Rain, Rain Go Away!
Seriously...it's never going to stop raining here. NEVER! It was so nice some time last week, I can't remember when, but I know it was nice at some point. Isn't it weird how when it rains for more than a day, it feels like it will never end but you can never get enough of warm, sunny days? I mean, I don't think I've ever said, "Uugghhh, I wish this stretch of 8 straight warm, sunny days would stop already, I'm so sick of it".
I'm thinking of going home and doing laps in my basement tonight. And I think I overheard Lucy talking about a mud wrestling competition with the deer that were out back earlier today. Even some schools, not in our immediate area, but close enough, in Maryland and Virginia were delayed and closed going in today due to flooding. That's how lovely it is out. It also went from being warm and spring like last week to a whopping 49 degrees today. MISERABLE.
Getting to work was super fun. Trees down, roads closed, detours, traffic, morons that don't quite know how to function in rain...It would have been more frustrating, but I refused to get worked up about it. I just took my time and rolled with it. Now, if this hour long ride to work continues, we may have a problem and a potential melt down. We'll see...
So this weekend we went to a neighborhood party. Someone in our hood started a "cooking club" so they get together every month, there is a theme and everyone brings something that goes along with that theme to the house of that months' hosts. I guess it really should have been called an "eating club". They've been getting together for a few months now but this was our first time attending. The theme was "Mexican", much to the hubby's delight. The hosts generously provided fajita's and margaritas for everyone. We brought mini shrimp taco's and a pitcher of raspberry-lemonade margaritas. I hate to toot my own horn but our dish was the best one there. I overheard many people saying how yummy they were, and I was asked numerous times for the recipe...They were spicy as hell and deeelish. I basically made a salsa, put some in the little Scoops chips, then topped each one with a spicy shrimp! Bite sized taco's.
It was fun to meet some of our neighbors, some of which live on our street and we didn't even know...The best part was leaving so we could talk about everyone! The chick who organized this whole thing, or as I like to call her, the Cooking Club Nazi, was a total biatch. For being the "organizer" she was so unwelcoming. She made no acknowledgement of us when we got there and then when we introduced ourselves she seemed almost pained to have a convo with us. She also tried to take her beer home with her (LAME) I think she brought a 6 pack, maybe! She was the kind of woman who constantly had this look on her face like she smelled something bad (she was actually one of two women with this problem at the party). Awesome! I know our dish was good because I overheard cooking club nazi say, the shrimp dish ROCKED, before she knew that we made it. HA!
Anyway, other than the nazi, the hosts of the party were super nice, as was most everyone else, except for the weirdo's that we had fun talking about later. And then wondering what they were saying about us and how weird we were...
Mother's day was good except for the fact that I think I ate constantly for like 16 hours straight. I'm not eating all week...
I hope all of you Mom's out there had a great Mother's Day, and those of you lucky enough to not be mom's, like me, had a wonderful weekend, with no rain!
Happy Freakin' Monday!
I'm thinking of going home and doing laps in my basement tonight. And I think I overheard Lucy talking about a mud wrestling competition with the deer that were out back earlier today. Even some schools, not in our immediate area, but close enough, in Maryland and Virginia were delayed and closed going in today due to flooding. That's how lovely it is out. It also went from being warm and spring like last week to a whopping 49 degrees today. MISERABLE.
Getting to work was super fun. Trees down, roads closed, detours, traffic, morons that don't quite know how to function in rain...It would have been more frustrating, but I refused to get worked up about it. I just took my time and rolled with it. Now, if this hour long ride to work continues, we may have a problem and a potential melt down. We'll see...
So this weekend we went to a neighborhood party. Someone in our hood started a "cooking club" so they get together every month, there is a theme and everyone brings something that goes along with that theme to the house of that months' hosts. I guess it really should have been called an "eating club". They've been getting together for a few months now but this was our first time attending. The theme was "Mexican", much to the hubby's delight. The hosts generously provided fajita's and margaritas for everyone. We brought mini shrimp taco's and a pitcher of raspberry-lemonade margaritas. I hate to toot my own horn but our dish was the best one there. I overheard many people saying how yummy they were, and I was asked numerous times for the recipe...They were spicy as hell and deeelish. I basically made a salsa, put some in the little Scoops chips, then topped each one with a spicy shrimp! Bite sized taco's.
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It was fun to meet some of our neighbors, some of which live on our street and we didn't even know...The best part was leaving so we could talk about everyone! The chick who organized this whole thing, or as I like to call her, the Cooking Club Nazi, was a total biatch. For being the "organizer" she was so unwelcoming. She made no acknowledgement of us when we got there and then when we introduced ourselves she seemed almost pained to have a convo with us. She also tried to take her beer home with her (LAME) I think she brought a 6 pack, maybe! She was the kind of woman who constantly had this look on her face like she smelled something bad (she was actually one of two women with this problem at the party). Awesome! I know our dish was good because I overheard cooking club nazi say, the shrimp dish ROCKED, before she knew that we made it. HA!
Anyway, other than the nazi, the hosts of the party were super nice, as was most everyone else, except for the weirdo's that we had fun talking about later. And then wondering what they were saying about us and how weird we were...
Mother's day was good except for the fact that I think I ate constantly for like 16 hours straight. I'm not eating all week...
I hope all of you Mom's out there had a great Mother's Day, and those of you lucky enough to not be mom's, like me, had a wonderful weekend, with no rain!
Happy Freakin' Monday!
At 12:39 PM, May 12, 2008,
Cold Hands said…
wow- I can't believe you mingled with your neighbors! How brave you are!! The Nazi will provide you with hours of entertainment I bet!
At 3:41 PM, May 12, 2008,
The Funky Bee said…
Cold Hands - I can't really believe it either. We are way too stuck up and let's face it, better than everyone else, to hang out with our neighbors!! We were actually very shocked at how cool and nice most of them were. I have to admit, I was a little scared we were entering into some weird swinger club! So glad that wasn't the case. I don't share my man! he he...
At 4:53 PM, May 12, 2008,
Anonymous said…
OMG, I hope sweet little Lucy doesn't see you claiming NOT to be a mummy!!
At 4:59 PM, May 12, 2008,
Oh great One said…
Happy Freakin' Monday to you too!
The word freak (and all it's forms)is my favorite word! I use it all the time. Perhaps too much.
I wanna join your food caravan. I wouldn't be snooty either. I'd be totally cool. *wink*
At 10:25 AM, May 13, 2008,
Sassy said…
Have you ever heard of a rotating dinner party?? You get a bunch of people on your street and you go one house for apps/drinks, move to another for main...etc, etc. Very fun and if all the people have nice drinks...you aren't too far to crawl home!
Those mini tacos look sooo yummy!!
At 11:13 PM, May 13, 2008,
Chick said…
Sounds like you couln't not have a good time...& why does every neighborhood have to have one of those stink nosed women in it...why?
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