Back from vacation and not happy about it...
Yeah, it was really hard to put a smile on my face this morning as I walked into work, sat down in my cube and contemplated hanging myself with my mac book power cord for the 10th time in only 17 minutes....
Okay, it's not that bad, I guess. It's just a) really hard to come back to work on a Monday from vacation, and b) this is gonna be a really rough week at work.
The bitterness began when I worked Monday and Tuesday of last week when I was supposed to be on vacation. Unfortunately it just had to be done. You know, team player and all that bull shit...When I did come in on Tuesday it was like a political convention with the new president of my company acting as the hand shaker and baby kisser and it wasn't fun. I wanted to puke actually.
Our 4th of July was great. We took the pooch along for the festivities and she did great! I had a bad feeling that our black lab that hates taking baths was gonna be a wuss dog and not like the water. Thankfully I was wrong! She jumped in the river and jumped in and around it over and over for as long as we would allow it. She is our water baby and we are so proud! She dove in, she submerged her head quite a few times biting for sticks and logs and unfortunately she also stepped on something sharp, either a rock, branch or piece of trash, that sliced the webbing in her back paw. Unfortunately we didn't realize it until I noticed her licking her paw constantly the next morning. She's fine, she's not limping or acting weird but she's now on antibiotics and we're supposed to be soaking her foot daily in this iodine solution but that's a joke. You try soaking a 7 month old black lab puppy's foot in anything and see what's just not going to happen. The doc's also told us not to let her lick it. They said if she continues licking it they'll give her one of those "special dog" collars, you know, the one's that look like a lamp shade got stuck on a dog's head? No way Jose! My dog is not wearing one of those - the harness is as far as I go. And I thought it was good for them to lick their wounds, doesn't it heal it or does it keep it raw? (these questions are for you dog people that so often help me out!)
Anyway, after a long morning of vet's visits and all that mess we finally got on the road to the beach. It was very hard to leave our baby knowing that she had a boo boo. She was a little depressed and wouldn't eat at first but then I think she realized that she was really hungry and she got over it.
The beach was great and relaxing. Got to spend a little QT with my hubby while sunning our buns. Spent lots of time in the ocean and in the pool and was very sad to leave on Sunday.
This week my new bosses are visiting my office. They are here from LA. Everyone is all freaked out because we all have "one on one" meetings with them so that they can "get to know us". Translation = we are re-interviewing for our jobs in the hopes that they don't dislike us. Who knows what's gonna happen. Honestly, I don't really care. I'll get another job if I have to. That should be the least of my worries in life and really, isn't life too short to burn out on bogus shit like this? I think so. I don't think I'm cut out for corporate America as it is so this type of stressful, tense work environment does nothing but turn me off. I am not a cut throat executive type. I'm not a back stabber and a saboteur (sp?) - is that a word? . I'm not a jet setter or a public speaker and I'm proud of that. I have so many other creative qualities that probably belong in a smaller atmosphere anyway, but who knows what will happen. I'm just sitting back and letting it all fall into place around me. Wish me luck getting through this week...
Okay, it's not that bad, I guess. It's just a) really hard to come back to work on a Monday from vacation, and b) this is gonna be a really rough week at work.
The bitterness began when I worked Monday and Tuesday of last week when I was supposed to be on vacation. Unfortunately it just had to be done. You know, team player and all that bull shit...When I did come in on Tuesday it was like a political convention with the new president of my company acting as the hand shaker and baby kisser and it wasn't fun. I wanted to puke actually.
Our 4th of July was great. We took the pooch along for the festivities and she did great! I had a bad feeling that our black lab that hates taking baths was gonna be a wuss dog and not like the water. Thankfully I was wrong! She jumped in the river and jumped in and around it over and over for as long as we would allow it. She is our water baby and we are so proud! She dove in, she submerged her head quite a few times biting for sticks and logs and unfortunately she also stepped on something sharp, either a rock, branch or piece of trash, that sliced the webbing in her back paw. Unfortunately we didn't realize it until I noticed her licking her paw constantly the next morning. She's fine, she's not limping or acting weird but she's now on antibiotics and we're supposed to be soaking her foot daily in this iodine solution but that's a joke. You try soaking a 7 month old black lab puppy's foot in anything and see what's just not going to happen. The doc's also told us not to let her lick it. They said if she continues licking it they'll give her one of those "special dog" collars, you know, the one's that look like a lamp shade got stuck on a dog's head? No way Jose! My dog is not wearing one of those - the harness is as far as I go. And I thought it was good for them to lick their wounds, doesn't it heal it or does it keep it raw? (these questions are for you dog people that so often help me out!)
Anyway, after a long morning of vet's visits and all that mess we finally got on the road to the beach. It was very hard to leave our baby knowing that she had a boo boo. She was a little depressed and wouldn't eat at first but then I think she realized that she was really hungry and she got over it.
The beach was great and relaxing. Got to spend a little QT with my hubby while sunning our buns. Spent lots of time in the ocean and in the pool and was very sad to leave on Sunday.
This week my new bosses are visiting my office. They are here from LA. Everyone is all freaked out because we all have "one on one" meetings with them so that they can "get to know us". Translation = we are re-interviewing for our jobs in the hopes that they don't dislike us. Who knows what's gonna happen. Honestly, I don't really care. I'll get another job if I have to. That should be the least of my worries in life and really, isn't life too short to burn out on bogus shit like this? I think so. I don't think I'm cut out for corporate America as it is so this type of stressful, tense work environment does nothing but turn me off. I am not a cut throat executive type. I'm not a back stabber and a saboteur (sp?) - is that a word? . I'm not a jet setter or a public speaker and I'm proud of that. I have so many other creative qualities that probably belong in a smaller atmosphere anyway, but who knows what will happen. I'm just sitting back and letting it all fall into place around me. Wish me luck getting through this week...
At 6:14 PM, July 09, 2007,
Oh great One said…
I believe that life is indeed to short to work someplace that makes you feel awful. That's why CCB took the job he's in now. The other one was ugly and I didn't like him stressing out so here we are and we're much happier.
I hope things go well for you but if not, you're too good for them anyway!
At 10:35 AM, July 10, 2007,
Cold Hands said…
the vacation sounds fab... hmmmmmm, I might have to go online and book myself something relaxing soon!
At 12:26 PM, July 10, 2007,
Anonymous said…
i hear you on having it with corporate, i just couldn't handle it anymore. it was ridiculous.
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