The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I Know, I Know...

There's something on my forehead...

Yes, it's that time of year again. Mardi Gras is over, the partying has ceased. Lent has begun with the ever popular Ash Wednesday.

Below is a picture of what you would think you would see on parrishoner's heads after leaving Ash Wednesday mass. Below that is a picture of MY FOREHEAD! It is without fail every year that I end up with a mess of black ash on my head. It's like the priest picks me out and says, "Ahh, yes, this one will be my masterpiece!"

I swear I felt the ashes falling all over my face. I even had to blow them off my chest. I knew from that moment on that today was not gonna be my day. So far, and I won't go into any boring details, but my theory hasn't been wrong. I hope no one can see the red nail polish that is all over my jeans....

HAPPY ASH WEDNESDAY EVERYONE! Now go fast or eat some fish or something...


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