Do you ear what I ear?..It's Half-Nekkid Thursday!

So, here's my HNT picture. It's my ear. I have one earring in but two holes (he he, that didn't sound too good...)
Anyway, I wear these earrings almost every day. They are my fave's. I also don't think I've worn an earring in my second hole in over 10 years - so, that makes my ear half nekkid! I don't particularly fancy ears but this is what came to me so ENJOY!
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At 11:44 AM, August 11, 2005,
Osbasso said…
Nice ear. You pull off the half-nekkid ear pretty well!
At 11:53 AM, August 11, 2005,
AMS said…
cover that baby up! lol!
At 1:02 PM, August 11, 2005,
lecram sinun said…
If you showed both ears you wouldbe fully nekkid! Happy HNT!
At 1:28 PM, August 11, 2005,
MightyLambchop said…
I rarely wear earrings in my second set either. It's just too much effort to pick out another pair of earrings.
Great pic, happy HNT!
At 1:39 PM, August 11, 2005,
min said…
Love those studs. And those ears. Happy HNT!
At 2:58 PM, August 11, 2005,
Calvin said…
'do you ear what i ear'
hehe.. nice one!! :-)
At 9:24 PM, August 11, 2005,
wopanese said…
Is anyone else hungry?
At 9:29 PM, August 11, 2005,
HappyKap said…
I get stuck on certain pairs of earrings too.
At 11:37 PM, August 11, 2005,
Cece Martinez said…
Happy HNT!
At 12:41 AM, August 12, 2005,
The Smoking Redhead said…
You have beautiful ears.
At 3:41 AM, August 12, 2005,
wopanese said…
okay, since you tickled AND caressed me, well, I'll just have to break the rules and pass you 5Q's for your A's anyway. Please be patient with me, however.. I'm new at this so... here goes nothing:
1. Why has that other hole gone unplugged for 10 years? (The extra earring hole)
2. I know you said not to ask about the pirate/skull & crossbones thing... but, as I have never given much over to listening to rules anyway, how about you think back to when this fascination started? What is it that draws you to them?
3. If you were to suddenly get stranded on a deserted island and you could have any 10 things with you, what would they be and why? (yeah, okay - it's late, cut me some slack)
4. The most commonly claimed most important attribute women claim to desire in a partner is a sense of humor. In my research I have come to accept that by "sense of humor", women often mean "looks like Brad Pitt (insert other attractive male to suit your taste)" Could you clarify what is most important to you in your mate?
5. Did you honestly just buy the Potter book by happenstance, or did you really pre-order.. ? (or did you just forget to pre-order, too busy as your social schedule sometimes appears to be?)
At 9:56 AM, August 12, 2005,
Andi said…
Great pic! I have one pair of earrings that I love above all others. Very nice!
At 8:40 PM, August 15, 2005,
Blog ho said…
just how i thought the ear would look.
At 11:37 PM, August 19, 2005,
HS said…
Heehee! You have a very pretty ear!
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