Happy Half - Nekkid Thursday!
So first off I want to say that I am so glad that it's Thursday. That means that tomorrow is FRIDAY and I am ready for the weekend. Because I'm such a slacker when it comes to work these days the story behind this week's HNT picture is as follows:
Last Friday I called out sick from work...this is what I did all day!
I am kind of embarrassed because I look sorta like a line backer with no neck but I assure you, it is just because I am hanging on a noodle (you can kind of see it under me - it's blue so hard to make out). I really do have a neck and my arms are really not that muscley. My boobies however are looking quite delicious if I do say so myself. That day just reconfirmed to me the necessity of the mental health day off from work! Thank god for "sick days"!
If you don't know what Half-Nekkid Thursday is all about you should get your head out of your arse and click here --> HNT
At 12:07 AM, August 18, 2005,
Tim said…
nice... I see how you stay afloat so easily.
At 12:17 AM, August 18, 2005,
sdk said…
Happy HNT! You look so relaxed!
At 12:17 AM, August 18, 2005,
lecram sinun said…
That pic just made my mental health day. Happy HNT.
At 12:28 AM, August 18, 2005,
HS said…
I assure you, you do not look like a line backer! great HNT!
At 12:35 AM, August 18, 2005,
CaCaBoy said…
That was a eye-catching first visit. Thanks for stopping by. Nice noodle!
At 12:55 AM, August 18, 2005,
Osbasso said…
Quite delicious! Lookin' good! Lucky noodle!
At 1:09 AM, August 18, 2005,
Andi said…
The boobage is lovely! I love noodles. They're my favorite pool toy everrrr!
At 1:39 AM, August 18, 2005,
techymike said…
Yes, those are some delicious looking boobies. Man, i just love saying boobies. And you look quite relaxed too! Great post!
Happy HNT!
At 1:46 AM, August 18, 2005,
Oddgirl said…
Nice rack. Very sexy :)
At 3:36 AM, August 18, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I reckon they keep you a float! Nice pic!!
At 4:47 AM, August 18, 2005,
ago-go said…
very lovely. i'm jealous of your rack.
At 7:20 AM, August 18, 2005,
Unknown said…
When swimming, everyone needs personal floatation devices... ahh.... umm.... can I borrow yours?
At 8:44 AM, August 18, 2005,
BlazngScarlet said…
What a great set of floaties!
I mean, TATAS!!!!!
At 9:04 AM, August 18, 2005,
aughra said…
They do look delicious! What a great way to spend a sick day. Happy HNT.
At 9:21 AM, August 18, 2005,
min said…
Very, very nice... And I agree with Tim. They come in handy don't they??
At 9:50 AM, August 18, 2005,
HappyKap said…
Hooray for noodles and boobies!
At 10:12 AM, August 18, 2005,
MomThatsNuts said…
another pool pic...yours is much nicer than mine,,lol HAPPY HNT..
At 11:29 AM, August 18, 2005,
Handsome B. Wonderful said…
You have nothing to be ashamed of girl. You are quite lovely. Great entry!!
At 11:31 AM, August 18, 2005,
warcrygirl said…
Oh woman, THAT'S how you spend a day off, especially in this heat! I'm floating....floating...
Happy HNT!
At 11:33 AM, August 18, 2005,
Robin Alexa said…
Beautiful. :)
At 11:58 AM, August 18, 2005,
Hippie girl said…
At 12:08 PM, August 18, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Great picture - you look like you made the most of the sick day!
At 12:09 PM, August 18, 2005,
LE Sweetz said…
yeah, nice boobies!
At 12:11 PM, August 18, 2005,
peachy said…
I won't comment on your boobies, but that water sure looks nice. What an awesome sick day.
At 12:33 PM, August 18, 2005,
MomMega: mothersmilkblog.com said…
Oooh...I wish I coulda been with you! Great pic!
At 1:13 PM, August 18, 2005,
Unknown said…
I wish that was my job. You look so content. Sigh. Lovely pic. Have a great HNT!
At 3:56 PM, August 18, 2005,
wopanese said…
linebacker - HA. *volunteers to be tackling dummy for her team*
At 7:04 PM, August 18, 2005,
Southern Sweetheart said…
Great pic! Thanks for stopping by my site :)
At 7:07 PM, August 18, 2005,
Julie said…
That is one nice rack!
At 9:15 PM, August 18, 2005,
Awna said…
sick days never looked so good.
Great picture!
At 9:28 PM, August 18, 2005,
armalicious said…
I'm jealous. I want to call in to work and then hang out in the pool all day. Damn it!
At 9:55 PM, August 18, 2005,
BTExpress said…
Yes, I agree with you. Your boobies do look delicious.
At 11:42 AM, August 19, 2005,
Heather said…
Ahhh...now I wish I was doing that. Looks so relaxing...
At 1:12 PM, August 19, 2005,
Lelly said…
I've no idea what a line-backer is, but I'm sure you don't look like one. And I'm glad you've mentioned your 'noodle'...now I don't have to call em "...you know, those foamy tubey things that you can float on..." anymore!
Belated Happy HNT!
At 6:03 PM, August 19, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Happy HNT! Very Nice
At 9:35 AM, August 20, 2005,
Unknown said…
You look great!! Jealous!
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