I bought myself these flowers yesterday, aren't they purdy? ( i have to buy myself flowers because no one else does...hint, hint) That is also the type of flower I am going to have in my wedding. I love Gerbera Daisies. They are so simple but beautiful and colorful, doncha think? Oh, also, my dress apparently came in yesterday too! My mom's picking it up today and bringing it to me. I can't wait to try it on. I hope it looks nice!
Okay, so I watched the movie Monster the other day, has anyone seen it? That has got to be one of the worst movies in the world. Now, I'm no prude and I'm not easily offended but I found myself cringing and tense throughout the whole film and by the time it was over I felt sick. It was just awful. It was sad, pathetic, disgusting, gross, sad, horrible. I guess maybe the worst part was just knowing that it was a true story so that made it really real if you know what I mean. If you haven't seen it, don't! It's so freakin depressing. And apparently you really do just have to ugly yourself up in this industry to win an oscar because let me tell you...Charlize was hideous in this movie - hideous looking. I'm no huge Charlize Theron fan but she really did do a great acting job in this role.
So, the weather here is getting really freakin nice. Not that, oh let's go to the beach, nice - it's getting to that, ooohhh, let's go drink margaritas all day in the sun instead of going to work, nice! Thankfully my boss is still out. It's GLORIOUS! I have had a ton of work to do, yet it hasn't been stressing me out. I have been leaving when I want, coming in when I want and still getting everything I need done. I love spring/summer!
I'm going to look at invitations with my mom today. The Sweet One and I already went and narrowed it down to a few that we really like but mom's is gonna help me make the final decision. Personally, I don't care that much. When I first made the appointment with the woman who does them she told me that we'd need a few hours to go through all of the invitation books but I was having none of that. Just the thought of spending hours going through invitation books made me want to stick hot pokers in my ass...and not in a good way! After looking through about 10 books or so I was DONE! How boring. So, we should have a decision this afternoon. I know, I know, you all are waiting with bated breath so I'll be sure to let you know what we pick.
Okay well, that's all for me peeps! Adios...
At 12:46 PM, April 13, 2006,
peachy said…
The Gerbera daisies are quite lovely. They look great on your desk too.
I thought Monster was an excellent movie. Yes, Charlize looked horrible, yes, all the scenes were disgusting, but I thought they did a great job with the story and I thought she really looked like a skanky, dirty whore. So in that sense, it was good, but it is sad. I guess that's what makes a good movie: you have so many emotions all in the same story.
I would not want to see the real woman.
At 1:50 PM, April 13, 2006,
Oh great One said…
I saw some Gerbera daisies for the first time at the garden center the other day and fell in love! How funny is that?
Invitations are nice and all but they weren't all that important to me either. Who cares about the paper anyway? Unless it's those nice crisp ones in your card or pinned to your dress during the money dance!
At 1:52 PM, April 13, 2006,
Oh great One said…
Oh I almost forgot. During CCB's vacation we were gonna go to the zoo and maybe hit the shipwreck museum. It's gotta be kid friendly for us these days. Though Jazz fest sounds fun! Did you check prices into Baton Rouge? I've heard we are getting more carriers around here because of troubles in N.O. I don't know if it's true or just a rumor but it's worth a try!
At 3:06 PM, April 13, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
Peachy - it really was a good movie in the cinematic sense, it was horrible b/c of how it made me feel. So I guess it did it's job.
OGO - when we went to see the invitation lady her first question was, "how important is paper quality to you?" I said, "it's not"...if nothing else maybe we'll get the cheaper invitations. I just can't get into all that crap the way some brides do. I refuse and I really just don't care that much...
Also - there are so many fun things to do with kids in NO. A lot of the historic buildings, the "ghost" tour - although that would probably scare them, the parks and the river. Even going to the French Quarter during the day is fun. Look at art, cool shops, great food, etc. You'll have a ton of fun!
At 5:55 PM, April 13, 2006,
ago-go said…
i lurve gerberas! what colour are you having?
At 6:04 PM, April 13, 2006,
Sassy said…
I love gerbras! and well I need to buy flowers for myself. It seems that once I said "I do" it meant no more flowers! *sniff sniff*
At 12:30 AM, April 14, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
Gus F'ing Greeper -I love that we have the same great taste on things ;O) I'm gonna post my invite pic at some point so everyone can puke at the cuteness of it all. I am so glad we're doing this at the same time!
Ago-go -WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE? Oh my gosh, I missed you! okay, enough mushy-ness, to answer your Q - my bridesmaides will be wearing a deep pink, darker than fuscia, so I'm thinking yellow, ornange and pink flowers for them. not sure about mine yet...
Sassy - are you married? If so, I had NO IDEA...okay maybe I misunderstand...I mean, I haven't said I do and nothing has changed, no flowers before or after :O( Okay, in TSO's defense, no matter how pathetic, he's bought me flowers about 4 times in 8 years!!!
At 10:11 AM, April 14, 2006,
peachy said…
Swing by my blog today. I had a dream and you and TSO were in it. It's a weird one. :)
At 11:22 AM, April 14, 2006,
Calvin said…
gerbera daisies aeh, will remember that!
enjoy your Easter weekend!
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