Valentine's Day, or CHA CHING Hallmark...
So...Valentine's it or hate it?
I kind of think it's lame but whatever, that's just me I suppose. I mean, yes, there is a history of what Valentine's Day represents and the link to Saint Valentine, or according to Wikipedia, the many St. Valentines, but isn't it really just a cute holiday for children and to make money for the card/flower/candy/restaurant industries?
I guess when you have children in the house you probably have to celebrate V's day so that they get the full effect and influence, because you know they do it up at school! Plus if you have boys you want to teach them to treat women nicely, give them flowers and cards, etc. I remember when I was little my dad would always have a card and candy for my mom and for me and my sisters. It was sweet from a child's perspective. I guess it's not "harmful" but, from an adults perspective it does bother me that we have a single day that we "celebrate" one another. Why not be spontaneous and offer each other these things all the time? I think that made more of an impression on me as a child. The fact that my dads and moms did nice things for each other all the time for no particular reason while I was growing up.
I hate the whole pressure thing like you HAVE to do something special on this day. You have to get something nice from your significant other. You have to make reservations and go out to some fancy pants dinner. And if you don't, people think you're weird or you have a bad boyfriend/husband...
I also hate the fact that women are pegged as these sappy, romance junkies and that no matter what we say about how we feel about this "holiday" we secretly want and need the whole Valentine's Day experience...Yes, I know that often women send mixed or hidden signals. Well, not this woman. I don't care about this day and I'm not sending any mixed signals about it.
Tonight, for our special Valentine's Day, the hubby and I are taking the dog for a nice long walk then we're ordering Chinese food and vegging in front of the TV. LOST IS ON TONIGHT PEOPLE! And that is way more important than chocolate and flowers! Well, more important than flowers but it's a close race when it comes to chocolate!
Have a wonderful Valentine's Day Everyone! XOXO
I kind of think it's lame but whatever, that's just me I suppose. I mean, yes, there is a history of what Valentine's Day represents and the link to Saint Valentine, or according to Wikipedia, the many St. Valentines, but isn't it really just a cute holiday for children and to make money for the card/flower/candy/restaurant industries?
I guess when you have children in the house you probably have to celebrate V's day so that they get the full effect and influence, because you know they do it up at school! Plus if you have boys you want to teach them to treat women nicely, give them flowers and cards, etc. I remember when I was little my dad would always have a card and candy for my mom and for me and my sisters. It was sweet from a child's perspective. I guess it's not "harmful" but, from an adults perspective it does bother me that we have a single day that we "celebrate" one another. Why not be spontaneous and offer each other these things all the time? I think that made more of an impression on me as a child. The fact that my dads and moms did nice things for each other all the time for no particular reason while I was growing up.
I hate the whole pressure thing like you HAVE to do something special on this day. You have to get something nice from your significant other. You have to make reservations and go out to some fancy pants dinner. And if you don't, people think you're weird or you have a bad boyfriend/husband...
I also hate the fact that women are pegged as these sappy, romance junkies and that no matter what we say about how we feel about this "holiday" we secretly want and need the whole Valentine's Day experience...Yes, I know that often women send mixed or hidden signals. Well, not this woman. I don't care about this day and I'm not sending any mixed signals about it.
Tonight, for our special Valentine's Day, the hubby and I are taking the dog for a nice long walk then we're ordering Chinese food and vegging in front of the TV. LOST IS ON TONIGHT PEOPLE! And that is way more important than chocolate and flowers! Well, more important than flowers but it's a close race when it comes to chocolate!
Have a wonderful Valentine's Day Everyone! XOXO
At 12:23 PM, February 14, 2008,
Cold Hands said…
Where did my comment go?
I know it is bad but I like Vday. I can be as sappy with my guy as I like and nobody can say anything!!! We are staying home as well, and I am excited!!! We are super dorks!
Rudy ate my couch last night. Tore the fabric off of the side and ripped out the stuffing. Because he hates me. I feel your puppy pain.
At 1:59 PM, February 14, 2008,
Osbasso said…
Don't leave the flowers or chocolate alone with the pooch!!
At 2:54 PM, February 14, 2008,
The Funky Bee said…
Just wanted to say first that I didn't mean to offend anyone that does participate fully in the whole Valentine's Day thing. The hubby and I are ALWAYS smooshy and lovey with each other we use V's day to be mean to one another...kidding...But you know what I'm trying to say.
Also, what do you get a man for V's Day? flowers? Candy? Teddy Bears? NO...Sex...ha ha. That's about the only thing you can give them that they would care about :O)
And Os - you've given me a great idea...maybe leaving the flowers and chocolate with the dog will keep her occupied...he he...okay I'm REALLY KIDDING.
At 3:08 PM, February 14, 2008,
Oh great One said…
I don't love it or hate it. I try to make it a special sweet day for the kids though. My oldest doesn't really do the exchange thing anymore at school so she just got cards and candy from us. I get a little sappy but it's just remember ALL the valentines days we've shared. Not because it's a day on the calendar if that makes any sense.
I'll be watching Lost tonight!
At 5:35 PM, February 14, 2008,
Mariposa said…
HVDHNT to you and will watch out for your HNT entries! ;)
At 4:34 PM, February 15, 2008,
Chick said…
You didn't offend me at all...I just want chocolate...EVERYDAY...& lots of it!
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