Last night the hubby made us the BEST dinner. It was quite gourmet if you ask me!! He made rib eye sandwiches on foccacia rolls with an arugula mayonnaise and a Gruyere bechamel sauce...yes, fancy pants was in the house! He also made this awesome, light cole slaw. YUM! Of course I took a picture before we devoured it all...
I am so thankful that my husband wanted to try out this recipe because I have been feeling like this baby has been kicking my ass lately. I know it's dumb to feel this way, but I feel like such a lazy ass hole some days. I have all these plans of things I want to do, things that need to be done around the house, errands I want to run, and what do I do? I get some comfy sweats on and I sit my fat uterus, I mean, ass, on the couch and feel like I can't move. That is until my move consists of going from the couch to my bed. I know it's natural and it's understandable being preggers and all but I am just not used to sitting around constantly. I start to feel bad about myself. I am used to being so busy I can't see straight so this is quite a change.
I have been getting the majority of my Christmas shopping done on-line and in stores during my lunch breaks during the day. I think if I didn't do it this way I might not be getting anything done. So, that's one positive.
This morning our little Princess Lucy was being so cute, as usual. She was just sitting in Daddy's chair looking at the Christmas tree. I'm going to assume she likes it. Either that or she's plotting how to destroy it once we leave for work. Either way she looked damn cute so of course, being the proud mama that I am, I took pictures. ENJOY!
At 3:59 PM, December 16, 2008,
Oh great One said…
A fetus can really kick a mom's butt! Don't feel bad just wait for it to pass, because it will. Then you'll be on a mission to get EVERYTHING done!
Lucy DOES look adorable.
At 12:28 PM, December 17, 2008,
Cold Hands said…
OMG those pictures of Lucy are adorable! I am going to choose to believe that she loves the tree and isn't plotting its demise. One can hope. Rudy is trying to ruin Christmas by eating the decorations. One of the cats is helping him. Bah.
Sit all you can now, because soon it won't be an option! But at least then you will be able to drink again.
((hugs to you))
At 8:02 AM, December 18, 2008,
Chick said…
Awww...she's so cute!
& don't feel bad at all...enjoy every minute.
At 11:35 AM, December 20, 2008,
Sassy said…
It will pass. I found that I was full of energy in my second trimester and into the third. I hope that happens for you soon!!
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