5 Questions...
Oh Wopanese! You little devil! Okay, I'm going to attempt to answer these without boring the piss out of everyone. Here we go...
1. Why has that other hole gone unplugged for 10 years? (The extra earring hole) HA HA! 'other hole' gets me every time...seriously, probably because I'm lazy and I really think having a second hole (he he, I'm such a child) was kind of a childhood fad. Yes, I know, not very interesting...
2. I know you said not to ask about the pirate/skull & crossbones thing... but, as I have never given much over to listening to rules anyway, how about you think back to when this fascination started? What is it that draws you to them? Okay, I said not to ask about the pirate thing probably because I am not quite sure why I am so obsessed with them. Maybe this could be like a therapy session for me. It started a few years ago. Maybe it's because they are so mean and scary, yet soo damn cool! Who wouldn't want to be a pirate? And this is the goofiest thing - do you know the traveling gnome? the travelocity thing? Well, my friends and I have a traveling pirate! It's a little pirate figuring, kind of like a G.I. Joe but a pirate. When ever one of us goes away we take it with us and take pictures of it. We have half a photo album full (and no I'm not joking!). The pirate has been to Ecuador, Vegas, california, etc...
3. If you were to suddenly get stranded on a deserted island and you could have any 10 things with you, what would they be and why? (yeah, okay - it's late, cut me some slack) Oooh, let's see:
1. A Volleyball named Wilson
2. A really long book (or 600)
3. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (okay, a case or two)
4. Off (mosquitos love me)
5. A big ass knife
6. Flint/matches (yeah, I watch Survivor, so what?)
7. A pot or some type of fireproof container
8. A large bottle of Xanax...why? Why not??
9. A man I guess...he could build me a hut and then we could be all Blue Lagoon-like
10. Eyebrow grooming kit (tweezers and mirror) - When I get rescued I gotta look good!
4. The most commonly claimed most important attribute women claim to desire in a partner is a sense of humor. In my research I have come to accept that by "sense of humor", women often mean "looks like Brad Pitt (insert other attractive male to suit your taste)" Could you clarify what is most important to you in your mate? Okay, for me, and this could be taken as shallow or not, the initial attraction has to be there. The face, the body, whatever. Let's face it, if your not attracted to the person, chances are your not ever gonna find out if they have a 'good sense of humor'. I dig the back, the butt, hands and penis...ha ha! And yes, sense of humor is HUGE with me. First of all b/c if you don't have one you won't get my sense of humor at all or get along with me very well, and if you keep me laughing I don't have time to be a bitch...
5. Did you honestly just buy the Potter book by happenstance, or did you really pre-order.. ? (or did you just forget to pre-order, too busy as your social schedule sometimes appears to be?) I really, truly bought the book by happenstance. I am not one to cover up my embarrassing moments, even though some times I should. Hey if I can entertain people with my pathetic little life, great! I really don't think I would ever pre-order because I'm too cheap. If I can buy it used for $2 less on Amazon I'm on it. BUT I am a total dork. I love Harry Potter. I was actually just going to borrow it from a friend but I was so damn excited to find it at CVS that I went ahead and bought it.
I hope your satisfied Wop! I know I am...someone give me a cigarette.
Okay, now the god damned rules (I hate rules):
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment saying "Interview me". ("Tickle me" or "Caress me" are completely acceptable substitutes.) You must leave your blog address so that I can think of good questions for you.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different. I'll post the questions in the comments section of this post.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to my questions. Or you will die- oh sorry!
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in your post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
1. Why has that other hole gone unplugged for 10 years? (The extra earring hole) HA HA! 'other hole' gets me every time...seriously, probably because I'm lazy and I really think having a second hole (he he, I'm such a child) was kind of a childhood fad. Yes, I know, not very interesting...
2. I know you said not to ask about the pirate/skull & crossbones thing... but, as I have never given much over to listening to rules anyway, how about you think back to when this fascination started? What is it that draws you to them? Okay, I said not to ask about the pirate thing probably because I am not quite sure why I am so obsessed with them. Maybe this could be like a therapy session for me. It started a few years ago. Maybe it's because they are so mean and scary, yet soo damn cool! Who wouldn't want to be a pirate? And this is the goofiest thing - do you know the traveling gnome? the travelocity thing? Well, my friends and I have a traveling pirate! It's a little pirate figuring, kind of like a G.I. Joe but a pirate. When ever one of us goes away we take it with us and take pictures of it. We have half a photo album full (and no I'm not joking!). The pirate has been to Ecuador, Vegas, california, etc...
3. If you were to suddenly get stranded on a deserted island and you could have any 10 things with you, what would they be and why? (yeah, okay - it's late, cut me some slack) Oooh, let's see:
1. A Volleyball named Wilson
2. A really long book (or 600)
3. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (okay, a case or two)
4. Off (mosquitos love me)
5. A big ass knife
6. Flint/matches (yeah, I watch Survivor, so what?)
7. A pot or some type of fireproof container
8. A large bottle of Xanax...why? Why not??
9. A man I guess...he could build me a hut and then we could be all Blue Lagoon-like
10. Eyebrow grooming kit (tweezers and mirror) - When I get rescued I gotta look good!
4. The most commonly claimed most important attribute women claim to desire in a partner is a sense of humor. In my research I have come to accept that by "sense of humor", women often mean "looks like Brad Pitt (insert other attractive male to suit your taste)" Could you clarify what is most important to you in your mate? Okay, for me, and this could be taken as shallow or not, the initial attraction has to be there. The face, the body, whatever. Let's face it, if your not attracted to the person, chances are your not ever gonna find out if they have a 'good sense of humor'. I dig the back, the butt, hands and penis...ha ha! And yes, sense of humor is HUGE with me. First of all b/c if you don't have one you won't get my sense of humor at all or get along with me very well, and if you keep me laughing I don't have time to be a bitch...
5. Did you honestly just buy the Potter book by happenstance, or did you really pre-order.. ? (or did you just forget to pre-order, too busy as your social schedule sometimes appears to be?) I really, truly bought the book by happenstance. I am not one to cover up my embarrassing moments, even though some times I should. Hey if I can entertain people with my pathetic little life, great! I really don't think I would ever pre-order because I'm too cheap. If I can buy it used for $2 less on Amazon I'm on it. BUT I am a total dork. I love Harry Potter. I was actually just going to borrow it from a friend but I was so damn excited to find it at CVS that I went ahead and bought it.
I hope your satisfied Wop! I know I am...someone give me a cigarette.
Okay, now the god damned rules (I hate rules):
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment saying "Interview me". ("Tickle me" or "Caress me" are completely acceptable substitutes.) You must leave your blog address so that I can think of good questions for you.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different. I'll post the questions in the comments section of this post.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to my questions. Or you will die- oh sorry!
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in your post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
At 9:50 PM, August 14, 2005,
wopanese said…
*wopanese raises the Jolly Roger in salute*
Arggghh. Diggin' on response 3.9! Might as well make the man be worth his while, right?
And here, you can have one of mine (albeit they're so ultra ultra light, you'll want one while you're smoking it)...
At 1:46 PM, August 15, 2005,
peachy said…
I'd like some questions. It will be easy since you don't know much about me.
At 11:08 PM, August 15, 2005,
HS said…
I agree...attraction is SOOOO important, and attraction doesn't have to mean the person is HOT by society's standards...sometimes there is that little spark that you just can't explain!
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