So I've been a little crazed the last couple of days. I am in planning hell. The Sweet One and I went to look at the City Museum today as a potential reception site. It is very cool, a historic building in the heart of D.C., it got large pillars inside, grand staircases and the guests can mingle along side some very cool exhibits, BUT...they want $10,000 just to rent the facility. This doesn't include food, LIQUOR, nothing! So...I think we need to keep looking. We have plans to look at the Daughters of the American Revolution building tomorrow. Their prices seem a little better but who the hell knows. Until we have a firm headcount we won't know anything. I mean, between our parents alone we currently have over 300 guests to invite. I can't even imagine. BUT, if our parents want to pay for that many guests and they don't want to cross anyone off the list then so be it. Will someone please just call JLo and have her plan our wedding? Well, no nevermind, doesn't she end up with the groom to be in that movie? We don't want that!
SO - in more exciting news...I am getting a new computer at work today. Any moment actually! It's a 15" Mac Powerbook. I am so pumped I can't see straight. My very generous mom was going to go halvesies with me on one for Christmas until we (I) had the brilliant idea to have work pay for one instead! So, now my new work computer will be a lovely, smooth, silky, beautiful, new Mac that won't be a piece of shit like the PC laptop I am using right now. I can't wait to take it home. I might sleep with it tonight...don't put it past me!
Anyway, that's all for now. I may post later just to play with the new, sexy piece of machinery! I can't wait.
SO - in more exciting news...I am getting a new computer at work today. Any moment actually! It's a 15" Mac Powerbook. I am so pumped I can't see straight. My very generous mom was going to go halvesies with me on one for Christmas until we (I) had the brilliant idea to have work pay for one instead! So, now my new work computer will be a lovely, smooth, silky, beautiful, new Mac that won't be a piece of shit like the PC laptop I am using right now. I can't wait to take it home. I might sleep with it tonight...don't put it past me!
Anyway, that's all for now. I may post later just to play with the new, sexy piece of machinery! I can't wait.
At 9:30 AM, January 06, 2006,
peachy said…
Good luck finding a place. I'm sure something will catch your eye.
Cool about the new computer. It's great that your work will pay for one instead of buying one yourself. Win-win!
At 11:09 AM, January 06, 2006,
Andi said…
Holy shit. That's enough to make a girl consider having the reception in someone's backyard. Not really, but it still made my ass twitch.
At 6:10 PM, January 06, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
Andi - it IS making me think of having the reception in my parent's back yard.
Peachy - I may want to marry the computer instead of the sweet one...shh don't tell him I said that, although I'm sure I may have mentioned it at some point to him ;O)
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