Okay, I've been super busy at work lately...except for when I was watching Harry Potter at my desk yesterday (he he). Don't ask me how I pulled it off but I did. Don't be jealous. I would be if I wasn't me. And it was so good, but it totally made me want to be laying on the couch with a big fluffy blanket watching it.
I am starting to freak out a little bit with wedding stuff. I know I have a lot of time left, well, I think I do, but in the wedding planning world 6 months is like FUCK! You better get your shit down to the tee. I thought I had a lot done but in actuality I have a LOT to do still. So, I go back and forth from being proud and relaxed at the progress I've made to severe panic attack at the thought of all of the little shit things that still need to be done! I'm scared. Today I got an email from one of my maid's of honor (yes, I have more than one, 3 actually) asking for a list for the shower invitations, where I want to have it, blah, blah, blah! AHHHH! I fucking hate bridal showers. Not as much as baby showers, but I hate them none the less. They are usually so fucking lame. BUT, maybe this one will be better since, ummm, it's for me! HA HA. No really. There will be no games. No pastel shit. Do you think it's rude to not open my gifts in front of people? I guess that is kind of funked up huh? That's gonna take forever. I hate that happy, fake appreciation face you have to put on when you open a gift in front of someone, don't you? It hurts. I just kind of feel like I never even look at the gift until later when I get home because it's kind of embarrassing. Does that sound weird? It's just kind of makes me uncomfortable.
Okay, enough about that. This weekend The Sweet One and I are co-hosting an engagement party for his brother and our soon to be sister-in-law. This will be one of their 16 engagement parties to come...do I sound bitter? We have to go shopping at Costco today and get all the goods for the partay. We are making the "run" and then splitting the bill between the other hosts...we hope. If this is not the case I might slit my wrists. And if that happens you'll know because I won't be back to blog after the weekend.
Anyway, it's fucking beautiful out. It's in the high 60's already and it's supposed to be in mid 70's (shut up you lucky bitches that live somewhere much warmer). It's the warmest it's been here in a while and I feel a bout of Spring Fever coming on...uh oh! Okay, have a great weekend everyone. Do something fun so I can come read about it on Monday!
I am starting to freak out a little bit with wedding stuff. I know I have a lot of time left, well, I think I do, but in the wedding planning world 6 months is like FUCK! You better get your shit down to the tee. I thought I had a lot done but in actuality I have a LOT to do still. So, I go back and forth from being proud and relaxed at the progress I've made to severe panic attack at the thought of all of the little shit things that still need to be done! I'm scared. Today I got an email from one of my maid's of honor (yes, I have more than one, 3 actually) asking for a list for the shower invitations, where I want to have it, blah, blah, blah! AHHHH! I fucking hate bridal showers. Not as much as baby showers, but I hate them none the less. They are usually so fucking lame. BUT, maybe this one will be better since, ummm, it's for me! HA HA. No really. There will be no games. No pastel shit. Do you think it's rude to not open my gifts in front of people? I guess that is kind of funked up huh? That's gonna take forever. I hate that happy, fake appreciation face you have to put on when you open a gift in front of someone, don't you? It hurts. I just kind of feel like I never even look at the gift until later when I get home because it's kind of embarrassing. Does that sound weird? It's just kind of makes me uncomfortable.
Okay, enough about that. This weekend The Sweet One and I are co-hosting an engagement party for his brother and our soon to be sister-in-law. This will be one of their 16 engagement parties to come...do I sound bitter? We have to go shopping at Costco today and get all the goods for the partay. We are making the "run" and then splitting the bill between the other hosts...we hope. If this is not the case I might slit my wrists. And if that happens you'll know because I won't be back to blog after the weekend.
Anyway, it's fucking beautiful out. It's in the high 60's already and it's supposed to be in mid 70's (shut up you lucky bitches that live somewhere much warmer). It's the warmest it's been here in a while and I feel a bout of Spring Fever coming on...uh oh! Okay, have a great weekend everyone. Do something fun so I can come read about it on Monday!
At 1:59 PM, March 10, 2006,
Oh great One said…
Don't you DARE slit your wrists! That would be so selfish, what would I do with the time I set aside to read your blog? I'd probably have to find something to clean. *shiver*
At 4:02 PM, March 10, 2006,
Andi said…
I am not a fucking bitch for living in Texas where it is 80 today. I HATE IT!!!! I want some chill and some rain, damnit! OK, enough bitterness.
I'm sure you will smile at your own bridal shower when you're rolling in all your loot. I told my mother today that if I'm not married by the time I'm 40 (which is VERY likely), I'm going to register and have a self-love ceremony (no masturbation, though) and marry myself. And collect the presents. Ha!
At 10:37 AM, March 11, 2006,
Calvin said…
have a great weekend! i'm jealous of your weather, it's pissing rain up here and touching 40.. gah!
At 12:53 AM, March 12, 2006,
Sassy said…
Doesn't the nice weather make u feel so much better? Enjoy it and your weekend...even tho I'm a bit jealous! I am happy for the 12 degrees (C) that we have...god knows what it is in F...maybe around 40? Either way..let the spring weather come!!! Cheers!
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