The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Monday, December 04, 2006

I have had the worst headache for the last 3 days. Nothing is helping and it won't go away. It's putting me in such a bad mood, I feel like I'm gonna cry. I get sinus infections pretty regularly so there's a chance that it's trying to turn into that because even my teeth hurt and that's what happens when I get sinus infections but my ears hurt, my eyes hurt, my hair follicles hurt. I am miserable!

To top it off, it's Monday, it's freezing outside (Friday's 74 degree temperatures are a distant memory at this point), it's about 40 degrees and windy! AND...drum roll please...I have a gyno appointment this afternoon - HOORAY! I can't wait for that. Man oh manischewitz I can't wait!

It was a nice, pretty low key weekend. Mr. Funky and I got all domestic and put Christmas lights and decorations up in the yard on Saturday. The house looks really good, if I do say so myself! I got the twinkling icicle lights and they are so pretty. It only took Hubby 3+ hours to put up a string of lights, although I admit that does include me having to go back to the store to get more lights. I also put up different size and shaped Christmas balls all over our front tree. We've gotten lots of compliments from the neighbors on it so it must look nice, that is until the wind picks up and one of them goes projectile into one of their windows! HA...hope it's not the meanies that live next door to us!!

Anyway, I'm going to go put my head down on my desk and possibly sob from the pain, not sure yet. Hope everyone is having a better day than I am...


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