Half-Nekkid Ouchie
This is where I got the damn flu shot. Now my arm is sore as hell.
And yes, I am a big freakin baby...
I'm wearing my 'hot tub' bikini top in this pic, especially for Os, just in case we don't get any bikini shots in Phoenix...I only wear this suit in the hot tub and it smells so badly of chlorine. I wash it after every soak with the yummiest smelling detergents but for some reason the odor never goes away. Maybe I over chlorine, who knows. So, I'll continue to ruin this suit all for the sake of hot tubbing and save all the others for the beach. Is it almost summer again yet?
Happy HNT everyone. If you don't get it I'm not talking to you anymore but you can click on the purdy blue button on the right and I might reconsider...
Happy HNT everyone. If you don't get it I'm not talking to you anymore but you can click on the purdy blue button on the right and I might reconsider...
At 1:02 AM, December 08, 2005,
HappyKap said…
Besides the wound, your skin is gorgeous! So's your bod! :-)
At 1:10 AM, December 08, 2005,
Lee Ann said…
OUCH! Cute picture though! Happy HNT!
At 1:16 AM, December 08, 2005,
MightyLambchop said…
Stupid flu shot! Smoochies!!
Happy HNT!
At 1:21 AM, December 08, 2005,
lecram sinun said…
I don't get flu shots anymore! Love the pic! Cheers and happy HNT!
At 1:57 AM, December 08, 2005,
ago-go said…
i like the bathing suit, pretty colours! i guess i'll be seeing it in the hot tub soon.
At 2:33 AM, December 08, 2005,
S said…
Mostly I think your shoulder looks really sexy! Happy HNT!
At 2:48 AM, December 08, 2005,
Rose-Colored Beer Goggles said…
You're makin' so many people jealous of your weather & bikini right now! Enjoy and Cheers :o)
At 3:25 AM, December 08, 2005,
Grimstarr said…
Take it off and give it to me and I promise I will get the chlorine smell out. ::crosses fingers behind back and prays for a boob shot:: really it's no problem. LOL & HHNT
At 5:38 AM, December 08, 2005,
Osbasso said…
You did that just for me? Gosh, thanks! Hope you get a chance to wear it (or not) in Phoenix!
And what's up with you and Ago-go meeting?? Did I miss a memo?
At 5:50 AM, December 08, 2005,
Just Brian said…
Great pic. Needles scare me. Happy HNT
At 6:46 AM, December 08, 2005,
PackerPundit said…
awwww here... let me kiss it for you
happy HNT gorgeous
At 7:59 AM, December 08, 2005,
aughra said…
You look great, but I am noticing what pretty hands you have.
Happy HNT.
At 8:02 AM, December 08, 2005,
Chick said…
I love the suit...hey...we have the same nail polish color on...too cool.
Feel better...you sexy thing.
Happy HNT.
At 9:08 AM, December 08, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
Thanks everyone for all the sweet comments. I love you all!
Os - Ago go and I have not met, only in my dreams ;O)...kidding, but if we're lucky we will in the future, she is the coolest. If you're lucky it will be here in my hot tub! HA!
At 9:53 AM, December 08, 2005,
Andi said…
I'm with Aughra, gorgeous hands, nice nails, pretty top. The works!
At 10:26 AM, December 08, 2005,
BlazngScarlet said…
I AM sorry about the Ouchie,
BUTT ....
You and your luscious tata are quite an OoooooWheeee!!!!! ;)
At 11:02 AM, December 08, 2005,
Bsoholic said…
I had a tetnis shot recently - my arm was sore for a week or so. Hope yours doesn't hurt long.
Happy HNT :)
At 1:12 PM, December 08, 2005,
Wirthy said…
Are you now protected from the bird flu?
Happy HNT!
At 1:49 PM, December 08, 2005,
Oh great One said…
Try soaking your suit in baking soda and water. I don't know that it will work on chlorine but it works on B.O.!
Have a good time!
At 7:00 PM, December 08, 2005,
Robin said…
Happy Happy HNT
From a Funky Bug
To a Funky Bee.
At 10:00 AM, December 09, 2005,
Calvin said…
yknow, you should rename that to the 'hot bikini'. or maybe 'hot bod bikini'.
yum!! ;-))
At 11:27 PM, December 09, 2005,
techymike said…
Needles in general just plain suck! I try to avoid them at all costs.
Happy HNT, and I hope it's better by now :) BTW, I've moved to http://www.techymike.com/blog :)
At 11:40 PM, December 12, 2005,
wopanese said…
mmm... sexy boob oo... I mean, boo-boo.
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