I had such good intentions...
I really did! We had a colleague in town from our New York office. She invited some of us girls out for a drink after work. I was going to go straight from the office but I decided to take my ass to the gym first since I got all my shit done early and I just KNEW if I didn't go early I wouldn't go at all. I have what some like to call a "DRINKING PROBLEM".
So, I did the right thing. I went to the gym. I spent a good hour and a half there. I did cardio and worked the arms pretty good with the weights. Then...I went to meet the ladies at the bar. I figured if I went all sweaty and nasty that I wouldn't stay for more than one...Yeah, did I mention my drinking problem?
Because I was planning to be SO GOOD and get home after one drink, I decided not to eat anything when everyone else was ordering and munching away on fatty food. You know, because I was going home to make dinner - something healthy and delicious. Yeah...not so much. Why can't I just stop after one? Even all sweaty and still in my moist sports bra I managed to keep drinking and stayed way beyond my time limit. I stayed until we all left together. You know, close to the restaurant's closing time. Of course since I didn't eat anything I got home and was drunk and starving - yay! I have an appetite again. How fabulous for me.
Who tells us we're adults and allowed to live alone? I ended up making myself about a half a pack of bacon (okay it wasn't that much but if I wouldn't feel so guilty about it, I'd eat the whole damn package by myself!) an egg and a piece of toast. Not the worst thing you can eat at midnight but still. It was so fucking tasty. Might have been the alcohol masking my taste buds. Who cares...?
My head is still pounding but I'm learning to work through it. The Claritin D is helping for the few hours that it lasts but believe me, I can still feel that underlying brain matter just itching to seep from my nasal passages. The alcohol I keep adding to my system couldn't be contributing, no, not at all! Unbelievably, and don't ask me how, my pineapple is feeling a MILLION times better. Maybe complaining about yeast infections makes them go away. All I know is I plan to complain, complain, complain from now on. Eh, fuck off, I won't do it on the blog okay? I'll just complain to YOU...you know who you are...good luck!
Since I'm a good little Catholic girl, I will wish you all a very happy Ash Wednesday. Now I must continue to walk around as every ass hole looks at me like I'm crazy because I don't know that there's "dirt" on my forehead. My favorite is the sweet little guy that tries to let you know that, "hey, there's something on your forehead (as he very nonchalantly points at his own brow line)"...Thanks tool bag...it's ASH WEDNESDAY!
So, I did the right thing. I went to the gym. I spent a good hour and a half there. I did cardio and worked the arms pretty good with the weights. Then...I went to meet the ladies at the bar. I figured if I went all sweaty and nasty that I wouldn't stay for more than one...Yeah, did I mention my drinking problem?
Because I was planning to be SO GOOD and get home after one drink, I decided not to eat anything when everyone else was ordering and munching away on fatty food. You know, because I was going home to make dinner - something healthy and delicious. Yeah...not so much. Why can't I just stop after one? Even all sweaty and still in my moist sports bra I managed to keep drinking and stayed way beyond my time limit. I stayed until we all left together. You know, close to the restaurant's closing time. Of course since I didn't eat anything I got home and was drunk and starving - yay! I have an appetite again. How fabulous for me.
Who tells us we're adults and allowed to live alone? I ended up making myself about a half a pack of bacon (okay it wasn't that much but if I wouldn't feel so guilty about it, I'd eat the whole damn package by myself!) an egg and a piece of toast. Not the worst thing you can eat at midnight but still. It was so fucking tasty. Might have been the alcohol masking my taste buds. Who cares...?
My head is still pounding but I'm learning to work through it. The Claritin D is helping for the few hours that it lasts but believe me, I can still feel that underlying brain matter just itching to seep from my nasal passages. The alcohol I keep adding to my system couldn't be contributing, no, not at all! Unbelievably, and don't ask me how, my pineapple is feeling a MILLION times better. Maybe complaining about yeast infections makes them go away. All I know is I plan to complain, complain, complain from now on. Eh, fuck off, I won't do it on the blog okay? I'll just complain to YOU...you know who you are...good luck!
Since I'm a good little Catholic girl, I will wish you all a very happy Ash Wednesday. Now I must continue to walk around as every ass hole looks at me like I'm crazy because I don't know that there's "dirt" on my forehead. My favorite is the sweet little guy that tries to let you know that, "hey, there's something on your forehead (as he very nonchalantly points at his own brow line)"...Thanks tool bag...it's ASH WEDNESDAY!
At 10:02 AM, March 01, 2006,
Andi said…
I get to drink this weekend! Which will probably bring on my own gawdawful yeast infection. I'm glad to know complaining will fix it.
At 10:05 AM, March 01, 2006,
Oh great One said…
The best laid plans......Drinks are like potato chips you can't have just one! He he he!
At 10:38 AM, March 01, 2006,
truckdriver_sefl said…
A half a package of bacon LMAO!! :-}
At 11:30 AM, March 01, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
trucker - I am a fool for some bacon. I LOVE THE STUFF. I know, it's not very becoming of a "lady" but who the hell said I was a lady? When i go out to eat I would prefer to skip the meal and just order bacon with a side of bacon. It's my weakness, what can I say?
OGO - I can't just have one of anything. I'm a mess.
Andi - I've learned that complaining seems to cure me of lots of things. Mostly company...somehow it clears a room every time ;O)
At 4:19 PM, March 01, 2006,
peachy said…
I LOVE bacon. I had it today on my salad. Just the description of crumbled, applewood, smoked bacon makes me melt. I wanted to order everything that had bacon in/on it. :)
HA!!HA!! I can't imagine going to the bar in my sweaty gym clothes. I guess when you're engaged you can do stuff like that. I'm kidding.
At 7:02 PM, March 01, 2006,
aughra said…
Would you believe that I've never had a yeast infection? I'm a lucky bitch.
At 7:54 PM, March 01, 2006,
Sassy said…
Meh! Enjoy your drinks, think of it as pre-lent festival of drinking to honour the 40 days and 40 nights that Jesus was without water in the desert...we definately don't want to get dehydrated do we? OMG would you listen to me...I need a drink!
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