The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Some say it's the root of all evil. I have to agree.

This is just one of those things that I need to get out of my system. I just need to write this down and I don't care if anyone reads this at all...This is therapeutic for ME!

Lately The Sweet One has been majorly stressed about what else...? Money! It frustrates me beyond belief and sucks so badly that people's physical health is often altered due to stress that comes from worrying about money.

Now, don't get me wrong. We're not struggling in any way. We're not down and out. We're not fighting off bill collectors and repossesors BUT, as many of us do these days, we live pretty much pay check to pay check. We get our pay check, we pay our bills and then, there aint much left after that. To me, it's just become a way of life. I know what I have to do. I know how much I'll be left with and if that means that I don't get to go out drinking as often or shopping at all this month then hey, that's just what I have to do. It sucks some times but it's not the end of the world.

Unfortunately for TSO and I we didn't go into professions that pay the big bucks. Again, we're not making chump change but in comparison to many of our close friends our income just doesn't compare. Most of our friends are in sales or careers that afford them a lot of the "finer things". Some times this means trips. Maybe it's a new luxury car or an extra "investment" home, maybe it's a wife that's decided to stay home with the kids because they just can. To me, these things don't mean much. I feel like our happiness is much more important than ANY of those things and hell, I spend a lot of time at work. I at least want to enjoy it if I'm not making a ton of money. Why go to a place that I hate and do something that I hate day in and day out just to bring home a fat paycheck but my life sucks?

I've always imagined that I would have to work or really, wanted to work, when I had kids. That's how I grew up and I'm not totally fucked up. I don't see anything wrong with working while you raise your kids. And you know what? If I do want to stay home, we'll find a way to work it out and we'll do it. Maybe TSO will stay home with our kids. I don't care! Although this would probably effect a lot of men's pride, I don't see anything wrong with that scenario...

I just wish there was a way to reassure The Sweet One that money isn't everything and that no matter what, we'll be fine. We're fine now. We take trips that we want. We have the clothes that we want. We live in houses that we own. We go out to dinner and meet friends out for drinks and always have a good time. Do we need to save some money and learn how to be a little more frugal? Probably. Is it going to be the end of the world if we can't BUY some of the things that we want or go on that "extra" trip that other people are taking? No, it's not. It's all gonna work out just fine. It always does!

We have great families. We're loved by a lot of great friends and family. We are nice people and we treat others with respect. To me, we're rich!

As the Beatles once said "...I don't care too much for money...Money Can't Buy Me Love..."

gay? perhaps...
me? completely...


  • At 12:46 PM, February 15, 2006, Blogger peachy said…

    You have the right attitude from my viewpoint.

    It's sad that TSO is so stressed out over it. You made due before, you can do it again.

    I hope he sees that he can be happy no matter what, and that's a lot coming from someone who has a huge fear of being poor. ;)

  • At 1:35 PM, February 15, 2006, Blogger truckdriver_sefl said…

    Girl you are right on the "money" on this one. We are the same way. I mean sure it would be nice to jet off to some far off place whenever we wanted sure is nice when the next college semester rolls around and we can make out a check for it and know its good:-}

  • At 2:54 PM, February 15, 2006, Blogger Oh great One said…

    I think you are right on track. I stay home with our kids but it's not cuz we are rich. We have had to give up plenty of things but it works for us. I'm always "off" when he is so we get to see each other more than we ever did when we were working. It's all about choices. You are right about the work situations too. Life is too short to spend it doing some job you hate! PREACH IT SISTA!

    Oh and it sounds to me like you have a fun lifestyle. It sounds like you get to take lots of trips.(I'm jealous!) You go to fun parties and see concerts... What's to worry about? ;P

  • At 4:39 PM, February 15, 2006, Blogger The Funky Bee said…

    peachy, trucker and OGO - thanks for being so supportive when you didn't even have to read my crap as it is.

    blah - thanks for being oh so courageous yourself by posting a comment but not leaving your correct site info. You're sarcasm is so witty and smart. If you would have read the "disclaimer" above you might have understood that this post was for ME and I could care less if you read it or what you think about it.

  • At 10:29 AM, February 16, 2006, Blogger Andi said…

    You've got a great attitude about it, and I hope TSO can calm down soon. I think for some people that attitude has to come with time and experience.

    I'm also not a big moneymaker, but I'm damn happy. :D

    Now, have a quarter I can borrow?

  • At 10:39 AM, February 20, 2006, Blogger wopanese said…

    : can't buy you happiness
    : can't buy you friendship... but it can cost you one
    : can't buy me love... buy me love... can't buy me luu-uu-uv...
    : is the root of all evil
    : money money money... MONEY

    He needs to just forget all the money - trips are all good and well, but how much fun would he have say... without you? How great would it be to be at the beach... alone? For me, it has NEVER been about WHERE you go. It's almost always about WHO YOU ARE WITH. My friend Ant-i and I or Lisa and I could be anywhere and have a GREAT time - we could be at a Mr. Hamburger ordering "tasty goat" in pita bread and have a better, more memorable time than at any Ruth Cris Steakhouse. Sure, it's nice to have that pampered feeling, but isn't it better to pamper one another?

    Well, it's stressful - but you 2 have the most important commodities going for you in abundance - love and happiness. Family and friends. You two are rich beyond imagination.


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