The Good, The Bad and The Craft Show...
Well, the craft show was a bust once again. I sold one mirror totaling a whopping $15. I paid $25 to be in the show! AND I bought something from another vendor so currently I am in the hole $35 HA HA! Good times!
I came the closest I ever will to wanting to punch a kid. Here's the exchange:
Dad - oh look at these great mirrors sweetie
Girl (who looked about 11 or 12 yrs old) - eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh waaaaaaa wioagiejgijsigwoieghhknkfn
Dad - You could hang it in your room and brush your hair in it (note - it didn't appear this girl owned a brush let alone fixed her hair with anything but a twig from the yard)
Girl - more whining and ugly noises
Dad - it already has your name on it, he then asks me if the mirrors with names were designated for someone else or if they could buy it
Me - nope! They're all for sale, you can take it home right now (in my most chipper I hate you but you're about to buy something from me voice)
Dad - Alex, come here, do you not like the mirror or what? What's your problem?
Me - wow, that's the first time I've ever seen a kid NOT want something...
Dad - ALEX! Why are you acting like this, it's ugly and you look like a spoiled brat
Girl (obviously named Alex) - wwwwahhhagekhaigh gaighaghiagi
They walk away....I want to punch the stupid kid in the gut. WTF? What kid needs to be coaxed into a mirror? Let alone a mirror that is personalized? I mean, her dad was about to buy her something on the spot. He didn't even ask me how much it cost? He was willing to buy it no matter what . UUGGGHH! That was so frustrating. Usually it's the parents I have to work on, not the kids!
Anyway, I also got the standard craft show responses that blow my mind every time:
Oh, I didn't bring that much money to spend
Oh, I didn't bring my wallet
I'm just looking around
Do you have such and such? Oh you do? Oh okay, maybe I'll come back (never see them again)
Can you hold this aside for me? (never see them again)
My dog ate my checkbook...okay, I made that one up but it wouldn't shock me if someone used that one.
The good thing about the whole experience is that I met some great people, did some networking, got some great ideas and was invited to some outdoor markets where you ALWAYS make money. The problem with this show, and don't get me wrong, no one did well, it wasn't just that my stuff sucks and no one buys it, it was a small show, there wasn't a lot of traffic and I don't think it was advertised properly. But, whatever. You live and you learn and I am now going to be a craft show snob. Unless it's a big ass show where I am guaranteed to do some bidness I aint going!
The rest of the weekend was pretty fun. I went to a great holiday party on Saturday night and got pretty loaded. I made myself, with all my might, go home at about 1:30am when everyone else was going out to the bars. It was so sad BUT when I got up at 8am for this shitty craft show I was thanking god that I didn't continue on for another 3 hours of sloppy drunkenness. And then I was cursing god when I felt like ass and was hung over in a synagogue multipurpose room selling nothing for 4 hours!
Anyway, they're calling for snow this afternoon in D.C. I am so completely embarrassed to say this but schools in the area are already dismissing students early due to the impending inclement weather. Is that not the most moronic thing you've ever heard? It's so, so pathetic. I can't imagine what the grocery stores look like right now! This is my favorite time to get regular shopping done, like at the mall, because this is when it's like a ghost town. I get my shit done, I shop, I don't have to deal with crowds and then it never snows. It's brilliant. I am secretly hoping it does snow though so the Sweet One and I can hunker down in front of the fire and get the Christmas tree that he cut down up and domestic huh?
Okay, babbling completed. Must work. Later gators!
I came the closest I ever will to wanting to punch a kid. Here's the exchange:
Dad - oh look at these great mirrors sweetie
Girl (who looked about 11 or 12 yrs old) - eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh waaaaaaa wioagiejgijsigwoieghhknkfn
Dad - You could hang it in your room and brush your hair in it (note - it didn't appear this girl owned a brush let alone fixed her hair with anything but a twig from the yard)
Girl - more whining and ugly noises
Dad - it already has your name on it, he then asks me if the mirrors with names were designated for someone else or if they could buy it
Me - nope! They're all for sale, you can take it home right now (in my most chipper I hate you but you're about to buy something from me voice)
Dad - Alex, come here, do you not like the mirror or what? What's your problem?
Me - wow, that's the first time I've ever seen a kid NOT want something...
Dad - ALEX! Why are you acting like this, it's ugly and you look like a spoiled brat
Girl (obviously named Alex) - wwwwahhhagekhaigh gaighaghiagi
They walk away....I want to punch the stupid kid in the gut. WTF? What kid needs to be coaxed into a mirror? Let alone a mirror that is personalized? I mean, her dad was about to buy her something on the spot. He didn't even ask me how much it cost? He was willing to buy it no matter what . UUGGGHH! That was so frustrating. Usually it's the parents I have to work on, not the kids!
Anyway, I also got the standard craft show responses that blow my mind every time:
Oh, I didn't bring that much money to spend
Oh, I didn't bring my wallet
I'm just looking around
Do you have such and such? Oh you do? Oh okay, maybe I'll come back (never see them again)
Can you hold this aside for me? (never see them again)
My dog ate my checkbook...okay, I made that one up but it wouldn't shock me if someone used that one.
The good thing about the whole experience is that I met some great people, did some networking, got some great ideas and was invited to some outdoor markets where you ALWAYS make money. The problem with this show, and don't get me wrong, no one did well, it wasn't just that my stuff sucks and no one buys it, it was a small show, there wasn't a lot of traffic and I don't think it was advertised properly. But, whatever. You live and you learn and I am now going to be a craft show snob. Unless it's a big ass show where I am guaranteed to do some bidness I aint going!
The rest of the weekend was pretty fun. I went to a great holiday party on Saturday night and got pretty loaded. I made myself, with all my might, go home at about 1:30am when everyone else was going out to the bars. It was so sad BUT when I got up at 8am for this shitty craft show I was thanking god that I didn't continue on for another 3 hours of sloppy drunkenness. And then I was cursing god when I felt like ass and was hung over in a synagogue multipurpose room selling nothing for 4 hours!
Anyway, they're calling for snow this afternoon in D.C. I am so completely embarrassed to say this but schools in the area are already dismissing students early due to the impending inclement weather. Is that not the most moronic thing you've ever heard? It's so, so pathetic. I can't imagine what the grocery stores look like right now! This is my favorite time to get regular shopping done, like at the mall, because this is when it's like a ghost town. I get my shit done, I shop, I don't have to deal with crowds and then it never snows. It's brilliant. I am secretly hoping it does snow though so the Sweet One and I can hunker down in front of the fire and get the Christmas tree that he cut down up and domestic huh?
Okay, babbling completed. Must work. Later gators!
At 1:14 PM, December 05, 2005,
peachy said…
I just went to the grocery store thinking it would be safe at lunchtime and it wasnt' too bad. I want to sleep in tomorrow. I hope they cancel schools tonight so I KNOW I can go in late and then not have any snow show up. That's the best.
Sorry about the sucky craft fair.
At 1:15 PM, December 05, 2005,
peachy said…
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At 2:43 PM, December 05, 2005,
Calvin said…
good luck with your future exhibitions!
i wish they'd call a snow day here sometime.. they seem to believe that no winter day is complete without a foot or two of snow on the sidewalks.. gah!
At 1:05 AM, December 06, 2005,
Andi said…
Bummer about the craft show, and I'll mail you $100 if you punch the kid next time..and get someone to take pics. I'll live vicariously through you.
At 9:22 AM, December 06, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
Peachy - any time the snow causes me to stay home all cumfy and not have to go out I'm down with it. I stay far away from the grocery store tho! Hope your classes were cancelled.
Steph - I can't even imagine what Tejas would do...I mean, I was in Austin in September and it was 9 million degress. Snow is just no on their agenda. I hope, for your sake, that is doesn't snow there this week! Glad you're back from your trip safe and sound
S! - You have the unfortune to live in the north where they actually know how to handle snow. Sorry! I'll think of you when I'm 'stuck' at home ;O)
Andi - keep your money. I'll make sure someone takes pictures but this one's on me!
At 7:03 PM, December 06, 2005,
ago-go said…
what a little shit! fuck, doesn't she know that if someone wants to buy you a present you take it?!? i love your bags btw...
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