Okay, so I realize that this blog is slowly but surely becoming like a first time mother showing off pictures and stories about her new baby and I know it's getting lame. SO - from now on stories about the dog will be limited to blurbs within a post as opposed to being the focus every day. We've just been consumed with this damn dog for the last few months. And she's so damn cute so how could you blame me?
So, with that said, OMG you should see what the dog did today, it was so cute...KIDDING!
So the hubby and I have been going over plans for a home renovation with an architect. It's going to be a disaster. Well, we have to decide on final plans first and that seems to be taking forever and on top of that um, it's very possible that I could be losing my job in a month or so and if that's the case and I don't get a severance package it's just not going to happen. I told TSO that if our relationship can make it through a home renovation, we can make it through anything...I won't bore you with any more details but I'll keep you posted if anything good happens.
I am seriously anticipating losing my job but it's so hard to fathom. I have had virtually the same job since college so I've never really been shit canned. I am oddly not worried and I'm still not quite sure why. I have every reason to be freaking the fuck out right now and I'm not. We are a two income household and I don't think our lifestyle can withstand such a drastic change. Could we make it work? Probably but that would kind of suck. I also have nothing in the pipeline in terms of a new job and I'm not making any movements there either...Somehow I just think this is all going to work out. I could be so utterly and completely wrong but I'm sitting back and let it all play out.
Honestly, other than shitty work, things are good. I am truly blessed with all the good things in my life. I have a great family, life long friends and an amazing husband. I'll have to admit that still seems weird that I have a "husband". I was never the girlie girl who dreamt of her wedding day and her dress and the colors she wanted (no offense to those of you who did, one of my best friends had her wedding planned by the time she was 15). But now I can't imagine life without him. I know...the mush factor of this post is growing and growing!
Do you ever just think about something in your life and know that it is completely right? I feel that way about the hubby all the time. He is the nicest person I've ever met. He is the cutest, sexiest man in the world. He takes such good care of me and puppy head. He is going to be a wonderful father. I look at him and I want to be like him, he just has such a great disposition. He makes me laugh all the time. My family loves him. Even though we had a great relationship before we got married, it's even better now. And after almost ten years of being together I am just as in love with him as I was the first year we dated. It just keeps getting better and I'm pretty sure that is an indication that he was made for me. I am a very lucky girl!
So, with that said, OMG you should see what the dog did today, it was so cute...KIDDING!
So the hubby and I have been going over plans for a home renovation with an architect. It's going to be a disaster. Well, we have to decide on final plans first and that seems to be taking forever and on top of that um, it's very possible that I could be losing my job in a month or so and if that's the case and I don't get a severance package it's just not going to happen. I told TSO that if our relationship can make it through a home renovation, we can make it through anything...I won't bore you with any more details but I'll keep you posted if anything good happens.
I am seriously anticipating losing my job but it's so hard to fathom. I have had virtually the same job since college so I've never really been shit canned. I am oddly not worried and I'm still not quite sure why. I have every reason to be freaking the fuck out right now and I'm not. We are a two income household and I don't think our lifestyle can withstand such a drastic change. Could we make it work? Probably but that would kind of suck. I also have nothing in the pipeline in terms of a new job and I'm not making any movements there either...Somehow I just think this is all going to work out. I could be so utterly and completely wrong but I'm sitting back and let it all play out.
Honestly, other than shitty work, things are good. I am truly blessed with all the good things in my life. I have a great family, life long friends and an amazing husband. I'll have to admit that still seems weird that I have a "husband". I was never the girlie girl who dreamt of her wedding day and her dress and the colors she wanted (no offense to those of you who did, one of my best friends had her wedding planned by the time she was 15). But now I can't imagine life without him. I know...the mush factor of this post is growing and growing!
Do you ever just think about something in your life and know that it is completely right? I feel that way about the hubby all the time. He is the nicest person I've ever met. He is the cutest, sexiest man in the world. He takes such good care of me and puppy head. He is going to be a wonderful father. I look at him and I want to be like him, he just has such a great disposition. He makes me laugh all the time. My family loves him. Even though we had a great relationship before we got married, it's even better now. And after almost ten years of being together I am just as in love with him as I was the first year we dated. It just keeps getting better and I'm pretty sure that is an indication that he was made for me. I am a very lucky girl!
Labels: mushy mush mush
At 1:01 PM, July 19, 2007,
Oh great One said…
You were together for THAT long before you got married? Why did you wait so long to make it official? Sorry if I'm too nosey.
I'm glad you are so happy!
What happened to that other job that was trying to woo you? (I know it was a while back.) Do they still have anything open for you?
At 2:20 PM, July 19, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
OGO - yes, we were together for almost 9 years before getting married. We started dating while I was still in college so we were definitely not ready right away. Of course after we got married the hubby said, I don't know why we waited so long to do this, BUT it's fine. I was never in a rush and I think we both knew we'd be together forever so it wasn't a big deal.
About the job. I have been with my job so long that if I leave on my own I am giving up the possibility of a hefty severance package. So really I just have to wait this whole thing out, then I can possibly call the other peeps that were wooing me and see if they still have any openings :O(
At 2:51 PM, July 19, 2007,
Cold Hands said…
Muhahahaha - you are SO mushy. And I know exactly what you are talking about. Ain't it grand?
Also, feel free to post as much as you like about your furkid!
At 4:27 PM, July 19, 2007,
Sassy said…
Tis the day for mushy mush mush!
You must have a sixth sense about your job if you're not worrying! Keep us posted of course!
Oh and the baby moving feels kind of like a ripple or sometimes a thump. Almost like gas bubbles or something. It's totally awesome.
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