Random Bid Tits
Honest Tea:
Have you ever had the Honest Tea just a tad sweet tea's? OMG I love them! I love them number one because I love iced tea. Number two, because I prefer to cut back on my sugar intake for many reasons. And number three, most bottled tea's are WAY to sugary and taste awful. These teas are just wonderful. I heart them with all my body and soul. They are also USDA Organic and that makes me a little happier even! They come in a number of flavors but I have only tried the Heavenly Honey Green and the Peach. Yum...
Italian Wedding Soup:
I had a cup of this soup yesterday from the deli downstairs. I go back and forth with this soup. It's probably one of the most unhealthy things to eat, huh? I'm gonna pretend that it's not. There is spinach in it you know! Okay, there's probably about an ounce of spinach in the whole big ass vat that they put out. HA - oh well! I can't decide if the little terd shaped sausages in the soup are yummy and deelish or kind of gross and what I think Kibbles and Bits might taste like...? Not sure.
Okay, I've had the same mothafucking song in my head for 3 days. That is THREE LONG DAYS! The song goes "I want to be adored..." but the Sweet One and I always say "I want to be a DOG" so now I can't get it out of my head! It's like a psychotic broken record in my brain. Even the little bark I do at the end - god I hope it doesn't slip out of my mouth out loud when someone is around me and then they think I'm nuts. Okay, I'm weird...WHATEVER!
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!
I think I have the best boyfriend, fiance, soon to be husband or as I like to call him, my poopalicious poopie pants! He is buying me HARRY POTTER today!!! Okay, so I kind of hinted, or as some would put it, TOLD him that it was coming out today and that I would love him forever if he got it for me...SO WHAT! I've said this before but I will say it again...I am not a huge sci fi fan. I couldn't sit still long enough to watch Lord of the Rings - I tried. I watched the first one and then almost cried thinking of all of those hours of my life that I wasted and would never get back. But when it comes to Harry I am in LOVE! I am such a dork for Harry Potter that it's almost embarrassing. But you know what? I'll shout it from the roof tops and I don't care who's listening. And, because of my love for HP I understand why some do love the others like Lord of the Rings, etc. That's just not my thing. Please don't chastise me for it okay?
About three weeks ago I was outside with my daddy fixing a light on my car - okay, HE was fixing a light on my car, I won't pretend I contributed in any way. Whilst outside we were playing with our little puppy head lover dog. Well, my dad was throwing the tennis ball to her and she was getting all excited and well, doing what dogs do. Well, daddy face went to throw the ball and puppy head got super excited and did this weird half take off then she spun around and ran full force, right into my knees and kept on going up the hill for her ball. Well, she hit me so hard that she hyperextended my knee and knocked me out of my shoes! The popping sounds was bad enough (it was quite loud - almost a gross kind of loud), but I was literally standing in the drive way in my socks and my shoes were a few feet away from me. I am not making this up. I was pretty much in shock and laughing that, if I don't laugh I cry, laugh. My dad was like, what the hell is going on and when I could finally fight through the pain enough to speak I said, THE...DOG...KNOCKED...ME...OUT...OF...MY...SHOES...HA, HA, HE, HE....THAT...REALLY...HURT...HE, HE, HE... I kind of wanted to fall over but instead I just stood on the cold ass driveway bent over like the hunch back of Notre Dame kind of trying to figure out what to do next. When the pain subsided enough for me to walk I went in the house to shake it off. The dog should have at least offered to ride me in on her back, that little bitch...
So my point, and I do have one, is that my knee still hurts. And now I'm getting a little worried. Like maybe I should have gone to the doctor...Not sure what to do now. I think the doctor might yell at me...
Have you ever had the Honest Tea just a tad sweet tea's? OMG I love them! I love them number one because I love iced tea. Number two, because I prefer to cut back on my sugar intake for many reasons. And number three, most bottled tea's are WAY to sugary and taste awful. These teas are just wonderful. I heart them with all my body and soul. They are also USDA Organic and that makes me a little happier even! They come in a number of flavors but I have only tried the Heavenly Honey Green and the Peach. Yum...
Italian Wedding Soup:
I had a cup of this soup yesterday from the deli downstairs. I go back and forth with this soup. It's probably one of the most unhealthy things to eat, huh? I'm gonna pretend that it's not. There is spinach in it you know! Okay, there's probably about an ounce of spinach in the whole big ass vat that they put out. HA - oh well! I can't decide if the little terd shaped sausages in the soup are yummy and deelish or kind of gross and what I think Kibbles and Bits might taste like...? Not sure.
Okay, I've had the same mothafucking song in my head for 3 days. That is THREE LONG DAYS! The song goes "I want to be adored..." but the Sweet One and I always say "I want to be a DOG" so now I can't get it out of my head! It's like a psychotic broken record in my brain. Even the little bark I do at the end - god I hope it doesn't slip out of my mouth out loud when someone is around me and then they think I'm nuts. Okay, I'm weird...WHATEVER!
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!
I think I have the best boyfriend, fiance, soon to be husband or as I like to call him, my poopalicious poopie pants! He is buying me HARRY POTTER today!!! Okay, so I kind of hinted, or as some would put it, TOLD him that it was coming out today and that I would love him forever if he got it for me...SO WHAT! I've said this before but I will say it again...I am not a huge sci fi fan. I couldn't sit still long enough to watch Lord of the Rings - I tried. I watched the first one and then almost cried thinking of all of those hours of my life that I wasted and would never get back. But when it comes to Harry I am in LOVE! I am such a dork for Harry Potter that it's almost embarrassing. But you know what? I'll shout it from the roof tops and I don't care who's listening. And, because of my love for HP I understand why some do love the others like Lord of the Rings, etc. That's just not my thing. Please don't chastise me for it okay?
About three weeks ago I was outside with my daddy fixing a light on my car - okay, HE was fixing a light on my car, I won't pretend I contributed in any way. Whilst outside we were playing with our little puppy head lover dog. Well, my dad was throwing the tennis ball to her and she was getting all excited and well, doing what dogs do. Well, daddy face went to throw the ball and puppy head got super excited and did this weird half take off then she spun around and ran full force, right into my knees and kept on going up the hill for her ball. Well, she hit me so hard that she hyperextended my knee and knocked me out of my shoes! The popping sounds was bad enough (it was quite loud - almost a gross kind of loud), but I was literally standing in the drive way in my socks and my shoes were a few feet away from me. I am not making this up. I was pretty much in shock and laughing that, if I don't laugh I cry, laugh. My dad was like, what the hell is going on and when I could finally fight through the pain enough to speak I said, THE...DOG...KNOCKED...ME...OUT...OF...MY...SHOES...HA, HA, HE, HE....THAT...REALLY...HURT...HE, HE, HE... I kind of wanted to fall over but instead I just stood on the cold ass driveway bent over like the hunch back of Notre Dame kind of trying to figure out what to do next. When the pain subsided enough for me to walk I went in the house to shake it off. The dog should have at least offered to ride me in on her back, that little bitch...
So my point, and I do have one, is that my knee still hurts. And now I'm getting a little worried. Like maybe I should have gone to the doctor...Not sure what to do now. I think the doctor might yell at me...
At 11:56 AM, March 07, 2006,
truckdriver_sefl said…
Just reading that about your knee makes mine hurt! Wow!
Tea........Mmmmmmmmmm!! I love tea I will have to check it out thanks:-}
At 1:30 PM, March 07, 2006,
Oh great One said…
I have to apologize. I was reading the dog bit and started to laugh. UNTIL I realized you were really hurt. I'm sorry that wasn't nice of me. I do think a trip to the doc would be a good idea though.
At 2:01 PM, March 07, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
OGO - If I witnessed it, and I don't mean from the out of body experience that I really did have due to pain, I would have been cracking up! It was hilarious! It was like a dog bomb went off and kicked my ass! I think my dad was laughing too but then he realized that I was hurt and he stopped ;O)
At 2:07 PM, March 07, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
Greep - I am very surprised that you didn't know about HP! Can I have some of those drugs please?
At 4:11 PM, March 07, 2006,
AndyT13 said…
Hye hot stuff! I guess I'm a little behind on your bloggy. It's nice to catch up. Talk to you soon dahlin!
At 6:33 PM, March 07, 2006,
Sassy said…
You're probably no more of a bigger dork then me for Harry Potter...I made similar threats...but so far it hasn't paid off, maybe for my brithday. Either way Harry will be mine!
At 1:41 PM, March 08, 2006,
Calvin said…
oww.. get better soon! :-)
this HP movie is much better than the previous ones definitely!
At 2:02 PM, March 08, 2006,
Andi said…
HARRY POTTER!!! I bought it yesterday but it hasn't gotten watched yet due to my overwhelming crush on Jake Gyllenhaal (have you heard?) and JARHEAD! Tonight's the night for Harry. And American Idol (Ace!).
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