Aaaan just like that...Fall is gone and winter is here.
As pretty as the trees are when they begin to change color, it sure is drab and dreary when all the leaves fall off very shortly there after! Oh well.
So, I finally went and did something for myself. I bought some new clothes, that fit me!! I guess it's been a combination of laziness, exhaustion, having no time, I don't know but I have seriously been still wearing my maternity clothes up until about a week or two ago. At first I was just too scared to get my old jeans down from the attic because, let's face it, who the hell wants to put their old jeans on just to find that, Ta Da! They don't fit? Not me! So, I just stuck with the clothes that were falling off of me. At least they hide everything. Anyway, I finally got all my clothes out of the attic and put all the maternity clothes away for good. I was very excited to find that two pairs of my old jeans fit me. Granted, they were my "fat jeans" and they were snug, but they fit!! That my friends is some very serious motivation! Plus I forgot about all the cute jeans I had before getting knocked up that I'd really like to get back into. I still have a lot of weight to lose but I'm on my way.
So, I went shopping the other day. I decided I didn't care what size I had to buy or how much it cost, I needed to get some jeans and tops that fit me and that I feel comfortable in. I ended up buying 4 pairs of jeans, 3 sweaters and 3 tops. I was very happy and it felt good to put some normal clothes on. And I have to admit something so lame and embarrassing...So, I'm in one of the shops that generally caters to people way younger than me, but their jeans usually fit me. Well, they fit me this time too, it was just the largest size they had. As I'm at the register paying I blurt out, "I just had a baby and I'm trying to find some clothes that fit"....Ummm, yeah, the two "kids" behind the register could have cared less. The female basically looked at me like I had 3 heads and the guy, bless his soul, was like, "oh cool", or something like that. Oh my god, I am old! Don't ask me why I said it but I did. It was out there and I couldn't get out of that store fast enough. One bonus however, was that each pair of jeans that I was buying were about $50+ a piece and when he rang them up they totaled $35 for both of them together!!! Major score. I paid, then I ran out of there so fast there may have been smoke coming from behind me...
Anyway, I am happy to report that I am now dressing like a normal person. I will however consider taking the maternity pants back out for Thanksgiving...he he...
As pretty as the trees are when they begin to change color, it sure is drab and dreary when all the leaves fall off very shortly there after! Oh well.
So, I finally went and did something for myself. I bought some new clothes, that fit me!! I guess it's been a combination of laziness, exhaustion, having no time, I don't know but I have seriously been still wearing my maternity clothes up until about a week or two ago. At first I was just too scared to get my old jeans down from the attic because, let's face it, who the hell wants to put their old jeans on just to find that, Ta Da! They don't fit? Not me! So, I just stuck with the clothes that were falling off of me. At least they hide everything. Anyway, I finally got all my clothes out of the attic and put all the maternity clothes away for good. I was very excited to find that two pairs of my old jeans fit me. Granted, they were my "fat jeans" and they were snug, but they fit!! That my friends is some very serious motivation! Plus I forgot about all the cute jeans I had before getting knocked up that I'd really like to get back into. I still have a lot of weight to lose but I'm on my way.
So, I went shopping the other day. I decided I didn't care what size I had to buy or how much it cost, I needed to get some jeans and tops that fit me and that I feel comfortable in. I ended up buying 4 pairs of jeans, 3 sweaters and 3 tops. I was very happy and it felt good to put some normal clothes on. And I have to admit something so lame and embarrassing...So, I'm in one of the shops that generally caters to people way younger than me, but their jeans usually fit me. Well, they fit me this time too, it was just the largest size they had. As I'm at the register paying I blurt out, "I just had a baby and I'm trying to find some clothes that fit"....Ummm, yeah, the two "kids" behind the register could have cared less. The female basically looked at me like I had 3 heads and the guy, bless his soul, was like, "oh cool", or something like that. Oh my god, I am old! Don't ask me why I said it but I did. It was out there and I couldn't get out of that store fast enough. One bonus however, was that each pair of jeans that I was buying were about $50+ a piece and when he rang them up they totaled $35 for both of them together!!! Major score. I paid, then I ran out of there so fast there may have been smoke coming from behind me...
Anyway, I am happy to report that I am now dressing like a normal person. I will however consider taking the maternity pants back out for Thanksgiving...he he...
At 10:52 AM, November 06, 2009,
Oh great One said…
YAY for you! It's good to wear real clothes again. Even better that you got a deal! I love that!
I've been pondering one of those exercise thingy's you got. What do you think? Have you been using it? Does it work? It looks like fun to me.
At 2:57 PM, November 06, 2009,
The Funky Bee said…
OGO, It's so funny that you mentioned the exercise machine b/c I looked at it this morning and said, why the hell don't I use this thing? Honestly, it's easy and kind of fun and I like it but we have no space right now so I put it on my back porch, where I never go...So it's just sitting there. But I do like the thing. And I hope I get back into using it soon...
At 4:05 PM, November 06, 2009,
Andi said…
LOL! See, now I'm dealing with the front end of this issue, and I'm having trouble finding pants that I like. I don't want to buy regular maternity wear yet, so I'm still jumping up sizes in regular clothes. I've traded in jeans for khakis and cords at this point, and I feel like I'm in my pjs all the time. Glad you found some good stuff!
At 12:45 PM, November 08, 2009,
Sassy said… are not the only one who has done this. I think I wore my favourite maternity pants FAR too long. They would fall off me if I ran (but let's face it, how often was that??) but it was better then wedging myself into a pair of prebaby jeans and having a muffin top.
For the record, I've bought a pair of jeans recently and been saddened at the size and I told the lady at the register that I had just had a baby and it's so hard to find something that fits...
She sympathized but I walked away thinking "thank god she didn't ask how old he was!" I would have had to lie and say 2 months not 2 years!
At 6:10 PM, November 10, 2009,
Cold Hands said…
Ha, your story cracked me up! Hahaha. Sorry.
Glad you got some new clothes though!
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