Oh my lord...the weekend was GREAT, from what I can remember anyway.
Friday we hung out on the beach for a few hours then the pool. We waited for the rest of the crew to get into town then we got some clothes on and went out to the bars. It was a blast. We danced, we drank, people bought me shots and drinks and all that good stuff. Saturday we got up and hit the beach. We drank, we gossiped. Then we went back to the pool where we hung out and ummm...drank. Went to the Bottle and Cork for jam session and listened to music and drank some more. This is where it starts getting fuzzy...went and got a little put back together at the hotel just to go back out. I didn't have to wear anything too horrendous. I had a black tank that said bachelorette on it that my girls made for me and some beads, oh and a goofy shot glass around my neck but it wasn't as bad as the other bachelorette's I saw out with their veils, penis straws, etc.
I did the silly games that the girls had me do - get a piggy back ride from a guy at the bar (most violent piggy back I've ever had), get a sock from a guy at the bar (which is not very easy at the beach!), there were others but I won't get into it (The Sweet One reads this...hi babe!). I was made to dance on stage with the band. On the way home from the bars we walked right into a house party and drank captain morgans from the bottle out of the fridge then left. I can't really remember too much else of the party. As a matter of fact I don't even remember leaving the bar. Thank god I had some great ladies taking care of me! We went back to our hotel where there was a bachelor party staying there...I think...? A bunch of my girls and I ended up on the beach with a 19 YEAR OLD BOY! How did I know his age? A police officer stopped him and I'm not quite sure how he didn't get arrested for having an open container AND being under age. I don't think I was even able to speak at this point. The rest of the evening comes in and out of memory in little snippets. I don't know who let me keep drinking once we were home...YUCK. I woke up on Sunday in one of the other girls rooms that I wasn't originally staying in, on the couch. I was drunk on Sunday until probably 6pm. THAT felt awful. Which also means that my hang over didn't start until Monday morning. I barely made it into work on Monday. I am SO glad my boss is currently out of the country because I couldn't have put in a full day with a smile on my face.
My brain is still hurting and I am considering putting myself on the list for a replacement liver. I, of course, didn't take one picture, but my girlfriends did. If I can find any that are worth posting, then i will later when I can. Getting old is sad...recovery takes so long!
Friday we hung out on the beach for a few hours then the pool. We waited for the rest of the crew to get into town then we got some clothes on and went out to the bars. It was a blast. We danced, we drank, people bought me shots and drinks and all that good stuff. Saturday we got up and hit the beach. We drank, we gossiped. Then we went back to the pool where we hung out and ummm...drank. Went to the Bottle and Cork for jam session and listened to music and drank some more. This is where it starts getting fuzzy...went and got a little put back together at the hotel just to go back out. I didn't have to wear anything too horrendous. I had a black tank that said bachelorette on it that my girls made for me and some beads, oh and a goofy shot glass around my neck but it wasn't as bad as the other bachelorette's I saw out with their veils, penis straws, etc.
I did the silly games that the girls had me do - get a piggy back ride from a guy at the bar (most violent piggy back I've ever had), get a sock from a guy at the bar (which is not very easy at the beach!), there were others but I won't get into it (The Sweet One reads this...hi babe!). I was made to dance on stage with the band. On the way home from the bars we walked right into a house party and drank captain morgans from the bottle out of the fridge then left. I can't really remember too much else of the party. As a matter of fact I don't even remember leaving the bar. Thank god I had some great ladies taking care of me! We went back to our hotel where there was a bachelor party staying there...I think...? A bunch of my girls and I ended up on the beach with a 19 YEAR OLD BOY! How did I know his age? A police officer stopped him and I'm not quite sure how he didn't get arrested for having an open container AND being under age. I don't think I was even able to speak at this point. The rest of the evening comes in and out of memory in little snippets. I don't know who let me keep drinking once we were home...YUCK. I woke up on Sunday in one of the other girls rooms that I wasn't originally staying in, on the couch. I was drunk on Sunday until probably 6pm. THAT felt awful. Which also means that my hang over didn't start until Monday morning. I barely made it into work on Monday. I am SO glad my boss is currently out of the country because I couldn't have put in a full day with a smile on my face.
My brain is still hurting and I am considering putting myself on the list for a replacement liver. I, of course, didn't take one picture, but my girlfriends did. If I can find any that are worth posting, then i will later when I can. Getting old is sad...recovery takes so long!
At 11:46 AM, August 15, 2006,
Oh great One said…
It sounds like you are lucky you didn't get alcohol poisoning girl!
I'm blad you had a good time!
At 2:13 PM, August 15, 2006,
Cold Hands said…
wow- that sounds like so much fun!!!
glad they didnt embarass you too much!
At 2:24 PM, August 15, 2006,
Sassy said…
Holy crap! Drink much?!?!
Sounds like an awesome time...not all of us can say they ended up drunk on a beach with an underage guy and a police officer! LOL
I say post the pics...even if they aren't "decent"
At 5:30 PM, August 15, 2006,
Andi said…
LOL, that's a hell of a bachelorette party!!! I'm taking notes!
At 11:06 AM, August 17, 2006,
Calvin said…
hehe.. that must've been loads of fun!
At 12:51 AM, August 18, 2006,
Chick said…
Pictures...pictures...we want pictures!
At 8:16 PM, August 18, 2006,
aughra said…
Oh dear, it sounds like you had a serious ass bachelorette weekend. Congrats.
At 8:48 PM, August 19, 2006,
peachy said…
Hey-Is your friend playing at 8x10 soon? I saw a list of bands playing and one seemed familiar to me, but I wasn't sure. Find out and I'll meet you down there if you're in town.
Sounds like a great party. Thank goodness for good friends. I laughed about the 19 year old.
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