Today has got to be one of the worst. It's rainy and dreary, work is making me crazy and this morning I received some of the worst news ever. My parents called me to tell me that a very close, dear family friend (I call him my uncle) lost his wife last night. She leaves behind two young children and a lot of people that love her. She has been battling Lupus and cancer for some time but it was still unexpected. The kids are old enough to know what's going on (I think they are in elementary and/or middle school) but still young enough that this will really impact their lives. I just feel helpless and raw right now. What do you say? What can you do?
This man is one of the nicest, kindest hearted souls to live. He would give you the shirt off his back and may have at one time in our relationship. He is a dear friend to my parents and you would think he was their sibling. They take care of each other, I guess that's just what you do. And I know that's what we'll do during this stressful, trying time. I know that he and his children will come together and strengthen each other's hearts and in time, they will get through this.
I am really thankful for this blog because even tho I know I am speaking into space, perhaps there are people reading, and maybe there are not but this is just what I needed. To speak my mind nonverbally. Sometimes that just really helps.
This man is one of the nicest, kindest hearted souls to live. He would give you the shirt off his back and may have at one time in our relationship. He is a dear friend to my parents and you would think he was their sibling. They take care of each other, I guess that's just what you do. And I know that's what we'll do during this stressful, trying time. I know that he and his children will come together and strengthen each other's hearts and in time, they will get through this.
I am really thankful for this blog because even tho I know I am speaking into space, perhaps there are people reading, and maybe there are not but this is just what I needed. To speak my mind nonverbally. Sometimes that just really helps.
At 4:19 PM, August 09, 2005,
Blog ho said…
i'm sorry :(
At 4:38 PM, August 09, 2005,
(S)wine said…
you're not speaking into space. people are hearing you.
At 4:49 PM, August 09, 2005,
Chick said…
Good job...posting your sorrow...non verbally.
It helps to write it all just does.
At 11:25 PM, August 09, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
You all don't know how very touched I am by your comments. Without sounding completely lame I just want to say that I am very lucky to have made 'blog friends' and I really appreciare the fact that people that don't even know me personally extend such support. Thank you over and over. You don't know how grateful I am. And thanks for 'listening' out there!
At 4:39 AM, August 10, 2005,
Unknown said…
So sorry for you and your family. Take care. *hug*
At 10:40 AM, August 10, 2005,
HS said…
aw, I'm sorry for the loss prayers are with him and his family.
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