So, this is my new project. Infused vodka! I started off with just pineapple but I decided to get creative and make my own "blend" as they call it in the vodka infusing world, and I added blueberries. SO, it will be a pineapple-blueberry vodka in approximately one week to ten days. The Sweet One and I had some pineapple infused vodka once when we were in San Francisco and loved it and I've been wanting to make some since. Good thing someone bought us a lovely "lemonade" container for a shower gift...he he, if they only knew what it was being used for!
On another note, I think I was feeling very productive last night, I made 4 new purses! I was also up until 2am but that's besides the point. One was the bubble gum bag that someone in Cali bought and I have to send out today.
The other three I had cut up previously and was on a roll so decided to just make them while I felt I had the time.
I love how in the midst of all this madness and the thought that I have a ton of things that still need to get done with the wedding I am sitting at my sewing machine making bags, HA! My priorities have never been in order.
Anyway, it's about hot as balls outside. Hope everyone's staying cool!
At 10:17 AM, August 02, 2006,
peachy said…
What cute bags!!
The vodka sounds pretty cool too. I didn't know that's how you made it. I just drink the stuff (every now and again).
At 11:04 AM, August 02, 2006,
Sassy said…
So you just put some fruit or whatever in the vodka and leave it?!
Love the bags!
At 11:16 AM, August 02, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
Peachy - thanks! and yes, apparently that's how you make it
Sassy - I went on-line and looked up the process and yup, that's pretty much it. You leave it either in the fridge or on a counter out of direct sun light. You can also do things like jalepenos and use it for bloody mary's (YUM) or other fruits and berries. There are different times that you need to allow it to sit depending on the fruit/veg you use. You can also speed up the process by adding sugar but I think that defeats the purpose. I want to go the all natural vodka route ;O)
At 5:19 PM, August 02, 2006,
crazycatlady said…
The vodka sounds good...let us know how it turns out. Also, I love your you have a site that you sell them off of?
At 7:48 PM, August 02, 2006,
Oh great One said…
Cute bags lady!
Not only does it infuse the vodka with fruit flavors but it's a lovely center piece!
At 11:14 PM, August 02, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
My bags, and other funky little gifts are for sale on my web site at BeeFunky.Net - There's a link to my site on the right hand side bar if anyone's interested in checking it out.
At 11:22 PM, August 02, 2006,
Andi said…
Those are adorable!!! And I need to order the camo one you have on the website. I'm allll about camo.
And the vodka sounds FABULOUS! That's gonna be my next project too! Yum!
At 3:56 PM, August 03, 2006,
Sassy said…
Thanks! I am so going to be infusing some vodka...mmmmmm!
I've also checked out your webpage! So creative...this could be bad...for me. Good for you. ;)
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