Oh Happy Day....
Christmas is over...la la la! I SURVIVED!!!
Actually, and I hate to admit this, but this was one of the best Christmas' yet. It may have something to do with having about 2 months off before hand in which time I got all of my shopping and wrapping done. And I have to admit having the hubby and the pooch by my side always makes everything better. I still do hate the two days of endless running around that Christmas Even and Christmas Day provide but the hubby and I had it down to a science this year. We were like the well oiled Christmas machine!
We had everything in piles according to stops for Christmas day. We got the car packed up for stop #1. Loaded the pooch into the car and headed out. Returned to the casa a few hours later, grabbed pile number 2 and put pooch back in the car then headed back out for the next round. Back to the house a few more hours later where we gathered the piles for stop 3 and 4, changed clothes and left the pooch at home. The only bad part of the day was stop #4 - hubby's lovely extended family...where they proceeded to show slide shows/power point presentations of their family trip to Italy that half the people there didn't go on, care about or need to see a thousand photos of. Yeah...that was fun, almost as fun as sticking hot pokers in my ass. Somehow I think that last stop won't be happening next Christmas, at least not if I can help it.
The only thing that I truly hate about Christmas is that you always feel like you don't get to spend enough time with the people that you really want to visit with and that makes me sad. It kills me that I wasted my time on people that could care less if I was there and quite honestly, that I could care less to spend any time with anyway. I guess we have to start having kids to get a say in where we go on Christmas. God, I would have kids for that alone! Maybe I'll start adopting or borrowing some around the holidays then give them back afterward....he he...KIDDING!
Anyway, I hope everyone had a spectacular holiday and looking forward to an even better New Year!!
Actually, and I hate to admit this, but this was one of the best Christmas' yet. It may have something to do with having about 2 months off before hand in which time I got all of my shopping and wrapping done. And I have to admit having the hubby and the pooch by my side always makes everything better. I still do hate the two days of endless running around that Christmas Even and Christmas Day provide but the hubby and I had it down to a science this year. We were like the well oiled Christmas machine!
We had everything in piles according to stops for Christmas day. We got the car packed up for stop #1. Loaded the pooch into the car and headed out. Returned to the casa a few hours later, grabbed pile number 2 and put pooch back in the car then headed back out for the next round. Back to the house a few more hours later where we gathered the piles for stop 3 and 4, changed clothes and left the pooch at home. The only bad part of the day was stop #4 - hubby's lovely extended family...where they proceeded to show slide shows/power point presentations of their family trip to Italy that half the people there didn't go on, care about or need to see a thousand photos of. Yeah...that was fun, almost as fun as sticking hot pokers in my ass. Somehow I think that last stop won't be happening next Christmas, at least not if I can help it.
The only thing that I truly hate about Christmas is that you always feel like you don't get to spend enough time with the people that you really want to visit with and that makes me sad. It kills me that I wasted my time on people that could care less if I was there and quite honestly, that I could care less to spend any time with anyway. I guess we have to start having kids to get a say in where we go on Christmas. God, I would have kids for that alone! Maybe I'll start adopting or borrowing some around the holidays then give them back afterward....he he...KIDDING!
Anyway, I hope everyone had a spectacular holiday and looking forward to an even better New Year!!
At 1:49 PM, December 27, 2007,
Oh great One said…
Oh my goodness! I remember the days of trying to appease everyone ELSE for Christmas. You just need to decide what/who is important to your christmas experience and go with it! If they really want to see you then they will be happy to make other arrangements. So there pthhht!
That's easy for me to say huh!
Happy couple of days after Christmas!
At 4:28 PM, December 27, 2007,
Anonymous said…
I am so not going to bitch about how my Xmess is a non-event due to my being single, estranged from my parents, my sister and her kids live in England, my friends all do their own family thing, and I'm not Christian.
p.s., it's could NOT care less!!! because if you COULD care less then why wouldn't you?
p.p.s., where are the photos of pooch in Santa hat?
At 5:56 PM, December 27, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
DK - you are forever invited to the hell that is our Christmas ;O) Just kidding, BUT you can come hang out with us and we can all not go anywhere else. We'll stay in and have lots of holiday cheer!
Oh and thank you for the grammar lesson, I do sometimes need them!! didn't do so well in grammar class as a child.
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