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At 1:14 AM, January 19, 2006,
Osbasso said…
Awww... Thanks Funky! Dad's doing fine. Quick check-up tomorrow and home by tomorrow night.
On to your boobs. Ginormous doesn't begin to describe them here. I'm not sure what the correct term would be, but I'm sure that if I look at the picture long enough, I'll figure out the right one!
At 8:15 AM, January 19, 2006,
Chick said…
Wow...what a terrific view!
Happy HNT.
At 10:23 AM, January 19, 2006,
Awna said…
ginormous is looking fuckin awesome!!!!
At 8:30 PM, January 19, 2006,
techymike said…
ain't nothin' wrong with a pair of oversized mammaries :) As a matter of fact, there's no such thing as oversized, when it comes to boobies :) Happy HNT!!!
At 11:58 AM, January 20, 2006,
Calvin said…
holler holler holler!! lookin good! ;-)
At 2:55 PM, January 23, 2006,
wopanese said…
One day, I will have to play one of my newer songs for you. It was written just for moments like these.
Thanks for the mammaries!!
At 9:49 PM, January 31, 2006,
Osbasso said…
Hey--who's this asshole? Oops--no profile. What a dumbass!
At 4:33 PM, February 08, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I wonder if that works for whatchmacallits too?
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