Friday was an amazing day! It was so warm and sunny. I was allowed to leave work early, I think I left close to 1pm, and worked the rest of the day at home. The pooch and I lounged in the sun all day long. That evening we made some great steaks on the grill and had a perfect spring dinner.
Saturday was another perfect day. I am very impressed with myself for how productive I was. I trimmed all of the bushes in front of our house. I removed a dead bush. I sprayed the weeds. I cut the grass. I raked the leaves. I swept the front and back porches. Pheewww...It all looked so nice.
Sometime in the early morning hours on Sunday it started raining. I woke up to the pooch barking at the thunder. Well, it's Monday at about 11:30am and it hasn't stopped raining yet!
Yesterday was so weird. It would rain violently, thunder, lightening, torrential down pours. Then it would stop and almost look like the sun was about to come out, just long enough for us to go to Home Depot to buy some plants, then it would start all over again. We got stuck in one of the storms. It was kind of humorous actually. We got home from HD and I was soaked from my ass to my feet, well, my pants anyway. It's not so bad when it's warm. If I was cold I would have been bitter.
Anyway, I've decided to try my hand at a little garden this summer. I'm going to attempt to grow tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers and some herbs. If I can keep the deer out I should be okay but we'll see. Once I plant everything I'll let you know how fast I kill it all.
Anyway, our basement looks a little like the River Walk in San Antonio right now but otherwise the rain is good. Yesterday was actually a lot of fun sitting in the house with all the windows open listening to the great thunder storms and the hard rain. I think everything is going to be so green once the rain stops. I'm hoping this is the last day of it because as much as it's needed and as good as it is for everything, it gets old after a couple of days.
I hope everyone is having a good Monday!
Saturday was another perfect day. I am very impressed with myself for how productive I was. I trimmed all of the bushes in front of our house. I removed a dead bush. I sprayed the weeds. I cut the grass. I raked the leaves. I swept the front and back porches. Pheewww...It all looked so nice.
Sometime in the early morning hours on Sunday it started raining. I woke up to the pooch barking at the thunder. Well, it's Monday at about 11:30am and it hasn't stopped raining yet!
Yesterday was so weird. It would rain violently, thunder, lightening, torrential down pours. Then it would stop and almost look like the sun was about to come out, just long enough for us to go to Home Depot to buy some plants, then it would start all over again. We got stuck in one of the storms. It was kind of humorous actually. We got home from HD and I was soaked from my ass to my feet, well, my pants anyway. It's not so bad when it's warm. If I was cold I would have been bitter.
Anyway, I've decided to try my hand at a little garden this summer. I'm going to attempt to grow tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers and some herbs. If I can keep the deer out I should be okay but we'll see. Once I plant everything I'll let you know how fast I kill it all.
Anyway, our basement looks a little like the River Walk in San Antonio right now but otherwise the rain is good. Yesterday was actually a lot of fun sitting in the house with all the windows open listening to the great thunder storms and the hard rain. I think everything is going to be so green once the rain stops. I'm hoping this is the last day of it because as much as it's needed and as good as it is for everything, it gets old after a couple of days.
I hope everyone is having a good Monday!
At 5:08 PM, April 21, 2008,
Oh great One said…
Good luck with your garden! I love to garden and had planned to make myself a garden with salsa fixins but I can't find a place with enough sun around my yard! All the prime spots are taken. My neighbors tree shades my whole back yard!
At 7:02 PM, April 21, 2008,
Andi said…
Sounds like a great weekend minus the torrential downpours. Today I stepped outside in the sun and it immediately started raining. Urrrg!
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