so stupid?
At 10:24 PM, May 07, 2008,
Oh great One said…
Ha! You made me laugh with this one! I could just imagine you squatin' on the pot with your hands thrown in the air in disgust! I hope you muttered too that makes it even funnier!
At 12:54 PM, May 08, 2008,
The Funky Bee said…
DK - when I go into a "toilet" and find that the designers were brilliant enough to make them each individual stalls with walls that reach the ceiling and the floor and doors that have handles and close ALL THE WAY, I almost want to jump for joy, and because I probably have to pee real bad. I don't understand the whole "bathroom/restroom" and their design here in American either. And no...not a peeve of mine AT ALL either...
Sassy - I hate to break it to you, I think she was just dumb!
OGO - glad I could entertain you with my pee pee stories :O)
At 1:03 PM, May 09, 2008,
Cold Hands said…
Holy crap (quite literally.) Who puts shiny floors in a restroom???
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