So, a really good friend of mine was just 'let go' from our place of business with 6 MONTHS SEVERANCE!!!! while I am completely thrilled for him and feel that he absolutely deserves it, I want to know WHY CAN'T THIS TYPE OF THING HAPPEN TO MEEE????
Oh what I would do with 6 months pay without having to actually show up at the office! I would sleep late, work on my business and STILL be able to pay the bills. I would have HALF A YEAR to fund my dreams. Half a year to do what I REALLY want to do with my life but don't have the time or money for right now!
I didn't think I would ever say this but, WILL SOMEONE PLEASE FIRE ME!
Oh what I would do with 6 months pay without having to actually show up at the office! I would sleep late, work on my business and STILL be able to pay the bills. I would have HALF A YEAR to fund my dreams. Half a year to do what I REALLY want to do with my life but don't have the time or money for right now!
I didn't think I would ever say this but, WILL SOMEONE PLEASE FIRE ME!
At 11:06 PM, August 18, 2005,
Oh great One said…
Ha! That is the first time I ever heard someone actually wishing they'd get fired. But with that sort of deal why not? 8-)
At 1:10 AM, August 19, 2005,
Andi said…
You're not the first I've heard say that. Try to be a little more slothful and maybe you'[ll have a shot! Better yet, fake a couple of deaths in the family. Then, they can't really fire you without you taking out a lawsuit, but they can "lay you off."
At 7:17 AM, August 19, 2005,
wopanese said…
I 100%, absolutely, totally feel you, sister! 6 months of severance becomes 6 months of creative and artistic freedom. 6 months to be entrepreneurial. 6 months of freaky se.. oh, wait a sec. 6 months of touring after all the big shows. Can anyone say, "Suh-weeeeet!!!" ?
Ahh well, best not to envy others though.. be happy for the coworker.. sometimes wishing well for others makes good juju karma for you. Who knows? What if they dropped 12 months of it on you? Wouldn't that be sweet?
At 9:16 AM, August 19, 2005,
peachy said…
Some guys have all the luck. I totally feel your pain. I hope he does something good with his paid time off. Maybe he'll hook you up with a better job once he gets one.
At 9:55 AM, August 19, 2005,
Tim said…
lucky! If I had 6 months pay I'd use it to fufill my life long dream of walking around the world. Or at least to atlantic city.
At 11:21 AM, August 19, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
OGO - that is a DEAL believe me!
Andi - I'm racking my brain for ways to get "laid off" withought actually having a termination on my record...I"m coming up empty
Wop - agreed, envy is not a good trait. I am SO SO happy for my friend. He is a great guy and truly does deserve every penny. I hope the karma comes back to me for sure
Peachy - I think he is gonna become a personal trainer. He can really do whatever he wants now. I think he is done with the corporate world and I don't blame him. Maybe he can train me for free when he makes it big! he he
Tim - you are a NUT! but I love it.
At 1:24 PM, August 19, 2005,
peachy said…
Oh yeah..have fun at the game tonight. The weather in Bmore isn't looking good. Hopefully it's sunny in DC.
At 2:56 PM, August 19, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
Peachy - Thanks! It stopped raining a few hours ago so let's hope it holds off for the rest of the night. I hope you have a great time tomorrow too and kick the Eagles buttocks!!
At 9:32 AM, August 20, 2005,
Unknown said…
For the first time in my life, I actually like my job, well so far, but it has taken 28 years and LOTS of jobs to find one i like!! I would fire you if I could!!! :)
At 12:30 PM, August 20, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
mrsg - I'm so happy that you are enjoying your job now! i'm jealous. And you are the sweetest! I wish you were my boss so you could fire me ;O)
At 6:17 PM, August 21, 2005,
Calvin said…
hehe.. well, i guess if you start naming some names at the company then they will fire you!! dunno about what kinda severance you're gonna get on that though!
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