The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Tonight will be the LAST marriage prep class for TSO and I and I am SO pumped about it. The classes are not that bad (we've only been to 4 - tonight is the 5th and final) but they are all the way out in Annapolis and that's a long ass drive when you're tired and cranky from work. So although my church has finally figured things out and has "sponsor couples" talk to the engaged couple as opposed to a priest (do we need to get into the reasons why priests should not council soon to be married couples? I think not...), it's just not an ideal way to spend your Wednesday nights. Especially when The Amazing Race and LOST is on (even though LOST is another "special" to get people caught up - we need a NEW EPISODE PEOPLE) - Okay, I'm rambling...

So - our marriage prep classes. They're kind of enjoyable and they really do just spark conversation between the engaged couple about things they may not have thought to talk about. It just so happens that the sponsor couple are friends with my parents. So, we requested them. We thought it was a good idea because we know them. We like them, we've been out drinking with them, so it was a comfortable situation. The thing we didn't consider is that the female in the couple likes to talk. Not just chat and interject her own two cents but she likes to talk, incesantly! Some times her husband even has to tell her to "move it along" or "let's get to the next thing" or even, "she can talk all night if you let her", and believe me, we know! The good thing, she often has cheese and crackers, nuts, fruit, veggies and dip and chocolate out for us. I think it's all a ploy for us to stuff our mouths and sit down attentively while she yammers on...

After tonight, it's all over. Hooray!!

So last night I went for a 45 minute or so bike ride through my neighborhood. My hood is very hilly but of course there are ways to get around the hills and only travel on the slightly angled streets. I thought I would challenge myself and I did a lot of hills. Not sure this was the smartest way to start my first bike ride of the season...I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow!

When I got home from biking I decided to try out this new exercise video I have since I skipped the gym and felt like the bike ride could be combined with something more. It's called the Bar Method. So, at first glance I was kind of like, hmmm, this looks like some kind of glorified yoga class. Then I learned that the creator and woman on the tapes name is Burr (I could go on with that piece of information all day). Then I was like, okay, this is going to be worthless and probably not add to my workout for the day, until I started doing the exercises. OH MY GOD! That shit is HARD and my ass, abs and legs are SO SORE today! I was sweating my ass off during the workout and it's all based on very small movements. Now I'm not sure why I won't be able to walk tomorrow. Will it be from the bike ride or the "Bar Method"? I'm going to continue doing this workout and see if it really elongates my arms and short ass legs, flattens my abs and tightens my thighs and ass...HA...I'll believe it when I see it.


  • At 1:48 PM, April 26, 2006, Blogger aughra said…

    Good luck with the Bar Method. I won't be doing anything to flatten my abs for a while, but I will live vicariously through you!

  • At 2:06 PM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Cold Hands said…

    glad the classes are almost over, and good for yall for going to them in the 1st place!!!

    the exercise seems killer - im with aug and will let you do the work (even tho aug has a might good excuse and im just lazy)

  • At 2:49 PM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Oh great One said…

    I was working on a new work out video till I hurt my back. I think I'm almost healed enough to start up again. It isn't as hard as yours sounds though!

  • At 3:15 PM, April 26, 2006, Blogger peachy said…

    Is it like Pilates or something. Pilates are hard! I guess they work though, I just don't like doing stuff that's hard.

    Congrats on your last day of marriage counseling. I hate people that talk to much. I feel for ya.

  • At 7:09 PM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Sassy said…

    Never heard of that Bar method...but I do enjoy the stripper aerobics! That is a pretty good workout and it has benefits for the bedroom too..hehe

  • At 12:51 AM, April 27, 2006, Blogger Calvin said…

    bar method eh? will keep that in mind if i ever need fast burn! all the best!


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