It was a very family filled weekend. I feel like all I did was eat and now all I want to do is run on the treadmill constantly for the next 7 days straight. At least I feel like that's the only thing that'll make me feel better about myself...
We're lucky enough to live close to the new American Film Institute headquarters. A lot of people think it's in LA, but no, it's in Silver Spring, Maryland, blocks from the border of Washington, D.C. Anyway, that's not what I am trying to get into...The fact is that they show some of the best new and very old films and we're lucky enough to take advantage of that. They also have great seats, comfy theaters AND they sell beer and wine. Nothing better than taking in a flick, reclining like you're in your living room and even having a cocktail if you want!
So, Friday night we went to see the movie Thank You For Smoking. I was skeptical, mostly because TSO usually picks out really bad movies, but he's two for two at the AFI so I was hopeful. It ended up being really good. I highly recommend it.
Saturday we did yard work, well, I did a little yard work, you know, the fun stuff. Planted cute flowers, put out some yummy hanging baskets, swept, raked, pulled weeds. TSO did some MAJOR yard work. He was out there raking, pruning sticker bushes, you know, all the manly stuff. Then the eating began. We started at my family's house then we headed to TSO's parent's house where the whole family and only some of the kids (you would have never known by the noise level) dyed Easter eggs and ate more. We were spent by the end of that and didn't even go out. We went home with full bellys. I hate that feeling...
Sunday morning I got up for church. I really didn't feel like going but that damned Catholic guilt got me so I went. There were so many kids there and they were SO LOUD. I found peace and tried to tune them out. Seriously, why does it take some parents SOOOO LONG to take their kids out of the room when they are fussing? I'm sorry if I'm offending the parents out there and I'm sure one day I will be able to answer these questions for myself but FUCK! I wanted to stuff a page of my bible in some of those kids mouths....
After my morning snack of the body and blood of Christ we headed out to ummm, eat more! We met my parents in down town Annapolis and gorged on the worst food ever at Phillips restaurant. If you've never had the chance to go...DON'T! They used to be the end all, be all of seafood restaurants. Now, they just suck. At least it was a beautiful day to walk down by the water.

From there we headed to another Easter dinner at TSO's family's house. The food was phenomenal BUT I was so full from the other crap we ate that I couldn't really eat. Eh, that didn't stop us. We ate a little then we fell asleep. Don't ask me how we did that with the noise level but we did. Then, we went home with full bellys. Did I mention that I hate that feeling?
I think I woke up full this morning. Gross! It is so yucky and rainy out today I just want to sleep but instead I can be found at the gym tonight. I may sleep there, not sure.
I hope everyone had a great Easter!
We're lucky enough to live close to the new American Film Institute headquarters. A lot of people think it's in LA, but no, it's in Silver Spring, Maryland, blocks from the border of Washington, D.C. Anyway, that's not what I am trying to get into...The fact is that they show some of the best new and very old films and we're lucky enough to take advantage of that. They also have great seats, comfy theaters AND they sell beer and wine. Nothing better than taking in a flick, reclining like you're in your living room and even having a cocktail if you want!
So, Friday night we went to see the movie Thank You For Smoking. I was skeptical, mostly because TSO usually picks out really bad movies, but he's two for two at the AFI so I was hopeful. It ended up being really good. I highly recommend it.
Saturday we did yard work, well, I did a little yard work, you know, the fun stuff. Planted cute flowers, put out some yummy hanging baskets, swept, raked, pulled weeds. TSO did some MAJOR yard work. He was out there raking, pruning sticker bushes, you know, all the manly stuff. Then the eating began. We started at my family's house then we headed to TSO's parent's house where the whole family and only some of the kids (you would have never known by the noise level) dyed Easter eggs and ate more. We were spent by the end of that and didn't even go out. We went home with full bellys. I hate that feeling...
Sunday morning I got up for church. I really didn't feel like going but that damned Catholic guilt got me so I went. There were so many kids there and they were SO LOUD. I found peace and tried to tune them out. Seriously, why does it take some parents SOOOO LONG to take their kids out of the room when they are fussing? I'm sorry if I'm offending the parents out there and I'm sure one day I will be able to answer these questions for myself but FUCK! I wanted to stuff a page of my bible in some of those kids mouths....
After my morning snack of the body and blood of Christ we headed out to ummm, eat more! We met my parents in down town Annapolis and gorged on the worst food ever at Phillips restaurant. If you've never had the chance to go...DON'T! They used to be the end all, be all of seafood restaurants. Now, they just suck. At least it was a beautiful day to walk down by the water.

From there we headed to another Easter dinner at TSO's family's house. The food was phenomenal BUT I was so full from the other crap we ate that I couldn't really eat. Eh, that didn't stop us. We ate a little then we fell asleep. Don't ask me how we did that with the noise level but we did. Then, we went home with full bellys. Did I mention that I hate that feeling?
I think I woke up full this morning. Gross! It is so yucky and rainy out today I just want to sleep but instead I can be found at the gym tonight. I may sleep there, not sure.
I hope everyone had a great Easter!
At 2:24 PM, April 17, 2006,
lecram sinun said…
I got over my Catholic guilt years ago... and strangly enough appreciated the church more when I did - not that I'm a practicing Catholic now... but the resentment isn't there anymore.
At 2:25 PM, April 17, 2006,
lecram sinun said…
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At 3:20 PM, April 17, 2006,
Calvin said…
hehe, food food everywhere! the weather was pretty awesome for the most part over the weekend
At 3:30 PM, April 17, 2006,
peachy said…
I think Phillips has turned into that place where tourists go to eat seafood, but it's not good. I wish more would try to local places (and not be scared of going into the city).
Oh, I heard a preview about that movie. I'll still wait for it on Netflix though.
Have fun at the gym! I'm right there with ya.
At 5:19 PM, April 17, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
Peachy - the ONLY reason we went to Phillips is because we were just playing the whole "eating" thing by ear. Not having a reservation somewhere on Easter Sunday is detrimental to any plans of good food in Annapolis. We would have much rather gone to one of our favorite little places...Oh well, we've learned our lesson that's for sure. Say no to Phillips!
S! The weather was phenomenal this weekend! Hope you got to enjoy it too.
Lecram - I do apprecaite the church more as I get older. I think the guilt is partially religeon, mostly just being a woman!
At 5:30 PM, April 17, 2006,
BlazngScarlet said…
Catholic Guilt ..... it's not just for Christmas anymore!
As a reformed Catholic girl, I rid myself of the guilt that they like to drape over you from baptism on.
Nowadays, I just feel pretty happy that the church walls don't crumble down around me when I walk in.
Just sayin ....
At 7:47 PM, April 17, 2006,
Sassy said…
I'm always surprised I don't burst into flames when I walk into a church!
Unfortunately I told that Catholic guilt to shut up on Sunday morning and I rolled back over to sleep...oops!
Had a great Easter tho..and glad u did too!
At 9:45 PM, April 17, 2006,
aughra said…
I saw Thank You for Smoking this weekend, too!
At 10:19 PM, April 17, 2006,
Oh great One said…
I've been in church with a fussing child. It's no fun. We did what we could but we usually ended up taking the little offender out of the sanctuary. We would alternate Sundays! I've been distracted by other peoples kids and didn't want to do the same to anyone.
I enjoyed your Rachel Ray addition to my story! CCB didn't get the E.V.O.O. reference but I did!
At 10:51 PM, April 17, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
Blaze and Sassy - I generally roll over and ignore the guilt on Sunday's too...I think that's where the Easter guilt came from, the fact that I never go anymore...oh well!
Aughra - so...what did you think about it. I'm assuming you didn't care much for it by your lack of elaboration. Am I wrong?
OGO - I was hoping someone got my silly addition. I'm glad it was you.
At 10:38 AM, April 18, 2006,
Andi said…
Fun weekendness. I should've worked in the yard but I camped out in front of House, M.D. Hugh Laurie is my Adonis.
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