Uggh, I feel horrible that I have been so M.I.A. lately. I guess it's a combo of nothing really exciting going on, and being so busy just dealing with the minutia of every day life!
Work has been really busy. We were just bought by a larger company. I was hoping for a mass lay off like the last time I was involved in something like this. But alas, not much will probably change...bummer!
The boy is going to be 6 months old in a week!! I can not even believe it. When people told me it would go by fast I had no idea that it would be like if I blinked I might miss it. He is such a great little guy. He is so mild mannered. He's always laughing, almost never fussing, and he's just a sweet little guy. I just want to eat him up. I am also not convinced that this isn't some cruel joke. I like to call him our "trick baby", you know, the one who is so sweet and so good that he tricks you into having more...Let's hope the next one isn't a terror!
Anyway, I have a lot to be thankful for this year and I wanted to say that I miss all of you and I haven't forgotten you, even thought it looks like I have. I plan to go check in on all of you now and hope I'm going to see loads of good news and updated posts, unlike my blog... I hope everyone (in the U.S. that is - happy belated to those in Canada) has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Work has been really busy. We were just bought by a larger company. I was hoping for a mass lay off like the last time I was involved in something like this. But alas, not much will probably change...bummer!
The boy is going to be 6 months old in a week!! I can not even believe it. When people told me it would go by fast I had no idea that it would be like if I blinked I might miss it. He is such a great little guy. He is so mild mannered. He's always laughing, almost never fussing, and he's just a sweet little guy. I just want to eat him up. I am also not convinced that this isn't some cruel joke. I like to call him our "trick baby", you know, the one who is so sweet and so good that he tricks you into having more...Let's hope the next one isn't a terror!
Anyway, I have a lot to be thankful for this year and I wanted to say that I miss all of you and I haven't forgotten you, even thought it looks like I have. I plan to go check in on all of you now and hope I'm going to see loads of good news and updated posts, unlike my blog... I hope everyone (in the U.S. that is - happy belated to those in Canada) has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
At 4:32 PM, November 24, 2009,
Cold Hands said…
Ack- adorable! Does Lucy love her little friend??
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving
At 11:12 AM, November 25, 2009,
Andi said…
Such cute pictures!! I can't wait until mine gets here. :) Happy Thanksgiving, Funky!
At 10:39 PM, November 25, 2009,
Oh great One said…
Glad to hear you are well!
Happy Thanksgiving!
At 8:56 PM, November 26, 2009,
gusgreeper said…
so adorable. gah. Happy Thanks Giving!
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