WARNING...a lot of bitching going on below...
So, the differences with starting a new job and being comfortable in your old digs are starting to make themselves apparent to me....
First off, these people are just not my peeps like my old co-workers are. I mean, I don't even see anyone in this group that I would become "buddies" with. None of them are really "my type" if that makes any sense at all.
This is going to sound pathetic, but no one compliments me. And I know, this sounds like such a girl thing but in my old group, we knew each other and our style, as it were and if someone came in to the office in a cute outfit, which I feel I do often, then we would compliment each other. Hey, nice shoes. Hey, that's a cute top...blah blah blah. I get none of that here. I get the up and down look and the outfit check out but no indication as to whether I'm being admired or looked down on or perhaps it's jealousy...? Who knows. Actually, my male boss admired a sweater I wore last week. Typical. Only the man can be honest and unbiased...working with women is some times so trying.
I also don't know these people's personalities that well yet and that's difficult. I am a very sarcastic person and I am just not sure who I can joke around with yet and who will get offended.
Television is also a great way to get to know people. Well, I really don't know what these people watch. And god forbid I open my self up and talk about some of the trash I watch in case they are all like super geeks and get off on programs like Cross Fire or No Spin Zone, or some other shitty political rubbish...who knows.
There are also a few people that kind of rub me the wrong way and that is so hard to take! One chick, for some odd reason, NEVER answers my emails. It got to the point where I had to flat out ask her, "ummm...are you receiving my emails because it seems that I haven't been getting responses from you and I want to make sure they're not getting bounced back". It worked in embarrassing her a bit but still, nothing has changed. She is a little on the flighty side. Maybe she's just lazy? I don't know, but for fuck's sake I'm ready to bash her head in with a three hole punch!
Another co-worker is one of those busy body, know-it-all, has her hands in every freakin pot types of people. She loveeessss telling me how to do things, or better yet, how SHE would do things. She likes to get into every minute detail of every meeting. She loves to state the obvious to me and really, she just gets on my freakin nerves. She's one of those people that always has the fake smile on her face where you just fake smile back knowing that all I want to do is stick a pencil in her eye.
Basically, it's hard to start a new job and try to get into the mix right off the bat. And I know that, I'm not quite sure why I thought this one might be a little different...I don't care that much because, really, I don't want to be friends with these people. When I leave work at night I just want to go home and be with my hubby and my pooch. But, in reality it just makes me miss my old crew. They were the best! Oh well...back to work. I need to send some emails that won't be answered...
First off, these people are just not my peeps like my old co-workers are. I mean, I don't even see anyone in this group that I would become "buddies" with. None of them are really "my type" if that makes any sense at all.
This is going to sound pathetic, but no one compliments me. And I know, this sounds like such a girl thing but in my old group, we knew each other and our style, as it were and if someone came in to the office in a cute outfit, which I feel I do often, then we would compliment each other. Hey, nice shoes. Hey, that's a cute top...blah blah blah. I get none of that here. I get the up and down look and the outfit check out but no indication as to whether I'm being admired or looked down on or perhaps it's jealousy...? Who knows. Actually, my male boss admired a sweater I wore last week. Typical. Only the man can be honest and unbiased...working with women is some times so trying.
I also don't know these people's personalities that well yet and that's difficult. I am a very sarcastic person and I am just not sure who I can joke around with yet and who will get offended.
Television is also a great way to get to know people. Well, I really don't know what these people watch. And god forbid I open my self up and talk about some of the trash I watch in case they are all like super geeks and get off on programs like Cross Fire or No Spin Zone, or some other shitty political rubbish...who knows.
There are also a few people that kind of rub me the wrong way and that is so hard to take! One chick, for some odd reason, NEVER answers my emails. It got to the point where I had to flat out ask her, "ummm...are you receiving my emails because it seems that I haven't been getting responses from you and I want to make sure they're not getting bounced back". It worked in embarrassing her a bit but still, nothing has changed. She is a little on the flighty side. Maybe she's just lazy? I don't know, but for fuck's sake I'm ready to bash her head in with a three hole punch!
Another co-worker is one of those busy body, know-it-all, has her hands in every freakin pot types of people. She loveeessss telling me how to do things, or better yet, how SHE would do things. She likes to get into every minute detail of every meeting. She loves to state the obvious to me and really, she just gets on my freakin nerves. She's one of those people that always has the fake smile on her face where you just fake smile back knowing that all I want to do is stick a pencil in her eye.
Basically, it's hard to start a new job and try to get into the mix right off the bat. And I know that, I'm not quite sure why I thought this one might be a little different...I don't care that much because, really, I don't want to be friends with these people. When I leave work at night I just want to go home and be with my hubby and my pooch. But, in reality it just makes me miss my old crew. They were the best! Oh well...back to work. I need to send some emails that won't be answered...
At 1:28 PM, January 22, 2008,
Andi said…
I hear ya. Falling into a new crowd can be a chore. I'm enjoying the people I work with, but basically on T/Th I'm stuck in my office or class or the writing center alone all day. To this point I haven't been in on MWF because I didn't have to be here...SOOO I feel like I have lots of catching up to do. Blah.
Hope you guys find a groove soon and you discover a hidden stash of cool people.
And I would TOTALLY tell you you have on a cute outfit. I have on a cute new necklace today. Need to take a pic.
At 4:42 PM, January 22, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I really understand how you feel. My current job is a paycheck, pure and simple. Not even as good of a paycheck as I used to make! There is nobody here with whom I would socialise outside of the office. My compulsive chatter coworker has taken her passive-aggressive behaviour to an all-new high: she deliberately times her departures so that I am left in mid-evening, after-dark, without an armed escort to the parking garage! I can't even complain about her because I can't prove she is doing it deliberately!!!!
At 10:41 AM, January 23, 2008,
The Funky Bee said…
Awww DK, I'm sorry to hear that. Why are women such bitches? to each other? I mean, aren't we supposed to stick together. I swear, and I hate saying this, I have had a harder time working with women than I've ever had working with men. It's so dissapointing! I hope things get a little better for you and for me at work DK.
At 10:38 PM, January 23, 2008,
Oh great One said…
I HATE when they look you up and down but say nothing! Makes me want to punch em in the boob. (Then run away. I'm not much of a fighter.)
At 4:44 PM, January 24, 2008,
Sassy said…
You know they are jealous ;)
I hope you find your groove with these people...you should be able to have some fun/chat at work!!
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