busy, busy, hangover, busy...
it was a busy weekend.
Friday night we went to the 9:30 Club to see The Dan Band. I meant to eat lunch and then dinner that day but the only thing I actually got to stuff down was a strawberry cupcake from a birthday celebration at work and it was damned good...This little tid bit will make sense later.
We went with a little crew of people and it was a blast. It just so happened that my boss, his boss and the president of our company ended up being at the club to see the band too. Apparently they want to hire TDB for something so wanted to come check them out. My boss is cool. He is maybe 38 years old, might not even be that old. We call him the Frat Boy. His boss is cool. He might be 40...? The president of the company is the whitest, most southern, republican, white sock and loafer wearing dude you'll ever meet and therefore seemed quite out of place! I did end up seeing my boss at some point during the show and went down to where they were standing with shots in hand! he he...nothing better than doing shots with your bosses. And could they say no? Not a chance. No boss wants to be "that guy", you know, the dorky, "I gotta get home to my wife and kids - can't do the shot" guy...? It was amusing to say the least.
Well, after the show - which ended VERY early to our disappointment, we headed to one of our favorite local Irish Pubs. My bosses boss joined us for a couple...it was kind of weird, kind of cool all at the same time. It's a good thing he left before the debauchery started. That would have been quite embarrassing.

The drinks were flowing very freely and then the camera came out. My friend Steve's camera that is...I don't know what happens to me when I have been drinking heavily and a camera comes out. The first place it just magically ends up is down my shirt. And that's where it started getting ugly, and a little hazy to be honest with you. I can assure you that Steve left with a whole catalogue of pictures of mine and another friend's breasts or as the Sweet One likes to call it, a whole new load of spanking material (eww, that kind of makes me gag, but whatever).

I think my eyes finally opened the next morning at about 10:30am and the thought of trying to lift my head from the pillow almost made me cry. I tried to sleep it off a little but remembered that we had a date with the future in-laws to show them our reception site and they planned to take us to lunch at Sequoia, where they want to have our rehearsal dinner. Generally the idea of eating there would make me jump for joy - especially because we weren't being asked to pay for our meal. Today I wanted to well...cry. Why do we do these things to ourselves? Why didn't I eat something yesterday? Why didn't I pace myself? Why, why why? After laying around for a while I finally got myself into the shower where I wanted to puke and cry. I felt a little better as long as I didn't make any sudden movements or bend over. The Sweet One made the trek to Starbucks and was therefore, once again, my hero and my savior!
We did all of the obligatory touring around the city. The in-laws loved our future reception site, lunch was good, until we started talking about the invite list for the rehearsal dinner... TSO's parents want to invite virtually everyone in their whole family to the rehearsal dinner and well, I don't. I mean, it's for the wedding party, the parents and some of the out of town guests right? Perhaps, but there isn't much arguing you can do when someone else is paying...let's hope we can change this a little.
Saturday night we headed to Annapolis for yet another free meal supplied by another set of parents! If you don't live in the Maryland/DC/Virginia area and you think you know what a crab cake is, good luck! You've never had a REAL crab cake my dears but if you're ever in the area and you want to know what it's all about then head to Dock Street Bar in Annapolis and you can taste what is virtually one of the best crab cakes I've ever had in my life. I dream about these crab cakes. I aspire to make a cake half as good as these. Well, that's a little extreme, I can make cakes half as good as these but they are by far one of the best!
(*disclaimer - if you live in the area and know of another wonderful crab cake place - like the fabulous crab cake factory in Lexington Market in Baltimore, MD, or another great spot then great, I'm not trying to compete. The best crab cakes are everywhere around here! If you don't live around here then no, you don't know what a real crab cake is. It's not your fault, you just don't.)
Sunday TSO and I got up and went to the gym. We had a great work out. And since we did so well and felt great and all the bull shit we decided to come home where we proceeded to eat and pop open a bottle of prosecco and have mimosas. You know, cuz the never ending hang over had just started to disappear so why not jump back on the wagon?
It was a fabulous weekend and I have basically just told you every fucking, boring detail that you could probably care less about! I hope you all had a great weekend too! Only 5 more days and we can do it all over again!
Friday night we went to the 9:30 Club to see The Dan Band. I meant to eat lunch and then dinner that day but the only thing I actually got to stuff down was a strawberry cupcake from a birthday celebration at work and it was damned good...This little tid bit will make sense later.
We went with a little crew of people and it was a blast. It just so happened that my boss, his boss and the president of our company ended up being at the club to see the band too. Apparently they want to hire TDB for something so wanted to come check them out. My boss is cool. He is maybe 38 years old, might not even be that old. We call him the Frat Boy. His boss is cool. He might be 40...? The president of the company is the whitest, most southern, republican, white sock and loafer wearing dude you'll ever meet and therefore seemed quite out of place! I did end up seeing my boss at some point during the show and went down to where they were standing with shots in hand! he he...nothing better than doing shots with your bosses. And could they say no? Not a chance. No boss wants to be "that guy", you know, the dorky, "I gotta get home to my wife and kids - can't do the shot" guy...? It was amusing to say the least.

Well, after the show - which ended VERY early to our disappointment, we headed to one of our favorite local Irish Pubs. My bosses boss joined us for a couple...it was kind of weird, kind of cool all at the same time. It's a good thing he left before the debauchery started. That would have been quite embarrassing.

The drinks were flowing very freely and then the camera came out. My friend Steve's camera that is...I don't know what happens to me when I have been drinking heavily and a camera comes out. The first place it just magically ends up is down my shirt. And that's where it started getting ugly, and a little hazy to be honest with you. I can assure you that Steve left with a whole catalogue of pictures of mine and another friend's breasts or as the Sweet One likes to call it, a whole new load of spanking material (eww, that kind of makes me gag, but whatever).

I think my eyes finally opened the next morning at about 10:30am and the thought of trying to lift my head from the pillow almost made me cry. I tried to sleep it off a little but remembered that we had a date with the future in-laws to show them our reception site and they planned to take us to lunch at Sequoia, where they want to have our rehearsal dinner. Generally the idea of eating there would make me jump for joy - especially because we weren't being asked to pay for our meal. Today I wanted to well...cry. Why do we do these things to ourselves? Why didn't I eat something yesterday? Why didn't I pace myself? Why, why why? After laying around for a while I finally got myself into the shower where I wanted to puke and cry. I felt a little better as long as I didn't make any sudden movements or bend over. The Sweet One made the trek to Starbucks and was therefore, once again, my hero and my savior!
We did all of the obligatory touring around the city. The in-laws loved our future reception site, lunch was good, until we started talking about the invite list for the rehearsal dinner... TSO's parents want to invite virtually everyone in their whole family to the rehearsal dinner and well, I don't. I mean, it's for the wedding party, the parents and some of the out of town guests right? Perhaps, but there isn't much arguing you can do when someone else is paying...let's hope we can change this a little.
Saturday night we headed to Annapolis for yet another free meal supplied by another set of parents! If you don't live in the Maryland/DC/Virginia area and you think you know what a crab cake is, good luck! You've never had a REAL crab cake my dears but if you're ever in the area and you want to know what it's all about then head to Dock Street Bar in Annapolis and you can taste what is virtually one of the best crab cakes I've ever had in my life. I dream about these crab cakes. I aspire to make a cake half as good as these. Well, that's a little extreme, I can make cakes half as good as these but they are by far one of the best!
(*disclaimer - if you live in the area and know of another wonderful crab cake place - like the fabulous crab cake factory in Lexington Market in Baltimore, MD, or another great spot then great, I'm not trying to compete. The best crab cakes are everywhere around here! If you don't live around here then no, you don't know what a real crab cake is. It's not your fault, you just don't.)
Sunday TSO and I got up and went to the gym. We had a great work out. And since we did so well and felt great and all the bull shit we decided to come home where we proceeded to eat and pop open a bottle of prosecco and have mimosas. You know, cuz the never ending hang over had just started to disappear so why not jump back on the wagon?
It was a fabulous weekend and I have basically just told you every fucking, boring detail that you could probably care less about! I hope you all had a great weekend too! Only 5 more days and we can do it all over again!
At 12:23 PM, February 27, 2006,
peachy said…
Can't forget G&M's on Nursery Road in Linthicum. GREAT BIG CRABCAKES. Well, there are a lot of good places. We're so lucky.
Glad you had a fun weekend. Sequoia...mmmm..makes me want to cry thinking about it. :)
At 2:41 PM, February 27, 2006,
Oh great One said…
"Everybody's workin for the weekend..."
That should be your theme song!
At 3:45 PM, February 27, 2006,
wopanese said…
Wow, you must be in a mood today. May your future be full of tasty crab cakes and mimosas!
At 3:56 PM, February 27, 2006,
Calvin said…
whoa.. what a weekend!! this interesting camera-booze relationship you got going.. hmm, sounds like the kind of thing i could do another thesis on!! hehe!!
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