Okay, I fucking LOVE the Container Store. WHY OH WHY MUST I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS DAMN STORE?
Seriously. When I walk in there I just want to buy everything and organize, organize, organize! I want to put everything in cute little containers and rolling carts and nifty little hooks. HELP ME. I want to bring an employee home with me and just ask them to get to work. I spent almost an hour in there last night. I didn't buy much, oh I could have, but I didn't. The downfall to the container store...they're pretty damn expensive. One day, when I have some time and some extra cash (never) I'm going to just reorgaize my whole house and get all of my closets together and all container stored out. One day...
So it's still hot as Africa out and I am really getting nervous about what my bills will look like next month. This month was already pretty steep, next month is going to be silly. I don't like to be hot. I am a painintheassbitchylittleshithead when I'm hot. SO, I must have my AC. When it's a billion degrees outside my AC has to work over time. I am scared. Now, don't get me wrong, I am by no means complaining about it being hot. I would much rather be sweating my tits off than, well, freezing them off. But it would be so much more pleasant if it could be like ten degrees cooler. Either that or if I was allowed to work pool side everyday. Either way...
Okay...time to do work, meh!
Seriously. When I walk in there I just want to buy everything and organize, organize, organize! I want to put everything in cute little containers and rolling carts and nifty little hooks. HELP ME. I want to bring an employee home with me and just ask them to get to work. I spent almost an hour in there last night. I didn't buy much, oh I could have, but I didn't. The downfall to the container store...they're pretty damn expensive. One day, when I have some time and some extra cash (never) I'm going to just reorgaize my whole house and get all of my closets together and all container stored out. One day...
So it's still hot as Africa out and I am really getting nervous about what my bills will look like next month. This month was already pretty steep, next month is going to be silly. I don't like to be hot. I am a painintheassbitchylittleshithead when I'm hot. SO, I must have my AC. When it's a billion degrees outside my AC has to work over time. I am scared. Now, don't get me wrong, I am by no means complaining about it being hot. I would much rather be sweating my tits off than, well, freezing them off. But it would be so much more pleasant if it could be like ten degrees cooler. Either that or if I was allowed to work pool side everyday. Either way...
Okay...time to do work, meh!
At 11:00 AM, August 03, 2006,
Cold Hands said…
Ikea is a wonderful alternative to the Container Store because they are cheapcheapcheap and have all of that fun stuff!!
We are on like our 19th day of over 100 degree heat.. I'm melting.. thank goodness for AC!
At 11:24 AM, August 03, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
CH - I agree about the IKEA thing. I tend to get a lot more of those gadgets, etc there for the mere price difference but the container store has some things that IKEA doesn't and it's just fun to walk around in there for hours. Yes, I am lame, I know ;O) I love living on the surface of the sun, how bout you?
At 1:31 PM, August 03, 2006,
Oh great One said…
I never know what to expect on my heating/cooling bill. It dropped from 260.00 to 50.00. Then back up to 300.00 dollars! It's all a crap shoot cuz I never changed my thermostat!
At 3:37 PM, August 03, 2006,
peachy said…
My AC is not on overtime, but my bill is still sky high. I am warm, but not HOT. Luckily I don't have to go outside.
I've never been to the container store. I think I would love it if I did, though. I need more hiding places for my junk.
At 3:58 PM, August 03, 2006,
Sassy said…
Im melting over here too! but sooo not complaining...rather it be like this then -30 (whatever the hell that is in F)
I have the same addiction. I'd love to put everything in nice little containers and baskets and shit...would look so nice. But Im broke. So here it sits in piles on my desk. Crap!
At 11:10 PM, August 03, 2006,
aughra said…
I have been melting here, too. Don't worry about the heat advisory, I didn't work too hard. Thanks for your concern!!
I don't think there's a container store around here. At least not in the county. And that's a good thing, because I am nutso about organizing.
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