Happy Halloween Everyone! So, the party went off without a hitch. It was a lot of fun and I'm kind of embarrassed to say, I won the costume contest...at my own party! Okay so it was totally legit, people actually voted for me, but you still feel bad accepting a $50 cash prize when it's your party and you advertised the prizes for best costume...Anyway, I was Madonna from the 80's. The black outfit, you know, black lace gloves, short black pants with a lacy black skirt on top, lace shirt, black bow in my hair, lots and lots of gummy bracelets, which by the way, when I was younger and owned a million of them I don't think they cost as much as they do now. I spent over $50 at Claire's buying just the damn jewelry for this costume! Oh well, guess I made my money back. Second place went to Pedro from a Napoleon/Pedro duo. Two people showed up as Napoleon Dynamite which was bound to happen but they were both quite funny! And last place went to Mr. T. My friend Dave is the king of Halloween Costumes. He and I live and die for this holiday.
Some other great costumes of the night:
We had a massive game of Flip Cup going on. I rock at flip cup! As do most of the other classy ladies at the party! I don't know what I'll ever do if I redo my basement. The stench the next day was so repulsive...WOW!
And the most amazing part of the night and the confirmation that I am getting old is the fact that we had a "Kids Room" at the party. That's right, there were children chillin at an adult Halloween Party but it's gotten to the point that if we don't have a room for the children some of the parents won't show up so, the kids are in a room hooked up with a large supply of Disney movies, popcorn, snacks and little toys that I bought the little brats. The kids are happy, the parents are happy and I'm happy. It's all good. And one of the last guests to leave was a parent group with a kid crashed out in the "kids room". They left at 5am!
Anyway, I'll bore you no longer. I'm going to try and post some pic's without faces even though that is kind of pointless when it comes to Halloween pictures/costumes. I also don't have a full shot of myself so I'll do my best to show you my winning costume. Happy Halloween everyone. Go eat some candy!
Some other great costumes of the night:
- Punky Brewster
- Little John
- Batman with down syndrome (don't ask)
- Pink Lady
- George Michael (from the 80's pre public display of penis incident)
- Kate Moss (with coke on the nose and a mirror full o' lines)
- Pocahontas
- Geisha
- Jay Z (we call the sweet one J so he showed up with a "Z" on his chest - clever)
- Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz - WITH a real live toto.
- Horny Devil (there's always one!)
- A Black Jack Dealer
- Locke, Jin and Sayid from LOST
- Captain Boobs
- A Disco Ball
We had a massive game of Flip Cup going on. I rock at flip cup! As do most of the other classy ladies at the party! I don't know what I'll ever do if I redo my basement. The stench the next day was so repulsive...WOW!
And the most amazing part of the night and the confirmation that I am getting old is the fact that we had a "Kids Room" at the party. That's right, there were children chillin at an adult Halloween Party but it's gotten to the point that if we don't have a room for the children some of the parents won't show up so, the kids are in a room hooked up with a large supply of Disney movies, popcorn, snacks and little toys that I bought the little brats. The kids are happy, the parents are happy and I'm happy. It's all good. And one of the last guests to leave was a parent group with a kid crashed out in the "kids room". They left at 5am!
Anyway, I'll bore you no longer. I'm going to try and post some pic's without faces even though that is kind of pointless when it comes to Halloween pictures/costumes. I also don't have a full shot of myself so I'll do my best to show you my winning costume. Happy Halloween everyone. Go eat some candy!
At 2:50 PM, October 31, 2005,
Oh great One said…
Looks like the party was a success!
I hope those losers who tried to throw thier own party (and steal your guests) had an awful time and no one showed up!
At 2:51 PM, October 31, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Your costume was so cool!
Who knew that cheap jewelry was so damn expensive?
Happy Halloween...can I come to your party next year?
At 2:51 PM, October 31, 2005,
Anonymous said…
That last commewas from...me.
At 4:13 PM, October 31, 2005,
peachy said…
Great pictures, and looks like fun.
I never have a good costume. I'll try to get one together by next year.
At 4:29 PM, October 31, 2005,
lecram sinun said…
Love the pics! Happy Halloween to you too!
At 4:49 PM, October 31, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
Steph - get your ass up here next year.
OGO - get this...the whole other party SHOWED UP AT MY HOUSE!!! Including the hosts! They did however provide some entertainment b/c two of the ladies, one of which came with a boyfriend, was being coaxed into going into my hot tub with another girl from the other party...They were a bit odd and I'll just say that only one of them was mildly attractive so it wouldn't have been that fun to watch or participate in if you know what I mean!
Chick - early invitation. Next year you are pre-invited!!
Peachy - You should have come this year. You are too close not to so next year you better be there!
LeCram - thanks for visiting, glad you enjoyed the pic's
At 5:08 PM, October 31, 2005,
wopanese said…
Hmm. Looked like fun. I went to my gig as HeadMaster Jack Offenskeeton Baytor of the Bytch School Reformatory and Preparatory Academy for Wayward Girls. Printed out a nice "official ID Badge". A lady friend went with and she was a wayward girl - schoolgirl uniform with high boots. Tasty. And a specially made Hall Pass for the Bytch School.
Opened the show with a speech and then played Spinal Tap's "Bitch School"... of course. Too bad it was for 3 people... :(
At 5:53 PM, October 31, 2005,
ago-go said…
you are too cute! which one is your boy? George?
At 6:32 PM, October 31, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
Wop - You rock! And the costumes sound great too, too bad you didn't have a bigger crowd.
Ago-go - The boy is not pictured because his costume doesn't make sense unless you know him so it was pointless...oh well! George is part of my fam.
At 6:52 AM, November 01, 2005,
(S)wine said…
what's the correlation between you getting old and having a "kids' room" ??
it just merely means that some of your friends are parents. nothing more. nothing less. it's the perfect example of Zen.
you read too much into this shite. Have fun. Kids' Rooms are perfect for parties. Let them go to work, whilst y'all embark on your debauchery.
At 6:08 PM, November 01, 2005,
LE Sweetz said…
cool pics! looks like great times.
At 12:03 AM, November 02, 2005,
Andi said…
Fabulous costumes all around! I need to hurry up and download the pics I took at my party!
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