It's St. Patrick's Day!!!! in case you all forgot. I hope you're all wearing green because if you're not I'm gonna pinch ya! Where did that tradition come from anyway? I think it starts in elementary school to get kids into the spirit. I hope that's it anyway because otherwise it's really fucking dumb. If someone pinches me I'm gonna knock em out. But I digress...
Okay, so I didn't plan to do anything tonight for St. P's day. I thought I might try and act like an adult this year but I have a bad feeling about it now. I'm thinking I am going to drink my face off. Why? eh, why not? I'm feeling a little feisty. Maybe it's all the GREEN...I don't know? But I'm in a great mood, I'll probably get out of work early and what's better than heading to a bar early on a Friday afternoon where there will inevitably be lots of men hanging out watching basketball and drinking until you have to call sober ride to take you home? Not a whole lot, that's what!
I went to check out our church yesterday with my mom. It's beautiful! Lots of really tall stained glass windows, an enormously tall ceiling, lots of really long pews and the carpet is blue. I know, that sounds so lame but I like the blue carpeting. It's calming. Anyway, I'm getting excited. Things are really falling into place.
I have been busy as hell at work and at home this week. I'm hoping that will change soon but it doesn't appear that way. I'm taking next Thursday and Friday off work so I'm sure that will just make the beginning of the week more frantic. Oh well. Next Friday The Sweet One and I are going to register for our gifts. Yipee! That should be fun. Question...can you register for MAC cosmetics? I wonder if anyone would be offended by that?
Okay, I don't have much to say. I hope that everyone has a fabulous St. Patty's Day. Don't drink too much green beer and PLEASE BE CAREFUL out there!
Okay, so I didn't plan to do anything tonight for St. P's day. I thought I might try and act like an adult this year but I have a bad feeling about it now. I'm thinking I am going to drink my face off. Why? eh, why not? I'm feeling a little feisty. Maybe it's all the GREEN...I don't know? But I'm in a great mood, I'll probably get out of work early and what's better than heading to a bar early on a Friday afternoon where there will inevitably be lots of men hanging out watching basketball and drinking until you have to call sober ride to take you home? Not a whole lot, that's what!
I went to check out our church yesterday with my mom. It's beautiful! Lots of really tall stained glass windows, an enormously tall ceiling, lots of really long pews and the carpet is blue. I know, that sounds so lame but I like the blue carpeting. It's calming. Anyway, I'm getting excited. Things are really falling into place.
I have been busy as hell at work and at home this week. I'm hoping that will change soon but it doesn't appear that way. I'm taking next Thursday and Friday off work so I'm sure that will just make the beginning of the week more frantic. Oh well. Next Friday The Sweet One and I are going to register for our gifts. Yipee! That should be fun. Question...can you register for MAC cosmetics? I wonder if anyone would be offended by that?
Okay, I don't have much to say. I hope that everyone has a fabulous St. Patty's Day. Don't drink too much green beer and PLEASE BE CAREFUL out there!
At 8:25 PM, March 17, 2006,
Oh great One said…
I'm happy everything is falling into place for your wedding. It's such an exciting time for you don't forget to enjoy it!
At 8:21 AM, March 18, 2006,
Calvin said…
hope you had a good one, slainte!
At 6:44 PM, March 18, 2006,
Andi said…
My best friend's now-husband registered for an X-Box (and got it). I say register for all the MAC you want!
At 4:12 PM, March 19, 2006,
Sassy said…
Hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day! Slainte!
At 8:11 PM, March 19, 2006,
aughra said…
I didn't drink. I ate too much and lost ten dollars in poker. Big fun.
At 2:29 PM, March 28, 2006,
wopanese said…
stained glass is great.
Registering - you can register whatever you want nowadays. A friend of mine and his wife were 12" doll collectors (Barbie, Dragon, etc) and they put some of those on the list when they registered at Toys-R-Us... they were definitely meant for one another.
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