Monday...random ramblings
Why is it that Monday's are synonymous with awful, shitty, depressing days? WHY?
I had a great weekend. Went out with the girls on Saturday and had a blast. One of our friend's brother is a liquor distributor in D.C. and hooked us up with a table and unlimited free bottles. Man, what a mistake. We had 3 -4 big bottles of Absolut, I can't quite remember which it was, 3 or 4. And there definitely wasn't enough of us there to have drank that much. Thank God for cabs and girlfriends to ride home in them with me. Thank God I can remember my address even when I am in and out of blackout stage (yes, I know that is not safe or a good representation of myself - shit happens). When we got home TSO said we were speaking what we called "Alien". I don't even know what that means but apparently we were making up words. And believe me...I paid for it all on Sunday along with every one of my friends. At one point I was shaking so bad. I felt like I was starving yet I felt as though I could hurl at any moment...Oy! It was not fun. My TSO really came through for me though. He went out and got me everything a hungry, hungover girl could ever want. He got me pork fried rice, penne pasta with bolognese sauce, McDonalds french fries and a HUGE coke with lots of ice. It was like hangover heaven. I have to say I was probably in the best shape of everyone. One of my girlfriends couldn't get out of bed...ALL DAY!
Last night we went to see "Little Miss Sunshine". I HIGHLY recommend it. Go see this movie, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
So onto my miserable monday...It just started off wrong. Nothing went right at work from the minute I walked in the door. I had one of the most frustrating meetings about a damn happy hour that we are throwing. How is a meeting about a happy hour frustrating you might ask? Even I was baffled, but anything was possible today I suppose. I won't get into any of the other boring work shit. Just take my word. This day was from hell.
If you're ever planning a wedding and people tell you "it's all about you", they're lying. It's not about you at all. It's about your family, your guests, your bridal party. It is about everyone but you. I have to admit I am very organized but at some point you just feel pushed to your limits. I have my mother pestering me to get my brothers reading to him, because you know, he's the first person on the list and needs to have this reading asap, I mean, it is all about him. I have my dad pestering me to call the hotel where most of our guests are staying to try and get just one more room, or maybe two, for people that forgot to book them at our room block rate. I have my soon to be MIL calling me to tell me that the menu that we picked for the rehearsal dinner has changed but she can't tell me what it's changed to. I have a bridesmaid basically berating me over email because she has some questions and I've apparently failed to call her back (I missed her call about 10 minutes before). AAAHHH! I just want to scream. I want everyone to LEAVE ME ALONE!
The Sweet One has been going out with his friends as if he's preparing for a jail sentence. I have to admit that it's worrying me. For those that didn't know, we don't live together yet. I kind of assumed we would have taken care of that by now but we haven't...He claims that since we'll be married soon it won't be as easy for him to go out with his friends as often. I don't think that's any way to look at the situation. I don't think us getting married means life is over but apparently he does and I can't say I'm comfortable with this situation. It's making me feel really bad actually. Is this a bad sign? Or is he being realistic in thinking that no, he won't be able to just be out and about with his friends whenever he pleases? I mean, we're not 18. I would think we could come to some adult compromise when it comes to hanging out with friends. I mean, for Christ's sake, we don't even go out as often as we once did...we're old and boring (most of the time).
I don't know. This whole day is just making me sick. I feel down and depressed. Maybe it's the whole hang over blues, although I'm pretty sure I went through that on Sunday. Maybe it's the fact that the wedding is in two weeks, I have things I want to do and work is getting in the way. Maybe I'm just being a sensitive girl...? who knows, I just hope I feel better tomorrow because I hate feeling this way.
I had a great weekend. Went out with the girls on Saturday and had a blast. One of our friend's brother is a liquor distributor in D.C. and hooked us up with a table and unlimited free bottles. Man, what a mistake. We had 3 -4 big bottles of Absolut, I can't quite remember which it was, 3 or 4. And there definitely wasn't enough of us there to have drank that much. Thank God for cabs and girlfriends to ride home in them with me. Thank God I can remember my address even when I am in and out of blackout stage (yes, I know that is not safe or a good representation of myself - shit happens). When we got home TSO said we were speaking what we called "Alien". I don't even know what that means but apparently we were making up words. And believe me...I paid for it all on Sunday along with every one of my friends. At one point I was shaking so bad. I felt like I was starving yet I felt as though I could hurl at any moment...Oy! It was not fun. My TSO really came through for me though. He went out and got me everything a hungry, hungover girl could ever want. He got me pork fried rice, penne pasta with bolognese sauce, McDonalds french fries and a HUGE coke with lots of ice. It was like hangover heaven. I have to say I was probably in the best shape of everyone. One of my girlfriends couldn't get out of bed...ALL DAY!
Last night we went to see "Little Miss Sunshine". I HIGHLY recommend it. Go see this movie, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
So onto my miserable monday...It just started off wrong. Nothing went right at work from the minute I walked in the door. I had one of the most frustrating meetings about a damn happy hour that we are throwing. How is a meeting about a happy hour frustrating you might ask? Even I was baffled, but anything was possible today I suppose. I won't get into any of the other boring work shit. Just take my word. This day was from hell.
If you're ever planning a wedding and people tell you "it's all about you", they're lying. It's not about you at all. It's about your family, your guests, your bridal party. It is about everyone but you. I have to admit I am very organized but at some point you just feel pushed to your limits. I have my mother pestering me to get my brothers reading to him, because you know, he's the first person on the list and needs to have this reading asap, I mean, it is all about him. I have my dad pestering me to call the hotel where most of our guests are staying to try and get just one more room, or maybe two, for people that forgot to book them at our room block rate. I have my soon to be MIL calling me to tell me that the menu that we picked for the rehearsal dinner has changed but she can't tell me what it's changed to. I have a bridesmaid basically berating me over email because she has some questions and I've apparently failed to call her back (I missed her call about 10 minutes before). AAAHHH! I just want to scream. I want everyone to LEAVE ME ALONE!
The Sweet One has been going out with his friends as if he's preparing for a jail sentence. I have to admit that it's worrying me. For those that didn't know, we don't live together yet. I kind of assumed we would have taken care of that by now but we haven't...He claims that since we'll be married soon it won't be as easy for him to go out with his friends as often. I don't think that's any way to look at the situation. I don't think us getting married means life is over but apparently he does and I can't say I'm comfortable with this situation. It's making me feel really bad actually. Is this a bad sign? Or is he being realistic in thinking that no, he won't be able to just be out and about with his friends whenever he pleases? I mean, we're not 18. I would think we could come to some adult compromise when it comes to hanging out with friends. I mean, for Christ's sake, we don't even go out as often as we once did...we're old and boring (most of the time).
I don't know. This whole day is just making me sick. I feel down and depressed. Maybe it's the whole hang over blues, although I'm pretty sure I went through that on Sunday. Maybe it's the fact that the wedding is in two weeks, I have things I want to do and work is getting in the way. Maybe I'm just being a sensitive girl...? who knows, I just hope I feel better tomorrow because I hate feeling this way.
At 6:35 AM, August 29, 2006,
peachy said…
I think you're probably just stressed. I hope TSO doesn't really think that way. You guys are way more interesting than I am, so don't even think you're old and boring.
It's game time, and the countdown is on. I hate people who can't reserve their room and then want you to figure out their issues.
Oh, and your gf will live if you don't call her back. Does she realize you're busy? sheesh.
At 8:47 AM, August 29, 2006,
Oh great One said…
First of all you are under a lot of stress. Peoples expectations can be murder when you are trying to plan your wedding. Do what you can and the rest can kiss your butt.
Second. Things do change when you get married however, I think guys get their heads pumped full of false information. Living together does change the dynamic of your relationship, you need to check in with your spouse so they don't worry etc. etc. Nothing too drastic I think. I don't think that you are the kind of girl to squash his interactions with friends. No need to worry there. It's like that other misconception that when you get married the sex is done. WHATEVER!
Look at me going all Dr. Phil on you! "Today is gonna be a changing day..."
At 10:02 AM, August 29, 2006,
aughra said…
Fuckers. It is about you, but all these people think that you aren't doing anything but showing up on that day, and they have the hard jobs. They aren't considering you, except for the fact that they think what they are doing for you is making you happy, and forgeting that all this pestering of you is not.
About TSO going out - let him be a boy, and after the wedding things will settle down and you guys will have normal social lives.
Good luck.
At 1:30 PM, August 29, 2006,
Amy said…
I've been through a lot of wedding issues lately...and the advice that I kept giving my friends (HELL NO I DIDN'T GET MARRIED...) was that it's not the wedding, it's the marriage.
Remember that. The wedding doesn't count. The marriage does.
At 2:52 PM, August 29, 2006,
Andi said…
Hugs for Funky! I hope everything calms down a bit so you can enjoy these last pre-wedding days for what they should theoretically be--enjoyable!
At 3:48 PM, August 29, 2006,
Calvin said…
o boy.. hope your tuesday is treating you better :-)
At 12:38 AM, August 30, 2006,
Chick said…
I'm dying to see that movie!
& it should be about you...don't forget that (bride's get to be selfish...because if you don't do it now...when will you ever get the chance again?...never...that's when).
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