Well...Ecuador got their asses whipped by Germany (3 - 0) BUT they were already moving onto the next round of the World Cup regardless of today's outcome so it didn't hurt too bad. They really didn't look very good though!
My mom came by my house this morning and brought me the $10 from my doctor co-pay and these:
She must really feel bad...
So, I got almost all of the bridesmaids flops completed. For some reason they look a lot better in person than in this picture but I'll show you anyway. I found these super cute iridescence heart shaped sequence and against the white flops they sparkle and look adorable.
Anyway, not much going on today. Hope everyone is having a great day!
At 4:10 PM, June 20, 2006,
Oh great One said…
Seven bridesmaids? Wow! It's gonna be a big wedding then? Very cute idea by the way. If I wore flip flops I'd be sure to try it out. I can't wear them though cuz I have butt ugly feet.
At 4:31 PM, June 20, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
OGO - I actually have 8 bridesmaids and 2 junior bridesmaids! YIKES...I bet your feet aren't that bad. A pedicure and some cute polish can make anyone's pig's look adorable!
At 4:58 PM, June 20, 2006,
Sassy said…
Any chance of making me a pair?! I love then! Although I really dont have anyplace to wear them. I'll have to live through your bridesmaids I guess!
At 5:40 PM, June 20, 2006,
Andi said…
Those flops are ADORABLE.
At 8:21 AM, June 21, 2006,
peachy said…
Cute flip flops. What a great idea.
I was depressed when Ecuador lost, but like you said, they've made it to move on, so it's all good. They are still my top pick.
Those soccer guys are so hot. I seriously can't get enough of them.
At 12:13 PM, June 21, 2006,
aughra said…
Those flops are great! I wish my SIL had done something like that for us.
At 12:13 PM, June 21, 2006,
aughra said…
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At 12:59 PM, June 21, 2006,
Cold Hands said…
cute cute cute!!!
thats a lot of bridesmaids... good luck with that!!
At 11:07 PM, June 21, 2006,
CaCaBoy said…
I LOVE THE WORLD CUP! I played soccer in High School, and let me tell you. People can not appreciate what some of those guys can do with a soccer ball. It is amazing! And I'd like to see a Duane Wade or a Kobe try to run non-stop for 90+ minutes without exploding!
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