I know a lot of people are going to disagree with this because I have friends that disagree with me on this one but I HATE Kohl's. That has got to be the worst store on the planet. I don't know what it is but I get a headache every time I step foot in the doors. Which, is not often. Every two years or so I decide, hey, let me check in Kohls, maybe they have something I want. Well, I should just tell myself, no, no they don't have anything I want or need.
As a matter of fact, every single time I have decided to try my hand at shopping there I end up having to go back to return/exchange everything I bought. This time was gonna be different...
I decided to go get a cheap new comforter since our spoiled little pooch keeps ruining our very expensive down filled comforters. The ad I saw over the weekend had them on sale for like $30 a pop or something ridiculous. I missed the sale but they were still pretty cheap so I got two. They also had kitchen/bath mats on sale for about $11 a piece, not bad. I bought two of those too, but not before searching high and low to find two that were even remotely the same dimensions. I saw the cutest bed sheets that were striped in bright, pretty colors so I picked that up. As I was heading toward the check out I saw some really cute dresses so I grabbed this awesome looking lemon yellow, hippy looking thing and another multi-colored halter dress. After spending over $200 in this stupid store I headed home. Maybe I don't hate this store as much as I think I do...
I opened the comforter. Score! I liked it, it fit, it didn't feel like sand paper, nothing to report.
I decided to try on the dresses. The yellow dress might as well have been made for a flat chested 8 year old (and no, it was not). My breasts were popping out like an overflowing tube of Pillsbury dough. And I know that's not hard for me but when you buy a dress in your size you assume it will be sewn in a way that would remotely fit your body. I don't have any real abnormal body dimensions. DAMMIT! Now I have to go back there...
I lay the bathroom mats out in the bathroom to see how I feel about them. I decide that I hate them. They look...industrial. Not homey, I hate the color green they are. They don't match. UUGHH Now I really have to go back...
I decide to open up the fun new sheet set. Nothing on the package indicates that it has been opened before. Everything seems in perfect order - folded up, cardboard in between each layer, folded properly to fit in the tight plastic bag. It only has ONE PILLOW CASE!!!! I searched everywhere. Inside the fitted sheet folds. Under the bed. In the bag. No pillowcase, and yes, it was supposed to come with two. Motherfffffff.
I go back to the store to return all of this shit which was another nightmare in itself but I won't bore you with anymore of my crap.
Bottom line. Kohl's sucks. I hate that store and I hope I remember this when I get the hankerin to go back there in a year or two...I should just stick with Target when I need my cheap shit fix. At least I know I like that store and their goods...
Ahhh complaining feels good. It's beautiful outside. I'm going home to play with my pooch!!
As a matter of fact, every single time I have decided to try my hand at shopping there I end up having to go back to return/exchange everything I bought. This time was gonna be different...
I decided to go get a cheap new comforter since our spoiled little pooch keeps ruining our very expensive down filled comforters. The ad I saw over the weekend had them on sale for like $30 a pop or something ridiculous. I missed the sale but they were still pretty cheap so I got two. They also had kitchen/bath mats on sale for about $11 a piece, not bad. I bought two of those too, but not before searching high and low to find two that were even remotely the same dimensions. I saw the cutest bed sheets that were striped in bright, pretty colors so I picked that up. As I was heading toward the check out I saw some really cute dresses so I grabbed this awesome looking lemon yellow, hippy looking thing and another multi-colored halter dress. After spending over $200 in this stupid store I headed home. Maybe I don't hate this store as much as I think I do...
I opened the comforter. Score! I liked it, it fit, it didn't feel like sand paper, nothing to report.
I decided to try on the dresses. The yellow dress might as well have been made for a flat chested 8 year old (and no, it was not). My breasts were popping out like an overflowing tube of Pillsbury dough. And I know that's not hard for me but when you buy a dress in your size you assume it will be sewn in a way that would remotely fit your body. I don't have any real abnormal body dimensions. DAMMIT! Now I have to go back there...
I lay the bathroom mats out in the bathroom to see how I feel about them. I decide that I hate them. They look...industrial. Not homey, I hate the color green they are. They don't match. UUGHH Now I really have to go back...
I decide to open up the fun new sheet set. Nothing on the package indicates that it has been opened before. Everything seems in perfect order - folded up, cardboard in between each layer, folded properly to fit in the tight plastic bag. It only has ONE PILLOW CASE!!!! I searched everywhere. Inside the fitted sheet folds. Under the bed. In the bag. No pillowcase, and yes, it was supposed to come with two. Motherfffffff.
I go back to the store to return all of this shit which was another nightmare in itself but I won't bore you with anymore of my crap.
Bottom line. Kohl's sucks. I hate that store and I hope I remember this when I get the hankerin to go back there in a year or two...I should just stick with Target when I need my cheap shit fix. At least I know I like that store and their goods...
Ahhh complaining feels good. It's beautiful outside. I'm going home to play with my pooch!!
At 3:38 PM, April 16, 2008,
Oh great One said…
I'm not a Kohls fan either. I've only been there a couple of times but I wasn't impressed. Either it was all stuff I didn't like or it was more than I was willing to pay.
At 7:44 PM, April 16, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I have several places on my love/hate list . . . and also struggle with trying not to visit them . . . and end up returning stuff.
At 7:55 PM, April 16, 2008,
Andi said…
I haven't been to Kohl's many times, and now I won't bother.
At 7:54 AM, April 17, 2008,
Chick said…
Target is better...but sometimes the constant sales at Kohl's get me in the door too...besides...it beats the pants off Walmart...ugh.
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